Looking Good For Christmas - Week 3



  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Where is everyone :noway: ?

    We need to support eachother here!!!

    I had a very stressful day but I didn't give into eatting because of it!!! :happy: I actually ate very well today and I even went to the grocery store to pick up some heatlhy snacks to keep me going during the days.

    I haven't worked out yet, but I am exhausted so I am going to sleep for a few hours and then get up and workout and get some more homework done :ohwell:

    Good news is on the 10th of August I am done with summer classes :bigsmile:

    I hope that everyone is doing well and don't forget to check in tomorrow with your results!

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Okay lovely Christmas people ... the new thread can be found at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/62267-looking-good-for-christmas-week-4
  • new_Kendra
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Oops! I posted this on last week's thread! Here it is again!

    I went on a trip with my youth group last week and seriously FELL OFF THE WAGON!!! I tried my best to make heatlhy eating choices, but when you eat out every meal for 6 solid days it makes it really hard. Especially when the 6 teenagers you are with constantly want to go to the mall for dinner! Plus it was my TOM and I didn't drink anywhere near my water goal! As a result, I gained 5 lbs (some of which I am hoping is my TOM gain):grumble::sad: :grumble: Oh well , what to do:ohwell: ??? I started off fresh this morning and am happy to say that I am back at it again!! I'm not going to let one little set back deter my entire future! :bigsmile:

    That is the best attitude to have when you have gone a little too far. We all do it on occasion and we just have to start again the next day. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Good morning all. Had a beautiful three mile walk this morning. It was a bit humid but the temp was not too hot.

    I put myself on a very reduced carb diet over the weekend. I have been trying to lose by keeping my calories in control, but nothing has been happening. It seems the only time I lose any weight is when really keeping my carb count low. Hopefully it works again. I have been stuck at this weight since march and it is really getting frustrating.

    Hope everyone has an excellent day!:drinker:

    I know the feeling. I have been the same for about 3 months myself. Hang in there, you will get there sooner than later.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Where is everyone :noway: ?

    We need to support eachother here!!!

    I had a very stressful day but I didn't give into eatting because of it!!! :happy: I actually ate very well today and I even went to the grocery store to pick up some heatlhy snacks to keep me going during the days.

    I haven't worked out yet, but I am exhausted so I am going to sleep for a few hours and then get up and workout and get some more homework done :ohwell:

    Good news is on the 10th of August I am done with summer classes :bigsmile:

    I hope that everyone is doing well and don't forget to check in tomorrow with your results!


    I am sorry to hear that you had a hard day yesterday. I hope today is better for you.
    Good for you for getting healthier treats to munch on. I know how hard that can be when there are other very wonderful treats to choose from. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • joanewright
    My family went camping all week, and I ate healthy most of the week...however, I did have a few s'mores, and some freshly caught fish, so I didn't expect to lose any! I did lose 1/2 pound :)

    Week 1 July 22 -starting weight=190
    Week 2 July 29 -186--woo hoo!!! 4 pounds
    185 Week 3 August 8-185.5---went camping all week, so that's what I expected!
    183 Week 4 August 14
    181 Week 5 August 21
    179 Week 6 August 28