not quite sure what to do...



  • rdmitch
    rdmitch Posts: 278 Member
    You need to eat back your calories just due to the amount of exercise you are doing. With cardio and jillian DVDs almost every day close to 90 minutes you are burning up probably close to 800 calories just on that. The muscle you gain from your regiment will be eaten up by your body going into a starvation mode. You need to up your calories to meet your bodies
    needs. If you were on 1200 cals a day and doing light exercise a few times a week it might be O.K. but not with what you are burning currently.

    Just my opinion
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    Thank you everyone! You all provided such excellent feedback and it really made me feel better about everything.

    Just to be clear- I RARELY eat 1200 calories as I always eat back my exercise calories- I eat closer to 1800 every day. (I do try to net 1200 though)

    But I took your suggestions and I've changed my goal to 1360, and I will eat back my exercise calories. On my rest day I'll probably eat closer to 1600 calories. I also plan to meet with a personal trainer at my gym to help me lower my bf%. I can run like a gazelle, but I have quite the flabby mid-section! With her help and with a clearer understanding of how to manage my food I think I'm ready for the next step!
  • tracysuy
    tracysuy Posts: 1
    I think you are on the right track with upping your calories. One thing to consider when eating back your calories is that you are actually eating extra calories. You may have burned 500 calories in the hour that you did cardio but your body would have burned around 100 for that time period anyway. So if you are eating back exercise calories you should only eat 400 back. I just read an article about it but of course now I can't find it. has a lot of great nutrition and weight loss articles on her blog.

    I think talking to a nutritionist is a great idea. Food and exercise play a big role in your life and it would be helpful to get a
    Plan of action to follow that will work for you.

    If you ever want to weight train I have a good mini gym going in my basement. I am going to do some slow and heavy lifting starting in a couple of weeks. Now if I could only will myself to do some cardio...