I CAN'T lose weight!



  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    When I started in January, I was 138. I got down to 132 when I was taking an appetite suppressant (only lasted a couple weeks because I want to be healthy more than skinny). Now I'm back to 140. I've thought about the medications aspect of it. I'm just on birth control, and I know that's been known to cause weight gain. My doctor has told me to stop obsessing, so I didn't get on MFP for about a month and that's when I gained the bulk of my weight back. I'm sure I'm gaining muscle from cycling and I can tell a difference in my leg measurements, but I carry all my weight in my tummy and butt - so that's what I really care about. But I have a bad back from tennis so doing ab workouts is less than pleasurable. My doctor also told me to up by calories to at least 1500 when I don't work out and at least 1800 when I do, but I have such a mental block about it. I plan out every day ahead of time, but just don't feel comfortable eating 2000 calories.

    I don't blame you! My weight fluctuates between 138 and 141 and if I ate 2000 calories, I'd be a cow. How tall are you? 138 is good for me at 5'6" and it is very difficult for me to lose from there. Of course, I'm much older and according to the BMR calculator my BMR is 1267. My maintenance calories are about 1500. I've been strength training for six years and that has made all the difference. Don't change anything else, and start lifting! Do that for a few months, cut way back on cardio, and see if you notice any changes.I know how frustrating it is not to be able to lose.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    What is your height? 140 is not a lot of you are tall. If you have concerns about your appearance and physique then weight lifting may help tone you up. And with that much exercise you probably aren't eating enough and that can put you at a plateau faster than anything. Find out what your BMR and your TDEE is for starters.

    I'm right between 5'4" and 5'5" ...my BMR 1456 and TDEE is 2248.

    Like I said in the very first reply to your question. Eat at 10%-15% below your TDEE - so eat 1900-2000 every day. When you work out eat those additional calories too. You are too close to an ideal weight to eat less! Add nuts, use full fat cheeses and dairy, have yogurt with fruit as snacks - it isn't that much food!

    That's why you're stuck.
    1.) You're already at a healthy weight &
    2.) You aren't eating enough.
  • PeterThompson
    Well, maybe it not enough that your dieting alone. You should indulge yourself in exercise you can loose wait to these and in the same time exchange those fat into muscles incorporate it with some weight lifting using dumbbells at your home find the dumbbells that suit you here bestadjustabledumbbellsreviews.com
  • aoikirin
    aoikirin Posts: 143
    I sympathize with your plight. I have often heard from people how irritating it is to have those last few pounds be so resistant. Maybe the BC pills are making it harder for you to drop. They may not be making you gain weight, but they may make it harder to drop from where you are. If you try everything else here and all else fails, you could consider using a different BC formulation from your doctor. True they all tend to have this impact on weight, but you might find that one could be a little less so in this area.

    Try to focus on the positive - you are taking care of yourself by eating right and exercising. I am sure your body loves you for this. The final drop will happen in time, it may just take a while. Take heart.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member