Milk, Rice milk or Almond milk?

Hi everyone! I've read some things on the internet and am not sure of some things...what do you suggest? Whole milk, roce milk or almond milk? I like whole milk too, but want to try something different too. Is almond milk better ? I've tasted it and liked it. Oh, and how is rice milk? Any opinions?


  • jasonfndr
    jasonfndr Posts: 39
    We have tried that unsweetened almond milk. Me and the kid thought it was really good but the wife did not like it. Really taste like your eating almonds I thought. I guess the only reason we don't buy it on a normal basis is the cost.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member

    We have regular milk and almond milk in our house - one of my daughters has a lactose and casien intolerance so we have almond milk in the house - even then she doesn't drink a lot of it - she prefers water or steeped fruit teas - my husband and other daughter prefer regular milk.

    I don't drink either on a routine basis...never have liked the taste of milk to drink. Occassionally i'll have a gulp of my daughters Almond milk (but it is the vanilla sweetened so I won't drink a whole cup). I do try and keep a shelf stable box of plain almond milk in the pantry in case I need it for cooking or baking.

    We tried coconut, rice and hemp milk after my daughters diagnosis - she liked almond the best - (I liked coconut myself) - we both really didn't like both the rice and the hemp
  • emma9797
    emma9797 Posts: 36
    Thanks :) does rice milk taste? have never tried...but maybe i will..
  • jasonfndr
    jasonfndr Posts: 39
    Alot of the milk cost quite a bit if you are just looking to try it. Try to find a coupon and a store that doubles coupons. Might be able to get a carton for a buck 50 or 2. Thats what the wife does when we want to try something new.
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    I like unsweetened almond milk. I also get a coconut/almond milk combo which is delicious!!!

    I never drink cows milk anymore.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    im not a big fan of cow milk - ill use it in cereal if i have it, but i dont drink it. ill use coconut milk or almond milk (both unsweetened) in my protein shakes and oatmeal.. for just drinking i like vanilla almond milk and coconut milk
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    i use silk's original almond milk for 65 calories a cup. i prefer it to skim milk because it's less calories, but much creamier and more flavorful. skim milk, to me, has always tasted like white water. i've never tried rice milk, though.. (but i have tried soy milk... never again.)
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    I have never been a fan of regular milk, so I never drank it. I love Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk though. I use it in my protein shakes and in place of milk in other things. I'm happy I found it.
  • A_Hornsby
    A_Hornsby Posts: 288
    I have Silk Dark Chocolate Almond Milk. I think it's definitely an acquired taste. My husband absolutely hates it but I use it in my Dark Chocolate Mixed Berry Smoothies and its delicious.
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I don't like the taste enough to drink a straight glass of it, but I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk in my smoothies in the morning and to cook with.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I like the unsweetened almond milk as it is only 40 calories per cup. I do not like 1 percent milk at all too watery for me. As far as which one is better don't know I just know that we really enjoy the unsweetened almond milk
  • aleciaj7
    aleciaj7 Posts: 39
    I LOVE almond milk. I get the unsweetened original version, I've never been a huge milk fan and in fact I'm somewhat lactose intolerant. I always just used skim milk. Almond milk is so much better!!!! It has only a slightly nutty flavor, however, I usually don't drink it straight because I never grew up just drinking milk. I use it in my cereal and in any recipe that calls for milk. To me, it will take on the taste of most of what you put it in. It's delicious and at only 40 calories a cup it's great for you, I get the kind with protein added so it's also 5g of protein per serving ;)
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Rice milk has more the texture of skim milk. It's the only one out of milk alternatives that I can actually drink a glass of alone. I use coconut milk in my protein shake and coconut milk creamer in my coffee/tea. But to just have a glass of "milk" or "chocolate milk" I use rice milk.

    *Edit to add: But if I could drink regular milk, I totally would. None of the milk alternatives taste quite like milk does. I miss it terribly.
  • Irish_Lanie
    Irish_Lanie Posts: 100
    I prefer the Silk almond milk, unsweetened, plain.
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    I think Rice Milk tastes really good as a drink but if it's just going over your cereal then you don't notice **** so go for Almond milk as it has more nutriants and less calories. But if you do get Rice Milk make sure it's the fortified stuff
  • valorieflowers
    I think rice milk tastes the best. Just the original Rice Dream is really good and a little bit sweet. I actually like it better than dairy milk too I think. I don't buy it much cuz I will drink way too much of it if I did. :)
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    I prefer unsweetened almond milk; I used to drink skim, but I have much less bloating/gas since switching to almond milk, and I like the taste better.
  • Munjoyhillgal
    Munjoyhillgal Posts: 33 Member
    I use Almond Milk for everything from baking to putting on cereal.
  • Debbiefit45
    I don't eat Gluten, so no milk for me. I love Hemp milk and Almond Milk.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I use almond milk, but only to mix with Whey protein otherwise I don't drink it or any other type of milk.