


  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    In the spirit of full disclosure, I am a BB coach, but really signed up for the discounts. I drink Shakeology now a few times a week. THE thing it's helped me with is reflux. I have reflux so bad, I thought I had tongue cancer; no kidding, my tongue & throat were on fire. After being put on a few different antacids by doctors, none of which worked, I tried Shakeology more for weight loss and was totally surprised when it cleared up my reflux. I agree it's pricey, but to not have my throat on fire is worth it for me. Do what works for you, and good luck!:smile:
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Let me tell you ladies, I used to weigh 268lbs and I started Shakeology™ chocolate mint flavor beginning in March.

    I've lost 80lbs, my cholesterol has improved, my dental hygiene has improved, I've regained vision in my left eye (bad cribbage accident), my car now gets better mileage, my income has nearly doubled, and I've managed to single-handedly end world hunger. I've also discovered the cure for AIDS (it's Shakeology Strawberry, oddly enough) and my wife doesn't nag me to pick up my *kitten* that I'm always leaving around.

    Call me for more details.

    not srs.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Let me tell you ladies, I used to weigh 268lbs and I started Shakeology™ chocolate mint flavor beginning in March.

    I've lost 80lbs, my cholesterol has improved, my dental hygiene has improved, I've regained vision in my left eye (bad cribbage accident), my car now gets better mileage, my income has nearly doubled, and I've managed to single-handedly end world hunger. I've also discovered the cure for AIDS (it's Shakeology Strawberry, oddly enough) and my wife doesn't nag me to pick up my *kitten* that I'm always leaving around.

    Call me for more details.
    not srs.

    I think the people who poke fun of die hard Shakeology fans far outnumber actual die hard fans. Seriously, how often do you hear people talk about Shakeology like this? I usually check out all the Shakeology threads and there might be one person who probably prays to the stuff, but that's about it. I appreciate the attempt at humor though (srs).
  • Taheetee
    Taheetee Posts: 10
    It's okay, but I think if you take an ingredients list to a local supplement store they can probably hook you up with something pretty similar for a lot less money. I've only tried the chocolate flavor, which works for my sweet tooth but doesn't fill me up on it's own. I put PB2 and some berries in it and use it as a snack.
  • kay_bear52
    kay_bear52 Posts: 71 Member
    I just finished a 10 day supply and was not impressed. It tasted okay but didn't do anything for me
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Ninerbuff, I appreciate that you are recognizing that supplements are not the most horrible thing on earth. I am reading so many posts by people who say they are personal trainers and are downing any sort of shakes, but every fitness and body building magazine I have ever read makes it clear that people are not attaining those bodies (not saying no one is) w/out ever consuming a supplement.

    I am starting Body by Vi not because I am stupid and think that "gimmicks" work (another thing I am reading constantly), but because I am a harried professional with kids and I'd like to do two no-brainer meals a day for a while..
    It's not the shake that's the "gimmick". It's how it's sold to the consumers. MLM's are scams. The shakes are just the vehicle for the scam.
    You can purchase comparable products on the market for much less with basically the same results.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition