Gettin' lazered

LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
Yay! Very stoked. Getting the woman area and my underarms de-fuzzed. permanently! Cant wait! Anyone had this done?


  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I so wanted to but I'm not a good candidate cause I have light hair, not thick enough or something... thats exciting though :happy:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    Yeah they say the higher the contrast between skin color and hair color, the better. But from what they told me, they can do it with light hair, it would just take 7 treatments instead of 5... for example.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    7! Wow thats a lot!... I'm good... I thought it was like 2 for regular hair.

  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    They say around 5 for all the hair to be permanently removed. Hair grows 20% in i guess in order to kill all the cycles. A lot? A lot less shaving maybe...hehehehe. :laugh:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Wow who knew it was so complicated?! Well good luck... I would love not to shave ever again!

  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    I really, really want to have that done. How much does it cost. I also want to have laser stretch mark removal.
  • dclarsh
    dclarsh Posts: 364
    They lie. I signed up to have my hair lasered off as well. The told me that because I am very fair skinned and my hair is brown I would have good results. They said that my hair would be gone with six treatments, six weeks apart. That was 2 1/2 years and $4,000 ago. I'm still going to appointments. I still have all my hair. I had them do my legs, my bikini line, my underarms, navel and between my eyebrows. I still have to shave just as often as I did before. I'm currently in the process of trying to get at least some of my money back.

    I hope you have better luck than I did, flutterby, I really do.

    To anyone who's thinking about having this done... I wouldn't.

    Oh... and one more thing... it is excrutiatingly painful, ESPECIALLY in the bikini and underarm area. Flutterby, when you go, see if they will ice your skin before they begin... it will help some, but it will still hurt like an sob.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I've had my face done (dreaded PCOS side effect), and it took me about 6 treatments, I had a lot though. Dark hair and light skin, they cannot do it on light hair at all, it doesn't pick up the pigment because it is not dark enough. It's great, if my hormones fluctuate and cross I get a few and have to go in for a touch up, every 6 months or so, but it will get less with time. But honestly, to me this is better than worrying about it every day of my life. And I got it done at a Spa in little West Lorne Ontario (Canada) by someone that my grandma went to, lol. She only charged me $100 per appt and $75 for touch ups, way worth it. It does hurt, I'll admit. My sister used Emla to numb the area beforehand because she couldn't stand it, its like bee stings. I do recommend it, it can be life changing, very liberating :bigsmile:
    Oh and yes, do make sure to ice the area before hand, it helps a lot! :wink:
  • cmoore0102
    I had it done as well and wasted $1500. The hair is still VERY much there (underarms and bikini). Its not as bad as it was originally, but it still requires just as much shaving as before. And like dclarsh said, its VERY painful in those areas. They should turn the machine up really high to get any results, and I flinched each time she zapped me (which they do at least 50 zaps probably...) and I'm really good with pain. I wouldn't waste your money unless you're REALLY self conscious. If you chose to get it, I hope you have better luck!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I'm a natural blonde... Guess I'll stick to shaving and the occasional wax...:laugh: :tongue: :laugh:

  • likes2bwet
    likes2bwet Posts: 275 Member
    I say totally go for it. I had both bikini and underarm done. The place here prescribes a numbing cream that you apply then wrap in a saran wrap diaper for about an hour before your appt. Didn't feel a thing. results are very satisfying and touch up is $20 if u ever need it for the duration of life. She applied baggie of ice for underarms and bikini as well then gives yousome cream for the redness/swelling. I am getting my legs done as soon as my tan dies down...GO FOR IT!!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    I've wanted to have this done for years!!!! The dis-satisfied responses are the reasons that I haven't. However, I am VERY hirsute, multiple, dark hairs from every follicle! As I've gotten older, the facial issue has gotten out of control! I literally have to shave my upper lip every 2 days! And then there's all the hair on my chin! Seems like there's more every week. I get so irritated after I shave my bikini area that I can only wear a bathing suit once, then must wait about 10 days before I can shave it again. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

    Was there a lot of irriation after each treatment? I do worry about having a red upper lip and not being able to leave the house! For those of you with bad outcomes, do you think that you might have faired better with a different technician or at a different facility?

    Thanks for all of the input!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I've wanted to have this done for years!!!! The dis-satisfied responses are the reasons that I haven't. However, I am VERY hirsute, multiple, dark hairs from every follicle! As I've gotten older, the facial issue has gotten out of control! I literally have to shave my upper lip every 2 days! And then there's all the hair on my chin! Seems like there's more every week. I get so irritated after I shave my bikini area that I can only wear a bathing suit once, then must wait about 10 days before I can shave it again. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

    Was there a lot of irriation after each treatment? I do worry about having a red upper lip and not being able to leave the house! For those of you with bad outcomes, do you think that you might have faired better with a different technician or at a different facility?

    Thanks for all of the input!

    Yes, it is very swollen and red afterward, some areas may scab (I know, gross, lol), I found that if I brought a face cloth with me and cleaned my face right after and applied polysporin cream it helped. If you burn in the sun your reaction is worse, I put sun screen on before I went and it helped.
    I too was like you, only I had to do my face everyday. Trust me, it will hurt, but when you've dealt with what we have for a lifetime, a little pain is totally worth it. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    Its going to be $940 for 7 sessions on both areas. She doesn't think it will take all 7 sessions, so I'll probably use the extra sessions on my lip. hate to wax....ugh.

    I think the technology has changed over the past few years. I'll be using this system.

    I would be really pissed if i paid all this and it didnt work. But, they have had a lot of satisfied customers, and the gal working telling me all about her own experience which made me feel a lot better.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Off topic a bit, I had my face lazered for dark spots and sun damage, 3 treatments, $800 dollars, took 10 years off my face! dark spots and sun damage gone even toned skin somewhat, very happy, no hair removal tho! She threw in my hands on the last session so that age spots on my hands would not give me away! emoticon-animal-016.gif
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    I've wanted to have this done for years!!!! The dis-satisfied responses are the reasons that I haven't. However, I am VERY hirsute, multiple, dark hairs from every follicle! As I've gotten older, the facial issue has gotten out of control! I literally have to shave my upper lip every 2 days! And then there's all the hair on my chin! Seems like there's more every week. I get so irritated after I shave my bikini area that I can only wear a bathing suit once, then must wait about 10 days before I can shave it again. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

    Was there a lot of irriation after each treatment? I do worry about having a red upper lip and not being able to leave the house! For those of you with bad outcomes, do you think that you might have faired better with a different technician or at a different facility?

    Thanks for all of the input!

    Yes, it is very swollen and red afterward, some areas may scab (I know, gross, lol), I found that if I brought a face cloth with me and cleaned my face right after and applied polysporin cream it helped. If you burn in the sun your reaction is worse, I put sun screen on before I went and it helped.
    I too was like you, only I had to do my face everyday. Trust me, it will hurt, but when you've dealt with what we have for a lifetime, a little pain is totally worth it. Good luck :flowerforyou:

  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    Off topic a bit, I had my face lazered for dark spots and sun damage, 3 treatments, $800 dollars, took 10 years off my face! dark spots and sun damage gone even toned skin somewhat, very happy, no hair removal tho! She threw in my hands on the last session so that age spots on my hands would not give me away! emoticon-animal-016.gif

    Thats awesome!!! Amazing what technology can do! :bigsmile:
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Off topic a bit, I had my face lazered for dark spots and sun damage, 3 treatments, $800 dollars, took 10 years off my face! dark spots and sun damage gone even toned skin somewhat, very happy, no hair removal tho! She threw in my hands on the last session so that age spots on my hands would not give me away! emoticon-animal-016.gif

    Thats awesome!!! Amazing what technology can do! :bigsmile:

    My Lazer tech and My plastic surgeon are top of the list for Christmas cards! :laugh:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Yay! Very stoked. Getting the woman area and my underarms de-fuzzed. permanently! Cant wait! Anyone had this done?

    Curious - how much is each treatment or is it a by area price for you?
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    My supervisor had this done. She had her almost the whole woman area done and underarms done. She loves it. She said (woman area) she could never get it like it is now shaving. It was never real smooth. I am dying to get it done. I would like to get EVERYTHING done. When I get old I don't want to have to depend on someone else getting my eyebrows or lip done. I have 2 boys they would probably let me have a big mustache.:laugh: I have very dark hair and plenty of it.