So who all is from the great state of TEXAS??



  • fresprit57
    fresprit57 Posts: 15 Member
    I am in Corpus Christi.....just moved here last Aug..I exercise early in the morning as it is very humid here.....or go to the gym for Zumba class. I am am SF Bay Area girl so this heat is something to get used to!
  • I am from North Texas! Lived in Texas my whole life!
  • TXPaul
    TXPaul Posts: 74 Member
    I'm in Pearland just outside of Houston. The heat here is killer in the summer. I usually walk late in the evening to stay cool and keep my dog from falling out. I would do it in the morning but I already get up at 4:00.

    Coachblt makes some good points about our great state and the pride Texans feel about it. It's just who we are!
  • Nastasha915
    Nastasha915 Posts: 124 Member
    HI!!! I definitely understand what you are going through. I'm in the Central Texas Area (Killeen/Fort Hood) but am moving to San Antonio in the coming months. The humidity is brutal down there.
  • Live in Houston and its already a barn burner but it's better than digging out of snow.
  • jlmoses91
    jlmoses91 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi! I'm Jordan and feel your pain, I live in midland! I used to live in Houston and Corpus Christi so I feel your pain! Even though it's hard I find that the earlier I run the better! Luckily the last few mornings have been bearable. Oh and for people who Live iin Corpus I lived their for 16 years, it's a lot easier running in the evening!!!
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Hey....Born in Dallas 50 years ago...Still here.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    San Antonio here! Go Spurs!
  • butterflymarks
    butterflymarks Posts: 97 Member
    I'm in Houston right now but come this fall...
    College Station here I come!

    gig em :)
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Sorry don't want to sound like I have an attitude or a jerk just really curious whats so great about Texas? I admit i haven't been there yet so no judgement is being passed I want to visit one day, (someone tell me where to start)

    But what is the greatness?

    If you have to ask...You will never understand.
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    Sorry don't want to sound like I have an attitude or a jerk just really curious whats so great about Texas? I admit i haven't been there yet so no judgement is being passed I want to visit one day, (someone tell me where to start)

    But what is the greatness?
    Many many things make our state great. We were our own country! We have gorgeous hill country and wildflowers, mountains out west, and beaches. We have great steak, seafood, and wine. Our Mexican food is second to none.

  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member

    Born in San Antonio and live in College Station (about an hour and half from Houston). So go Spurs and Gig 'em! :happy:

    I LOVE TEXAS! :drinker:
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    Living near Fort Worth now....originally from Friendswood/Clear Lake. Missing the water on a hot day like today!
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Sorry don't want to sound like I have an attitude or a jerk just really curious whats so great about Texas? I admit i haven't been there yet so no judgement is being passed I want to visit one day, (someone tell me where to start)

    But what is the greatness?
    Many many things make our state great. We were our own country! We have gorgeous hill country and wildflowers, mountains out west, and beaches. We have great steak, seafood, and wine. Our Mexican food is second to none.


    And the best BarbeQue in the Country!!!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Austin born and raised :happy:
  • sherryk5133
    sherryk5133 Posts: 106
    Born in San Antonio but have lived in Wichita Falls all my life!! And DO I know about the Texas heat!!!! Add me if you would like we all can use support and encouragement know matter where we are from!! Have a fantastic weekend but try to stay COOL!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • andreamkelly
    andreamkelly Posts: 169
    I'm north of Dallas. We ride bikes, take walks and have a gym membership also.
  • jopotx1
    jopotx1 Posts: 1
    Been in Houston area 13 yrs, but I am not a native. I married one instead :-) I am from the wonderfully beautiful Pacific Northwest. Washington state to be exact. The 1st couple of years here in TX was murder due to the humidty. I always felt like I was breathing through a wet washcloth. I ended up cutting all my hair off to avoid the heat, since it was easier than always having it up.

    Now I work out in the pool when the weather gets too hot. You can burn a lot of calories treading water, casually swimming laps or running in the water. You can also do toning exercises; the water resistance is a sneaky way of working out without realizing it. Bonus for the effort, you never get sweaty! I actually miss it during the winter.

    Other options include being inside when it is to hot and working out with the WII. Best invention ever as far as I am concerned to remove the boring part of working out. Plenty of variety and you can do it with the kids. I have learned how to do yoga, golf, and even tennis. Nothing like a contest to get the activity level up.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    ME!!! I live in Dallas :happy:
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    I may not be from Texas, but I now live in El Paso! I can relate to the heat. My biggest trouble tho is when I am gone all day (SAHM); I haven't figured out how to eat healthy without worrying about food getting spoiled in the car!