Online dating?



  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    My fiancé and I met on plenty of fish. There's a lot of idiots on there though and I'd almost given up hope of finding fact I'd almost given up hope of finding anyone that could actually spell and was usually greeted to a barrage of messages saying "u lk hwt wna meet" and other such nonesense. I actually resorted to implementing a character limit on messages to me. That is, a minimum requirement. Still, they resorted to just adding a million !'s, but it eventually paid off and we're getting married in September.
  • TheNakedHouseWife
    I met my husband on plenty of fish. We've been together 3 years so far.
  • myntric
    myntric Posts: 6 Member
    There are successes and failures.

    I've tried it in the past and met some wonderful people, in fact, many of which are friends today. I also met two wonderful people and had a long term relationship with both of them following my divorce many years ago. In the end, it didn't work out, but I was able to maintain a good friendship with them.

    Just be prepared because from what I hear from my female friends, there ARE a lot of crazies on there as well.
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    Eh, I did the online dating thing for a while. Did E-Harmony first, met two guys. Really liked the one guy, then he told me his job might be transferred overseas. So i questioned it and then we ended things, so I asked him "well if you know you're leaving, why even bother going through all this?" his response: "Because i'm bored and I just want to go out and have fun". I should have asked the hard questions up front before I even got involved w/ this guy.

    Second guy was recently divorced w/ a four year old daughter. Never met the daughter, but the way he talked about his ex NON STOP drove me nuts. I'm not a therapist, nor will I ever be. Ugh.

    Met a guy on We went out once a week, always on thursdays (?!), he hadn't even KISSED me until the third date (which was at his house). Fourth date, he wanted me to sleep with him. I don't think I left his place any faster than humanly possible!

    Needless to say, I gave up on online dating!!! I ended up dating a friend from high school, but that only lasted six months because he's STILL just as he was in high school! Grow up dude. And now, over a year later, here I sit STILL single and not sure if I want to try online dating again :-/

    What's worse is I work in NYC. It's seeming to be impossible to find a guy there :(

    What should I do?
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    You can meet crazies on any of the dating sites. Eharmony is actually a real good site. Just be smart and follow your hunch. Always meet in a public place, meeting for coffee is a great way to do it. Many times you know within 10-15 minutes if the other person is not right or you don't like that person, why be locked into a complete dinner with someone you don't want to be with in. A coffee date is a great way to end a blah meeting or if you two are clicking you can sit there for hours talking and talking.

    Watch out for some of the initial free sites were you can't read a message from a member unless you join the site under some kind of membership. On these sites, as soon as you sign up, you have have these beautiful people messaging you (In my case good looking females 20-25 years younger then me), but you can't read the messages unless you pay and join. You join, you message them back and you may get a Hi back, but that's about it. Also after joining you stop getting the messages that I described above. lol
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I had bad experiences in general. I dated a fella there for 4 months only to realize halfway through that he was on probation for statutory rape but I looked past that (for some reason, not sure why now). His mother forced him to break up with me (he was 24 years old). Let's just say I'm better off without it. Luckily my friend introduced me to my current boyfriend, a good man who loves me. But if I were to ever date again, I won't be using a dating site. I'd rather go on being single then date the crazy people on OkCupid. :/
  • beccaspex
    beccaspex Posts: 10 Member
    Its the way a lot of my friends have met partners, especially post-divorce. to be honest, I didn't know how else I was going to meet people, I am very reserved and don't like being approached by strangers. Online dating is one step removed from that (which is both its strongest asset and the most dangerous - people really are weird and do lie).

    I met my partner 3 1/2 years ago on Match after also using a couple of other sites. I cant deny that there were a couple of messages from people I considered weird, but that might just be me! One absolute jerk and several perfectly nice, attractive, ticks all the boxes on paper guys that there was just no connection with.

    The one I ended up with though I had already discounted as not my type till he sent me the funniest, sweetest message and we took it from there. It really pays to see beyond the profile picture sometimes.

    Worst experience was having my ex-husbands profile being sent to me as a potential match!

    Amen to all the safety tips too.

    Its a big step dating again but I hope you have fun.
  • MJ0214
    MJ0214 Posts: 36 Member
    I met my husband on tangowire!
  • mom2gar
    mom2gar Posts: 100 Member
    Eh, I did the online dating thing for a while. Did E-Harmony first, met two guys. Really liked the one guy, then he told me his job might be transferred overseas. So i questioned it and then we ended things, so I asked him "well if you know you're leaving, why even bother going through all this?" his response: "Because i'm bored and I just want to go out and have fun". I should have asked the hard questions up front before I even got involved w/ this guy.

    Second guy was recently divorced w/ a four year old daughter. Never met the daughter, but the way he talked about his ex NON STOP drove me nuts. I'm not a therapist, nor will I ever be. Ugh.

    Met a guy on We went out once a week, always on thursdays (?!), he hadn't even KISSED me until the third date (which was at his house). Fourth date, he wanted me to sleep with him. I don't think I left his place any faster than humanly possible!

    Needless to say, I gave up on online dating!!! I ended up dating a friend from high school, but that only lasted six months because he's STILL just as he was in high school! Grow up dude. And now, over a year later, here I sit STILL single and not sure if I want to try online dating again :-/

    What's worse is I work in NYC. It's seeming to be impossible to find a guy there :(

    What should I do?

    Get thee to a hockey game. :) Men dig chicks who like sports.
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    Tomorrow in mine and my Hubby's 8 year wedding anniversary. We met on Yahoo Personals. :-)

    It seems to be working out well for us! :-)
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    Eh, I did the online dating thing for a while. Did E-Harmony first, met two guys. Really liked the one guy, then he told me his job might be transferred overseas. So i questioned it and then we ended things, so I asked him "well if you know you're leaving, why even bother going through all this?" his response: "Because i'm bored and I just want to go out and have fun". I should have asked the hard questions up front before I even got involved w/ this guy.

    Second guy was recently divorced w/ a four year old daughter. Never met the daughter, but the way he talked about his ex NON STOP drove me nuts. I'm not a therapist, nor will I ever be. Ugh.

    Met a guy on We went out once a week, always on thursdays (?!), he hadn't even KISSED me until the third date (which was at his house). Fourth date, he wanted me to sleep with him. I don't think I left his place any faster than humanly possible!

    Needless to say, I gave up on online dating!!! I ended up dating a friend from high school, but that only lasted six months because he's STILL just as he was in high school! Grow up dude. And now, over a year later, here I sit STILL single and not sure if I want to try online dating again :-/

    What's worse is I work in NYC. It's seeming to be impossible to find a guy there :(

    What should I do?

    Get thee to a hockey game. :) Men dig chicks who like sports.

    LOL this is true....but i have to say, i've dated hardcore Devils fans (as hardcore as I am), and they were all epic failures. Maybe I need to switch teams LOL
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    Sooo...I think I might be ready to start dating agin, has anyone had any luck with online dating? If so what sites??

    yes. married to the sexiest younger fabulous man for three years now. love at first sight. it was an awesome ending to a long search. be forwarned, you must dig threw a lot of duds to find the good one. and be aware of perves and criminals.

    we met on but there are lots out there. just get to know them first, always drive yourself, limit drinking, have your own money, and a cell, and let ppl know where your going and who with. i did not always follow good rules and it can be bad.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    one of my mfp and real life friends found her man on twitter.. hockey fans!! they r engaged and shes so happy!!!
  • Chocolatewoman
    Chocolatewoman Posts: 91 Member
    I can't recommend any sites but as in real life, be cautious.

    Unfortunately people have ALWAYS been deceitful in their actions and honesty. The Internet has just exposed us to more of them because it's right in our face.

    I think online dating gets a bad rap. The issue is not online dating, but the lack of content in a person's character.
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    I used, met a ton of creepers and a couple nice guys. I think the ratio is 4 serial killers to every normie. Everyone tells me if I do the online thing to do the paid site thing.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Agree, men love sporty women.

    What about the gym? Are you all meeting more women/men at the gym, now that you have a much more active lifestyle? Seems like one approach.

  • penelofur
    penelofur Posts: 81 Member
    I met my husband on an online dating site back in 2004! (the site is called which I am not even sure exists anymore). He paid a dollar to chat with me!!

    You WILL meet some weirdos but if you can sift through the garbage you will find someone amazing!

    ** just be safe about where to meet. I spoke with him online/phone for 3 months prior to meeting. Then we met in a public place.

  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    Tips for new online daters

    ~ If a man bring up sex to quickly, that's all he wants.
    ~ He's shorter then his profile say's
    ~ Don't email back and forth for to long.
    ~ Meet someplace very public
    ~ Watch out for married trolls

    And have fun!
  • threnners
    threnners Posts: 175 Member
    Plenty of fish in my area is a total MEAT MARKET. Oh god, it was so repulsive I rowed the boat back to shore.

    OK Cupid was a little less horrific, but since I found out they match you by body type, I'm less inclined to go there.

    I'm out of the game right now though. I think I want to date, then I remember how much I hated being married and don't want to have to deal with the hassle.
  • Doomfrog
    Doomfrog Posts: 79
    I met my hubs on We've been married for 5 years. I liked online dating because it got all the "big stuff" out of the way right up front like religion, politics and kids. I'm originally from the midwest and it is unusual for women OR men to not want children and I did not want to have children. I was sick of investing time and then finding out on a 4th date that the guy wanted 14 kids and for me to stay home with them. It certainly narrowed my responses, but at least I knew I wasn't wasting my time on people who weren't logical partners.