Alcoholic Beverages

ok so what is everyones take on alcoholic beverages? The weekend is coming and i can avoid drinking all week but when the weekend comes and i'm out with friends its sometimes hard to avoid. I usually stick with drinking cherry vodka and diet soda, should i be drinking something else?


  • hellokaryn
    hellokaryn Posts: 8
    Alcohol is just sugar when its processed. Its really just empty calories. I don't drink at all and when I do go to the bar I've asked for water. I also usually volunteer for driving as well. Its a personal choice for everyone but drinking in general when you're trying to loose weight will ultimately cause you to cease the loosing, or gain some back.
  • lsorensen130
    lsorensen130 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm also a drinker :) I usually just drink vodka with soda water and fresh mint. I limit myself to one drink night a week and I'm still able to lose weight.
  • shrednyc85
    shrednyc85 Posts: 30 Member
    If I am going to drink, its one of three things: (1) skinnygirl margarita (the brand by Bethenny Frankel), pricey but worth it; (2) vodka with seltzer and a lime; or (3) light beer.

    Im pretty sure that numbers 1 and 2 are way less calories than even light beer. I usually have about 2 drinks, no more, a few times a week. Yes, it is calories, but I do enjoy my cocktail after a long day at work.
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 402 Member
    I have orange Stoli and diet sprite once in a while. Log it, know that in the bar situation often comes the bad food. I see no problem with it. Just count it and make sure you drink lots of water before,after, and during.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I make a pitcher with lots of sliced fresh lemons and water and mix it with vodka when we go out or drink on the weekends.

    Alcohol does stop your body from burning fat until all of the alchohol is burned off. It didn't stop my weight loss at all though. Still lost 1-2 lbs per week. I am sure some of the loss was a function of dehydration the next day so I made sure to drink plenty of water for the few days that followed.
  • jealous_loser
    jealous_loser Posts: 395
    I just cut it out myself, but it is a personal choice (I hate wasting my calories on drinks!)

    If you are going to drink I hear Vodka and tonic/lemon/lime is a good choice. I would think staying away from the flavoured varieties would be the wiser move, calorie wise.
  • specialkyc
    specialkyc Posts: 384 Member
    I think all things in moderation is ok. It's no different from deciding to either indulge on a fat piece of cake or opt for a sliver. MFP is about adjusting your's not a diet so you're supposed to be able to have all the things you want...just in moderation and as long as it fits into your calorie goal for the week.

    Hope this helps......:drinker:
  • taralc005
    taralc005 Posts: 8
    When you are on a diet, avoid the high alcohol distilled spirits and the high carbohydrate beers and make it a delicious glass of low carb, low alcohol wine (about 125 calories per glass but loaded with antioxidants).

    The calories in alcohol are metabolised first by the body, ahead of burning fat - which is not desirable if on a weight loss diet.

    Stay away from sweet alcohol e.i. Amaretto. Vodka or gin is a good choice. Switch your diet sodas or juice for tonic water.
  • i myself limit myself on night a week where i drink, i agree it is a lifestyle change i enjoy having a drink once in a while so as long as i dont over do it i should be ok im mainly worried about making healthier choices when it comes to that. All GREAT feedback as well thanks so much
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Like once at the end of the week to socialize with my friends and I usually have many drinks I but don't drive.( I love my new car in my profile pic haha.)
    As you can see it has not affected my weight loss I would imagine because I am more on with my diet and exercise than off. Plus I do enjoy a time out from time to time so this helps break all the tension and its fun. :happy: Although if I do over do it then its a painful motivating reminder as to why I mostly stay healthy. :laugh:
  • mdamrow
    mdamrow Posts: 92 Member
    I also enjoy a drink every now and then, or I should say a few nights a week. I log it and if I know that I'm going out and will have more drinks, I save calories for it or burn more calories to make up for the drinks. When I have an especially hard work week, which usually results in more drinks, I don't lose as much. However, alcohol has not stopped my weight from going down. I figure that having a few drinks during the week is part of my lifestyle, so I need to learn how to incorporate it into my life.
  • erikkasusann
    erikkasusann Posts: 104

    This article has a rundown of calories in cocktails

    I like to have a drink now & then too, I just log it & stay within my calories.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I usually go for either Molson Canadian 67 beer or rum and diet coke. About 70 ish cals per drink
  • Kandygirl
    Kandygirl Posts: 249 Member
    if you are going to drink, hit the gym extra hard. burn the calories so you can drink them. i love a nice glass of wine but if i dont work for it, i dont have it.
  • earthquick
    earthquick Posts: 20 Member
    I dont think I could ever give up booze! Unless I am pregnant of course. I have cut back on drinking a lot, no more ice cold beers every night but I will have one one weekend nights. Instead... I make home made mojitos yummy!!! I squeeze my own limes, make a bunch extra and freeze the rest. Then some fresh mint leaves, club soda (no calories yay!), bacardi rum and very little sugar. Or maybe a glass of wine. White zinfandel like Gallo or Barefoot only has about 80 calories a glass
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    I highly recommend vodka with club soda and add fruit punch mio, absolutely delicious!!!!
  • I highly recommend vodka with club soda and add fruit punch mio, absolutely delicious!!!!

    love that idea!!! i recently just discovered mio, i know im a little late in the game on that but i love the idea im so trying it this weekend
  • hoffdoggs
    hoffdoggs Posts: 7 Member
    drinking increases estrogen levels. say goodbye to muscle growth.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    I highly recommend vodka with club soda and add fruit punch mio, absolutely delicious!!!!

    love that idea!!! i recently just discovered mio, i know im a little late in the game on that but i love the idea im so trying it this weekend

    I went out this weekend and tried it for the first time! Its awesome because a little goes a long way and if you really don't want to taste the vodka just another little squirt and it tastes like kool aid LOL
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    I'd just avoid it alltogether. Just go for the plain old diet coke. I wish I could find the article on how bad consuming alcohol is for women and how it sets you back in your fitness goals. I will post it if I can find it.