Being called chubby :(



  • lizziejsmith
    I'm also 5ft2 and aiming for around 110 lbs, so around the same as you. That is nicely in the healthy range for our height.
    I am 127lbs at the moment but am carrying 15lbs of baby weight and do feel quite chubby. However I am not at all toned, you are. I hope I look as good as you 7lbs down the line but I can't see that happening!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I get some crazy mixed signals from the people around me. My mom says I am perfect, my brother called me chubby the other day, and my dad is constantly on me about my weight. I used to be big into gymnastics before a bad shoulder injury. My dad is constantly asking me about diet, training routine etc. He says I am too stocky for certain clothes and gets on me about some things. Then I have obese aunts/uncles/cousins that accuse me of being anorexic.

    I wish people would just leave me alone about my weight all the time. I tell them that it hurts me, but apparently its still okay. What to do?

    If you are chubby, I quit.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Parents can be bad because they've seen you at your skinniest and have watched you gain the weight, even if it wasn't excessive. My dad is always getting on my case about losing weight, even though I've never been overweight. And siblings can just be dumb.
  • MalissaDC
    MalissaDC Posts: 123
    Thank you for the reply!

    You are certainly right about siblings being blunt. I am the same way :laugh:
    I guess at 120 pounds I think that I am acceptable. I would like to look a little more fit. But being called stocky, chubby, and such just has really been mentally wearing on me lately. Eating alone in my room so no one sees me because i just feel better then. Crazy thing is... im just home to visit for a while! I don't even live here. Glad I am going back to uni in a few weeks.

    Body dismorphia is just coming at me I am afraid >.<

    So you weigh 120 lbs and people in your family are calling you chubby? Oh honey! They haven't seen chubby if that's what their definition is!

    You be healthy for you and put the truth in your heart that you are not chubby!