Online dating?

Sooo...I think I might be ready to start dating agin, has anyone had any luck with online dating? If so what sites??


  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    My best friend had a SUPER bad experience with dating crazies on eharmony.
    Otherwise, I have no idea what site you could go to. Good luck!
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    I'm thinking right here on MFP might be a good start!...LOL. Always lots of exciting people to converse with :smile:
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I met my husband on

    Okay, I have to be blunt, you meet a lot of crazies, but if you are specific about what you want and really get to know the person before agreeing to meet them, it can work wonders. Also, this goes without saying, but I'd go on at least 3 dates before being alone with them. Meet at a crowded restaurant or whatever and don't let yourself get into a situation where you rely on them for a ride home or whatever. I never had bad experiences with that, but just standard stuffs that you'd think is common sense but not everyone knows.

    But yes, again, met my husband....and to think of it, my best guy friend both on . Also met a few other really nice guys that it just didn't click with. I only messaged one jerk off but never ever EVER would have agreed to meet him. I'd definitely recommend trying it!
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    I haven't but one of my friends went on and she's been with a guy she met there for about 4 years now. Another girl I used to work with met her husband on, they had their first baby a few months ago :-) Give it a try you never know what could happen!
  • kettle_belle83
    kettle_belle83 Posts: 94 Member
    Good for you for being ready to get back out there!!! I have done online dating myself with little success. I met some really nice, normal guys but never made any real connections (still trying by the way). Fair warning: there are a lot of creepy, weirdos out there. I've used plentyoffish and Since match is a paid site I seemed to find less guys just looking for you know what. Just be careful. Make sure to get to know someone a little before going out with them. We all have horror stories, but there are a lot of great stories too. One of my best friends is very happily married to a guy she met online! Good luck to you!
  • BibiFit03
    BibiFit03 Posts: 38 Member
    I met my honey on plentyoffish and it's been six wonderful years now, plus a ring, a house and a baby. He's my perfect match. But I met a lot of weirdos before I met him. I was actually logging on to delete my profile after a particularly horrific encounter when I saw his cute dimples smiling at me from the screen. I am SO GLAD I gave it one last shot!

    However, I agree with ashlinmarie 100% about the rules of engagement. I always met my "dates" during the day, in public. They did not know my phone number and they did not pick me or drive me home. No alcohol was involved ... EVER. And I always told a friend where I was going and when I would be back. Just in case. Because you never know.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I met my boyfriend on We met in person (after chatting online and then via text for a couple weeks) on Labor Day of Last year, and have been together ever since. This is the best relationship I've ever had, and we're talking about marrying.

    **However, I will say that I have met other men via online dating sites. In theory it's good because you think you can weed out the losers, but it's pretty much the same as meeting people at a bar. People lie, and are jerks.
  • justzoot
    justzoot Posts: 15 Member
    I met my sweetie on OKCupid 4-5 years ago. Been blissfully happy ever since. Also, try Meetup - we still belong to our singles group because we have so much fun! Quite a few of our friends met through Meetup.

    A couple of tips:

    Always use common sense & take basic safety precautions. Meet in a public place, let a friend know what you're doing, where you're at & check in with him/her at preset times.

    TRUST YOUR GUT! If someone gives you the creeps, there's probably a good reason for it.

    If you go the online dating route, meet in person & take it offline ASAP (again, be safe, public places, phone a friend, use common sense, there are some nutjobs out there!)
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I met my honey on plentyoffish and it's been six wonderful years now, plus a ring, a house and a baby. He's my perfect match. But I met a lot of weirdos before I met him. I was actually logging on to delete my profile after a particularly horrific encounter when I saw his cute dimples smiling at me from the screen. I am SO GLAD I gave it one last shot!

    However, I agree with ashlinmarie 100% about the rules of engagement. I always met my "dates" during the day, in public. They did not know my phone number and they did not pick me or drive me home. No alcohol was involved ... EVER. And I always told a friend where I was going and when I would be back. Just in case. Because you never know.

    OMG -- This is the same thing as me -- I was about to delete my account, and had just been on there deleting messages, but for some reason I gave him a chance!!!
  • Teresa712
    Teresa712 Posts: 32
    Well....I don't usually comment on many topics...but this one I will jump right in!
    I met my husband on in 2008. We will be married 2 years in July! I had been divorced for about 4 years and out of a long term relationship of 3 years when I joined Match. He was newly divorced and had not dated much when he joined.
    We emailed and texted for about 2 weeks before our first date.
    I had went on some doozy dates with men who had slightly misled me about their height-weight-marital status. I was almost ready to throw in the towel when I met my now husband. Our first date was an awesome time!
    We met at TGI Fridays (I know--very cheesy!) and then a year and half later he proposed to me at the same TGI's!!!

    My advice is to join a dating site with an open mind, but also keep you guard up and don't believe everything you read on people's profiles.....and there are some men out there that only want one thing---but most of the people on dating sites want a relationship.
    Be honest and sincere.
    Good Luck!!!!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I met my honey on plentyoffish and it's been six wonderful years now, plus a ring, a house and a baby. He's my perfect match. But I met a lot of weirdos before I met him. I was actually logging on to delete my profile after a particularly horrific encounter when I saw his cute dimples smiling at me from the screen. I am SO GLAD I gave it one last shot!

    However, I agree with ashlinmarie 100% about the rules of engagement. I always met my "dates" during the day, in public. They did not know my phone number and they did not pick me or drive me home. No alcohol was involved ... EVER. And I always told a friend where I was going and when I would be back. Just in case. Because you never know.

    Yep, I followed all those...though I was only 20 at the time so no drinking anyway. And I met my husband the same way! Was about to log in to delete my account and I had a message from him and was like..."What the hell, why not?" I was going to get back together with my ex, which I moved to ohio to try and win him back and we had been talking about giving it another shot, but I decided to give the guy who hadn't broken my heart a chance first. We started off as friends but after about a month he sort of tricked me into being his girlfriend. We've been together 2 1/2 years and he truly is my soul mate!
  • aoikirin
    aoikirin Posts: 143
    I do try, but it is really hard. So many people just want sex.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I met my husband on

    we've been together since 2008 (living together since 2008, too) and Married for 2 years.

  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I've had good and bad experiences in the past. I don't know if I'll try it again, but that's because I don't know if I'll try dating again. Good for you, putting yourself out there. Best of luck, and definitely, definitely do what the previous posters suggested for safety.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i have a friend who has had good and bad experiences. mostly good, because shes super picky and super cautious. whenever she'd meet a guy for the first time, shed send me his whole name and license plate number - and if they guy didnt agree to that, or didnt understand the reasoning behind it - she wouldnt go out with him. it was simply a security measure - if she went missing- we at least had a starting place!

    for the record, after she explained the logic behind it to them, none of the guys ever had a problems with it....
    BEMND Posts: 33
    I know a few people that had luck w/ Plenty of Fish. I know I need to get myself out there into the dating world, but I'm too self conscious. Let us know how it goes! Maybe once I reach my goal weight I'll try it out, too :)
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    I met my husband online using Yahoo personals about 12 years ago. But since we're married with 2 kids, I don't have any recent experience :)
  • wondergurl25
    I've used pleanty of fish and okcupid I haven't had luck persay but I have made some good friends out of it, just have to be careful of guys who only want sex but other than that its worth a try
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I know 2 people who have met from including my aunt who got married 2 yrs ago after being single for over 15 yrs. I am currently dating somewhere from here. We have been dating almost 2 months, and he is flying to see me in less than 2 months (July). We are very, very happy. You can met crazies anywhere. I met my soon to be ex husband off of Myspace. We have been married 5 yrs and are now in the process of a divorce. Just be specific, and take things slow. I married my ex way too soon which got me into trouble. I agree with meeting in public and I would have him make the first move. Good luck!!!
  • Foodie711711
    Foodie711711 Posts: 137 Member
    met my prince on plenty of fish!!