Peanut butter is my crack



  • staryful7
    staryful7 Posts: 33 Member
    That was not very nice of him!

    I think it depends on the peanut butter. Jif use to be my fav too, but I switched to Peanut Butter and Co., less fat and no corn syrup or hydrogenated oil. You can find it at Wal-Mart or local grocery store.

    Peanut butter is my go to snack when I want something sweet and hungry after dinner. One tsp and I am good.

    But as long as you are not eating the whole jar in one setting and being active, tell him to be quiet.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    If your addicted to it,you should def try a healthier option,they sell peanut butter called "Naturally More" the slogan on the bottle says "what peanut butter should be"...

    When you first open it you will see the natural peanut oils floating on top,you'll need to stir it first...but the oils just show how natural it is,and it tastes amazing! Just like the good stuff your "hooked to" but It has more protein, more fiber, less sugar (carbs), No Trans fats and has Omega-3 with Fax should def give it a try :D

    Sandy! I didn't know you were on here. ;)
  • FitBarbie2986
    FitBarbie2986 Posts: 202 Member
    If your addicted to it,you should def try a healthier option,they sell peanut butter called "Naturally More" the slogan on the bottle says "what peanut butter should be"...

    When you first open it you will see the natural peanut oils floating on top,you'll need to stir it first...but the oils just show how natural it is,and it tastes amazing! Just like the good stuff your "hooked to" but It has more protein, more fiber, less sugar (carbs), No Trans fats and has Omega-3 with Fax should def give it a try :D

    Sandy! I didn't know you were on here. ;)

    I'm sorry,but how do i know you? i'm so bad with remembering people sometimes :(
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    LOL...I thought that said "Peanut butter IN my crack." I thought, "Well, that is ONE way to not get so many calories, I guess."

    Sorry......the older I get the more readling boo boos I make!!
  • FitBarbie2986
    FitBarbie2986 Posts: 202 Member
    Dam I read the title wrong instead of reading the "is" in your title I read it as "in":blushing:

    OMG!!! i just literally LOLed...still chuckling,haha :laugh:
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i went from a 26 to a 14 and i ate peanut butter ..had some today actually..nuts are good for you ..peanut butter is good so long as you stay within a serving . i eat peanut butter on graham crackers sometimes .. lose your weight and then brag to your coworkers that you even got to eat peanut butter in your diet..that'll get him but good
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,078 Member
    Well I love peanut butter as well and I eat it every day and my body has changed .
    Just like the others said pure ignorance and lack of knowledge if that's the word.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I compete. Nut butters and oils are amongst my key components of my diet. Ignore him.
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    My favorite thing to eat is steel cut oats with peanut butter (I use Jif natural or almond butter), some protein powder, and cherries or strawberries. By the way -- I've lost a little over 100 pounds. Seems to be working for me.
  • Mommy2Avaj
    Mommy2Avaj Posts: 140 Member
    Omg! I would cry if I couldn't have pb!!!!! I love it!!!! I eat a spoonful as a snack at least once a day.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    If your addicted to it,you should def try a healthier option,they sell peanut butter called "Naturally More" the slogan on the bottle says "what peanut butter should be"...

    When you first open it you will see the natural peanut oils floating on top,you'll need to stir it first...but the oils just show how natural it is,and it tastes amazing! Just like the good stuff your "hooked to" but It has more protein, more fiber, less sugar (carbs), No Trans fats and has Omega-3 with Fax should def give it a try :D

    Sandy! I didn't know you were on here. ;)

    I'm sorry,but how do i know you? i'm so bad with remembering people sometimes :(

    JM Feb 06 PR. Madeline's mommy. FL Mommies meet up at Regan's. ;)
  • 1grammie
    1grammie Posts: 163
    I love peanut butter. I buy the natural type (the kind that has the oil separated) and I pour the oil off the top instead of mixing it in. I also use PB2 sprinkled on apple slices, bananas and added to green smoothies. Peanut butter flavor with fewer calories.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I love peanut butter. Didn't have it growing up as back then, it really wasn't a big thing here in the Uk, so only had it as an adult, and fairly recently. However, I found I wouldn't stop at just 1 tbsp and was having 4 tbsp a day, so I stopped buying it. I went for the whole earth and then meridian, the latter of which contains only peanuts and nothing else.

    I now spend a fortune getting pb2 to the Uk and just mix it in with my greek yoghurt, and that does as well for me.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    But calorie dense is NOT the same as junk. Nuts, seeds and nut butters are very healthy foods.

    I find eating healthy fats for snacks satisfies me in a way that carbs don't, and controls my desire for food between meals.
    I have gotten into exotic nut butters lately. Pecan butter = awesome. Cashew butter = even awesomer. Vermont Peanut Butter Green Mountain Mojo (peanut & almond butter blend with pumpkin seeds and flax) = awesomest.

    Making a shopping list for Whole Foods right now. :)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I have gotten into exotic nut butters lately. Pecan butter = awesome. Cashew butter = even awesomer. Vermont Peanut Butter Green Mountain Mojo (peanut & almond butter blend with pumpkin seeds and flax) = awesomest.

    Making a shopping list for Whole Foods right now. :)

    I think I need to make a trip to Whole Foods for some Green Mountain Mojo! That does sound awesomest! I normally get Smucker's natural, but Crazy Richard's was actually on sale! So yeah, that's what I'm using now. If I run out of pb, I seriously miss it!
  • FitBarbie2986
    FitBarbie2986 Posts: 202 Member
    If your addicted to it,you should def try a healthier option,they sell peanut butter called "Naturally More" the slogan on the bottle says "what peanut butter should be"...

    When you first open it you will see the natural peanut oils floating on top,you'll need to stir it first...but the oils just show how natural it is,and it tastes amazing! Just like the good stuff your "hooked to" but It has more protein, more fiber, less sugar (carbs), No Trans fats and has Omega-3 with Fax should def give it a try :D

    Sandy! I didn't know you were on here. ;)

    I'm sorry,but how do i know you? i'm so bad with remembering people sometimes :(

    JM Feb 06 PR. Madeline's mommy. FL Mommies meet up at Regan's. ;)

    I'm sorry! SoOOOo much has gone on since then,and i've lost so much of my memory due to stress and depression, wow it saddens me i cant even remember a face,i'm sorry :*( But its nice to see a fellow JM mommy on here! :heart:
  • my favorite if Jif Creamy I eat it daily that is my downfall I like it thick lol I bought a 4lb container still half full bought it 1 month ago