Greetings from a gamer!



  • meowstrom
    meowstrom Posts: 37
    Oblivion ate up my life :P Actually my entire highschool life (really kiddish games I know) was spent bonding with my girl friends on Halo, Soul Calibur, God of War, and WoW. I got so obsessed with WoW that I made a night elf costume and wore it and stupidly didn't enter it into a cosplay contest the judges I met outside of the con told me I could have won, haha. Ooooh good times. I broke my computer ages ago and I haven't gamed since but I'm content to watch my boyfriend now, and my girl friends and I still catch up for games of Halo to be nostalgic but they've moved on to FPS. Just recently I made an Alduin head mask for my boyfriend. I don't classify as a gamer anymore but I'm still a bit of a geek ._.
  • NanoBear
    NanoBear Posts: 67
    I'm into D3 myself at the moment. Probably head back to WoW at some stage in the future.

    Being a fellow gamer, you might be interested in this site for tracking exercise too:
    log your exercises, get 'exp' for them and level up! It's what first got me going on this journey.
  • meowstrom
    meowstrom Posts: 37
    Also, last year my mum's boss found abandoned kittens(her boss ended up taking the rest to the Vet) at their workplace and she took a ginger one for me thinking I'd love another cat. I freaked out, started crying and about $300 later at the emergency animal hospital, had a 10 day old kitten to nurse o.o Most difficult 3 months of my life, being a surrogate cat mother is serious business and I commend you on taking that up :)
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    I was addicted to WoW for a good year or so when my son was younger. Finally quit it a year ago but thinking about joining back in moderation after I finish college :-) I want to try out D3 but I'm so drawn in to playing games on the Xbox lol. Went from one addiction to another. But this one I share with my kiddo. We play the Lego games constantly lol
  • McguireM4
    McguireM4 Posts: 2
    Oh yay! I'm a casual gamer, mostly I like RPGs :) Cosplayer and X-Men/Marvel fangirl too. Gamers, feel free to add! I'll be starting D3 when my bf goes on vacation, and right now I'm playing Bayonetta :D
  • librarygoddess2
    librarygoddess2 Posts: 145 Member
    Very nice to meet you too! I have to say, losing weight has seriously cut into my gaming time. I need to spend more time back on WoW, Skyrim, Star Wars, Sims, and gosh I haven't even purchased Diablo yet!

    Nice to meet you. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • librarygoddess2
    librarygoddess2 Posts: 145 Member
    I play Diablo 3, invulnerable minions give me nightmares at night. I'm on a WoW break till the exp pack. Anxiety sucks, I suffer from it initially on everything and have to will myself out of it.

    Feel free to add me.

    Yay.. I can't wait for the exp too! I was so tired of WoW, they made it too easy to get to 85. I wanted more quests!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Oblivion ate up my life :P Actually my entire highschool life (really kiddish games I know) was spent bonding with my girl friends on Halo, Soul Calibur, God of War, and WoW. I got so obsessed with WoW that I made a night elf costume and wore it and stupidly didn't enter it into a cosplay contest the judges I met outside of the con told me I could have won, haha. Ooooh good times. I broke my computer ages ago and I haven't gamed since but I'm content to watch my boyfriend now, and my girl friends and I still catch up for games of Halo to be nostalgic but they've moved on to FPS. Just recently I made an Alduin head mask for my boyfriend. I don't classify as a gamer anymore but I'm still a bit of a geek ._.

    I looooved Oblivion. And I'm addicted to Skyrim as well. They're games that will eat up any free time you have if you let them. :)
  • Venturin
    Venturin Posts: 244 Member
    Welcome to MFP.

    Gamer also, since the very beginning. Pong on the boardwalk of Ocean City circa 1973. I've seen it all every step of the way and it's been a fun ride.

    I think gamers are better at losing weight because we thrive on challenges, beating bosses, strategizing and reveling in acquiring achievements!

    Good luck!

  • jmuhnie
    jmuhnie Posts: 93 Member
    After a serious addiction to D2 I have avoided most contact with those style games...good to hear there is a gaming community on MFP though.
  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
    Former WoW-raider here... (see before picture - yuck!)

  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member


    lol hi nilithyana, welcome to mfp and good luck

    DDO and Diablo3 player here!
  • Nilithyana
    Nilithyana Posts: 21
    *glomps on Nilithyana* Now I'm going to stalk you. I hadn't tried posting in the forums yet, I suppose I should think about introducing myself too! lol

    <-- The gamer girl friend who introduced Nilithyana to MFP.

    Sweet! I'm officially stalked!
  • Nilithyana
    Nilithyana Posts: 21
    Wow, my thread got more responses than I thought it would! Much love to all you gamers (or past gamers as the case may be). I feel very welcomed.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Former gamer here. Look into it's a free site where you log your exercises (much better exercise database and interface than this site) and you get points for your workouts. There are also quests and achievements that really make you push yourself. Like 100 pushups in a workout.
  • Aereon
    Aereon Posts: 27 Member
    Installing Diablo III right now =)
  • Fizz7581
    Fizz7581 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey there! I used to think gaming would be the death of me lol !! I was obsessed with WoW and played for about 4 years. The bf now is playing Diablo 3, and i'm on Star Wars the Old Republic. haha I still love to play (and read.....a lot....) but this site has been really great. It's only been a week but since i log onto my game each day, i log onto here as well. I've become a lot more conscious of how many calories are in the food i'm eating. Also, i feel like i'll be exercising a lot more too! Good luck and keep in touch! =D
  • jenbridges
    jenbridges Posts: 213 Member
    I'm a city of heroes girl, myself...
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I still play WoW (have for almost four years). Welcome to mfp!!!!!!!!
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    *glomps on Nilithyana* Now I'm going to stalk you. I hadn't tried posting in the forums yet, I suppose I should think about introducing myself too! lol

    <-- The gamer girl friend who introduced Nilithyana to MFP.

    I want your job lol

    I'm a recovering Everquest 2 addict