So who all is from the great state of TEXAS??



  • ElleBee615
    ElleBee615 Posts: 177
    Garland, TX here by way of New Orleans! :smile:
  • ElleBee615
    ElleBee615 Posts: 177
    Fort Worth here, and it was stinkin hot today!

    ^^OMG!! It totally was!!! LOL
  • Jd1360
    Jd1360 Posts: 170 Member
    Austin, myself! :D
  • coolcatcan
    coolcatcan Posts: 133 Member
    Dallas here and sweating, sweating, sweating today!
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    Somewhere outside Dallas.. 97 today ????
  • Chuckal
    Chuckal Posts: 5 Member
    Currently living in the DFW area - not sure I would call Texas "great" I've lived in 4 other states and a different country so I have a little perspective.
  • brentdaniels
    brentdaniels Posts: 127
    East Texas here(Lufkin)
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sorry don't want to sound like I have an attitude or a jerk just really curious whats so great about Texas? I admit i haven't been there yet so no judgement is being passed I want to visit one day, (someone tell me where to start)

    But what is the greatness?
    I've lived in Houston now for over 4 years. I can tell you it's great to those who haven't lived anywhere else. As soon as folks move away for a good while, they realize there are better places to live. Sorry to be a downer on the most proud state but it's unrelentingly hot & humid,, people pretty much stay inside from May - Sept (I'm wet right now), no variety in the land (mtns, rivers, color...), its cities always top the national lists of most unfit & unhealthy places to live, the beaches are terrible, the food is good but it's cuz its very fattening (not a lot of healthy options), it's not clean land or air (at least in Houston).

    That said, I do appreciate southern hospitality, but it's not found in a big melting pot city like Houston. You have to get away from the big cities to find that very much.

    I find this kind of telling. People that have enough money to buy a vacation home or land, always buy land out of the state - usually Colorado or New Mexico - cuz that's the good land.

    Ok, expecting hate mail in 3... 2... 1...
  • Wayne092
    Wayne092 Posts: 23
    Amarillo so not far
  • Asil02
    Asil02 Posts: 261
    From Austin. I SOOO understand the difficulties of working out with the heat. I have changed my hours at work so that I can get it in during the wee morning hours while it is still relatively cool.
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    I've lived in Texas most of my life. I live near Dallas. The heat bites!!!!!
  • GiGi0004
    GiGi0004 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm from Roscoe so I totally understand the heat here. We go to Lubbock and watch Tech football. I try to do my workouts in the morning when it is cooler.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    North of Dallas.

    Been here for 15 years.

    Love it.
  • Urquharte
    Urquharte Posts: 13
    Coppell, TX right here! I've lived in Texas my whole life- most of it in the Dallas area, but I spent 7 years as a kid and then 4 of the best years of my life in Lubbock. (That's right- proud Texas Tech grad here!) I HATE the heat, but after having traveled extensively in Arizona over the past 4 years (since my BFF lives there now), I really think it is just the HUMIDITY I hate so much. I can actually be in the heat in AZ and not feel like I'm going to die! I hope to get in lots of pool time and early morning walking during the heat this summer.
  • purserjennifer1
    I live in a small town called Anna :) love it out here. Work in McKinney Texas and would love to find someone to get to know and become workout partners (walking buddies)
  • sherry9300
    sherry9300 Posts: 149 Member
    Never ask a person where they're from. If they're from Texas, they'll tell you. If not, don't embarrass them.

    To answer your question: People are just proud of Texas. Not all, mind you, but most. How? I don't know, probably because we can secede from America and still survive. Maybe because of the Alamo. Maybe because we have an independent power grid. Maybe it's because we have the best BBQ in the nation and 3 of them sit right in Lockhart.

    Perhaps it's because of all the beautiful women. Maybe because of the diversity of the state as a whole. Could be because of the schools (Tech, UT, A&M, Baylor, etc...)

    Maybe it's because people are just proud to be Texans.

    I'm from San Antonio...even lived in Ft Worth for 3 1/2 years. After traveling all over the place in the military, I finally retired in Mississippi and love it here.
  • MrEmoticon
    MrEmoticon Posts: 275 Member
    Why is EVERYONE in Ft Worth or Austin?! Geeze. Where are the Houston peeps.
  • Melonhead
    Melonhead Posts: 168
    I'm in Friendswood. I have more of a beef with the mosquitoes than I do with the heat.
  • Melonhead
    Melonhead Posts: 168
    We have the Davis mountains in West Texas. Ever been to Big Bend of Palo Duro Canyon? Gorgeous! The beaches from Corpus Christi down to South Padre Island are beautiful. No color? Try the Hill Country in the fall, or drive up 290 towards Austin in the spring when the bluebonnets and indian paintbrush are in full bloom.

    I've lived around the Houston area my entire life, and you're right - she ain't pretty, but she's home. All I'm saying is that it's a BIG state, so go explore it. Maybe you'll change your mind a little.
  • DarJackson
    Texas here! I live just outside Austin. :smile: