I'm on a "bender" someone please stop me!



  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I have been flawless ever since I started MFP but I spent last weekend with a friend and just let myself have what I wanted as I knew she would hate it if I was counting calories and I wanted to forget about my diet for a while. Since then I have been finding it so hard to exercise and today I have just been binge eating. I cant motivate myself to stop, I want to get back to the same mind set as before but I cant. I need some motivating words to help me get back on track...
    Only you can make the decision. Make 2 lists, one will be all the advantages of getting and staying healthy, and the second will be all the disadvantages of continuing down an unhealthy path. Feel free to attach photos to these lists. Everybody on this site probably has a "fat pic" of themselves; i know i do. For the healthy path, feel free to use a cut out from a magazine, or an earlier picture of yourself. Whenever you feel un-motivated, look at both lists. It also helps to start by doing something non committal and easy, like taking a walk. Often times, once you start, the motivation to continue is easier to come up with. I know you can do it, because if i can, anyone can. Good luck!
  • pferde01
    pferde01 Posts: 16
    I heard a great analogy the other day: If you got a speeding ticket you wouldn't go around speeding like crazy because "Screw it, I already got a ticket"

    So take responsibility for your ticket and be more careful around those trouble areas.
    And you are doing the right thing by reaching out.

    I myself am on my way back from a downward spiral. Upward spiral, here I come. :) We both can do it!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    stop thinking and just do it to prove you really want this.

    This. If you don't want to lose the weight bad enough, then you won't. Simple as that.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    First of all, when you say the word "DIET" it gives it a negative meaning. This should be a pernanent lifestyle. Secondly, I would have probalby not worried about what my friend thought about me counting calories. If she is a true friend, it wouldn't have bothered her. Thirdly, maybe you were being too strict on yourself in the first place. That's the reason "DIET" is a four-letter word. Allowing yourself things you really like every now and then is what keeps you on track. :wink:

    Now give yourself some slack. Get back to your food log and log your food. Doing this makes you accountable for what you've done, get back on track and don't be so strict in the future... :smile: Allow yourself an endulgence once a week, then next time, you won't get so off track!!! :happy:
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    I haven't read through the thread but when I let myself go a day or two or three, I just stay on this website and read the community posts. Idk why but it always works. Stay positive, you have not undone all your hard work.
  • LovelyLifter
    LovelyLifter Posts: 560 Member
    Tough love time

    if you want it bad enough youll stop

    you are the only one that can do that :flowerforyou:
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member

    There is nothing anyone can say or do that can make you. YOU have to take action.
  • LNPurdie
    LNPurdie Posts: 84 Member
    What is it you say to yourself right before you give in to the binge?

    Is it something like, I will start tomorrow?

    Well hello sister its TOMORROW! So log it, who cares if its bunge - it a diary not a place you post only the good stuff. That is the first step.

    Yesterday my ugly was 6 shots of vodka (used to make 3 pint size cocktails). Oh me head hurt this morning, and OMG am I lucky to have a dog who insist on a walk the minute he wakes up.

    So knowing he will not take no for an answer, I say to myself, "I will just walk him slowly - no excercise today"

    .......but when I got to the park, I thought "Heck I am here - go on do a little power walk ..."

    .......and when I started I said, just 10 minutes today, and well after 10 minutes I thiought heck I am started....

    My advice, QUIT looking ahead, stay in the moment.

    This means you cannot start tomorrow, tomorrow doesn't exist yet!

    and log it all the ugly food - you will slowly start thinking OMG I hated logging that!


    and START, with very small goals.... each easy goal motivates you for a bigger one.

    Today for me it was getting out of bed!
  • LNPurdie
    LNPurdie Posts: 84 Member
    First of all, when you say the word "DIET" it gives it a negative meaning. This should be a pernanent lifestyle. Secondly, I would have probalby not worried about what my friend thought about me counting calories. If she is a true friend, it wouldn't have bothered her. Thirdly, maybe you were being too strict on yourself in the first place. That's the reason "DIET" is a four-letter word. Allowing yourself things you really like every now and then is what keeps you on track. :wink:

    Now give yourself some slack. Get back to your food log and log your food. Doing this makes you accountable for what you've done, get back on track and don't be so strict in the future... :smile: Allow yourself an endulgence once a week, then next time, you won't get so off track!!! :happy:

    2x good advice
  • smoten
    smoten Posts: 53 Member
    i went thru this about a week ago. My son graduated high school and we had out of town guests and lots of food around. i just made myself do it. i set specific exercise goals and once i got started getting back on track I could tell i was feeling so much better. you will too! it happens to most of us and its nothing to worry about. just tell yourself tomorrow you will have a good day and kick your own butt!
  • katheern
    katheern Posts: 213 Member
    Whenever I have a bad day and don't want to workout I remind myself.. remember the last time you worked out and regretted it? Nope! Can't ever remember that happening. In fact I remember feeling AMAZING and sexy... now what about the last time I decided to skip a workout? Oh yeah, that wasn't fun...
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    While "dieting" you should have at least 1 day a week where you eat something you "want". I have chocolate everyday.. granted it is a teeny tiny piece, but it calms the craving... this way when you encounter bad foods, you dont feel the need to go crazy.

    Also, you are doing this for YOU... others shouldn't be bothered by it, nor should that be your concern if they are. Don't stop what you are doing because someone else may get irritated that you are watching what you eat.

    The hardest part is just starting. This doesn't mean you have to hit it hard and go crazy. Grab your headphones, put on your fave songs and just go for a walk. Sometimes you literally have to "tell" yourself: GET UP. Once you're up, you'll be back on track before you know it. You have already done this before, so you know exactly what to do. Brush off the dust and keep your eye on the prize!
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    I would add to all this to take a moment and think about the weekend that started this for you. You were worried about what your friend's reaction would be if you were counting calories. What you chose to eat, and the reasons you chose to eat it are not an insult to anyone, even if that person cooked the food. We wrap far too much baggage up in food.
  • VaporsWorld
    VaporsWorld Posts: 441 Member
    Stop! Meditate. Find that positive motivation you had before because its still in you. Pull it forward. Ball up your fist and scream! Punch the the bed pillows. Cry. Fight it. Fight. Maybe sleep. It's not exercise, but its not binge eating either. Wake up fresh and shake it off! And like LN said, log it! That way its a visual. And your friend I'm sure would much rather you count calories than to have you feel the way you do right now. It's about your health and happiness and that has to come first! YOU! CAN! DO! THIS!
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    I have been flawless ever since I started MFP but I spent last weekend with a friend and just let myself have what I wanted as I knew she would hate it if I was counting calories and I wanted to forget about my diet for a while. Since then I have been finding it so hard to exercise and today I have just been binge eating. I cant motivate myself to stop, I want to get back to the same mind set as before but I cant. I need some motivating words to help me get back on track...
    A true friend will support any healthy lifestyle changes that someone else is making. A true friend will support someone who is trying to eat healthier, or stop smoking, or taking classes, or exercising, or investigating their spiritual self. So first off, I'd evaluate if that "friend" is truly a "friend" or not. [A healthy lifestyle includes both good dietary choices as well as good companionship choices.] Or .... not meaning to sound harsh, but were you just using the friend as an excuse to go off track?

    Motivation words? Know yourself, and have self accountability for your choices. Look to the future and make choices now that make a brighter and healthier future. Don't stress on the past, but instead put a positive picture in your mind of what you want tomorrow to be like, and then act on it today. Be happy in the process. Good luck! :)
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Everyone needs a bit of HTFU.

    Sure you can have your off days, even weeks. But YOU have to make the decision to step away from the cookie jar, put down the fried chicken and get your *kitten* to the gym. Stat.


    Stop being a pansy and just do it. No one on here can stop you from putting the food in your mouth..
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I don't think you're pathetic or desparate....I'm going through the EXACT same thing. *kitten* happens...I'm starting fresh with the new month. Tomorrow (June 1st) is the beginning of Chaper 2 of my weight loss...
  • ChelseaM18
    ChelseaM18 Posts: 303
    Don't sweat it babe! Maybe the that's the problem. You've been FLAWLESS, and who can be that forever? Give yourself some room to pig-out or treat yourself and you'll be so much happier :) your determination and dedication is obviously really strong, so you're doing great, don't worry over a few treats here and there in your diet

    Good Luck :D
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    Everyone needs a bit of HTFU.

    Sure you can have your off days, even weeks. But YOU have to make the decision to step away from the cookie jar, put down the fried chicken and get your *kitten* to the gym. Stat.


    Stop being a pansy and just do it. No one on here can stop you from putting the food in your mouth..

    ^^^ Tough love there... Gotta love it!!! :-)
  • Alicemay24
    Alicemay24 Posts: 29 Member
    All this has been really helpful, I ran into work this morning (7 km) and will plan my meals for the rest of the day and for tomorrow and see ow I get on.

    My friend that came over is a childhood friend, we used to be room mates, we know each other really well and I told her what I was doing and she was happy for me because she knows my weight has always been an issue for me. The thing is, she lives in France now and I live in Amsterdam, we only get to see each other a couple of times a year and I didn't want to be saying "no no, no more wine for me you go ahead I'll have water" or " sure lets stop at this wonderful tea shop and I'll just have an infusion and you enjoy that scone while I watch you longingly". I just wanted to be with her and enjoy it.

    I'm feeling so much better about it all this morning, I hope I can write another comment tomorrow that says I did awesomely today!