Smokin Hot Green Peppers



  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    OK Im here Im back! Sorry about being MIA, computer/family/life sucks issues!:)
    but I let it all go and am better then ever!
    i think it is a great idea to offre the team out there for anyone to join!:bigsmile:
    Thanks girl for keeping us alive when everyone else was mia! Ya troopers!
    ok so back on that wagon here!
    AM :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: 'ing FRESH VEGGIES AND FRUIT! I always have but by gosh! I bought a zuccini that must have weighed 10 pounds! and Im still eating off of it!
    got the cookbook Deceptivily delicious (where you hide veggies into food and your family eats them) (never really had a problem in that department so much but it is great to know anyhow)
    LOVE IT!
    Went for an hours long fast walk this morning to the kids new school
    all is well they started school kids in teh house wow!!!! that is new to me!
    (well still watching the neighbors rugrats) But none of my kids in the house!
    makes me want another one!
    ok so i am here!
    Ill be back on here later!
    Anyone want black berry jam?!? Fresh homemade??
    write me a message with your address and I will get some out to you :bigsmile: :heart: Miss v!
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    OK Im here Im back! Sorry about being MIA, computer/family/life sucks issues!:)
    but I let it all go and am better then ever!
    i think it is a great idea to offre the team out there for anyone to join!:bigsmile:
    Thanks girl for keeping us alive when everyone else was mia! Ya troopers!
    ok so back on that wagon here!
    AM :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: 'ing FRESH VEGGIES AND FRUIT! I always have but by gosh! I bought a zuccini that must have weighed 10 pounds! and Im still eating off of it!
    got the cookbook Deceptivily delicious (where you hide veggies into food and your family eats them) (never really had a problem in that department so much but it is great to know anyhow)
    LOVE IT!
    Went for an hours long fast walk this morning to the kids new school
    all is well they started school kids in teh house wow!!!! that is new to me!
    (well still watching the neighbors rugrats) But none of my kids in the house!
    makes me want another one!
    ok so i am here!
    Ill be back on here later!
    Anyone want black berry jam?!? Fresh homemade??
    write me a message with your address and I will get some out to you :bigsmile: :heart: Miss v!

    YEAH!!! Miss V....we have missed you terribly. I would love me some blackberry jam. How much?
    I am glad you are still around and doing so great. Eating some great foods and all the walking. Glad that your kids got off to school. I cant say watching other kids make me want more but if you do; then you are a better person than me. I love my children but there are few of others kids that I can tolerate. I could never be a daycare worker. :bigsmile:
    Let me tell you that I have a great recipe for zuccini...grilled if you havent tried it.
    Cut in lengthwise, scoop out the center making it into 2 boats. Brown some dround sausage (leave the grease or at least some of it) and add it to the zuccini, top with cheese, marinara sauce, sauteed mushrooms and anything else you like. (garlic salt) and wrap in heavy duty aluminum foil and grill for about 45 mins.
    ITS IS SO GOOD! adjust recipe to be more healthy. This is just the original I got.
    let me know what you think if you try it.
    I will message you my address and would love to get some of that jam. YUMMM!!! Thanks and Talk to you soon!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    ok greenies, we gonna go ahead and recruit some newbies? got some ques tho, so please answer soon!

    do we want to start a new thread? like weekly or not?
    still wi ( weigh in) in Friday's?
    food, exercise challenges?

    anything else? let me know asap, i'm ready to get this goin :bigsmile:

    have a great day!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: morning Kelly
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I think we should have a new thread ever 2 weeks or so, with the last post in the old thread in bold and telling everyone taht we moved threads (I forget sometimes:)
    I dont care when we weigh in, but mondays and fridays would rock.
    I would love to have a chart going through out so that we can al see the progress
    maybe a monthly photo to show progress ( Or no progress so that we can support those who fall behind :like ME:laugh: )
    challenges I think should be something WE stick to and do!
    forgot what else I was gonna say so I will write later;)
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey miss V :bigsmile:

    re the chart...are you talking like the wt, %'s, info? i can do that for us, i think it is a good motivator tool, loss or not! i prefer Friday's, and it's ok w/me if ppl want to pick their own day, i will just update the info when i get it. photos are a good idea, and i think measurements are cool too. i think i will just go ahead and post a recruit thread and we will go from there...
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    i posted a "Smokin' Hot Green Pepper ~~ Recruiting NOW" thread...Saturday Sept 12, 4:54 CST. hope you all join me, again! :flowerforyou:
  • angiemcnett
    Hi. I am back. It took a little bit to find the new thread. I love the new name. I had a busy summer working out of town. Now I am back to being a stay at home mom. Glad to be back home and back into my normal routine. My dieting is put on hold for the next 8 months because I am pregnant. I still want to be part of the group if that is ok with everyone else. I am going to need support to eat healthy. I am very overweight and over 35 so I need to limit my weight gain during my pregnancy. It also is my first pregnancy so I am a little freaked. We didn't plan on it happening so fast. I went off the pill and 1 month later I am pregnant. I love the idea about the chart. I missed you guys.:flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    HI Angie, so good to hear from you and CONGRATS on the pregnancy! :flowerforyou: I think you will do fine and yes, eating healthy and staying active as long as you can will help with your weight gain. Wish you all the best! I started a new 'recruit' thread for the green team, but see so far there have only been lookers. Will post it again Monday, and hope for some joiners! We have missed everyone here, past and current, so we're happy you're back!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    :noway: WOW :noway: Miss V, what a darn nice zucchini that is! whoa! you done fantastic on the crops! can you freeze that or will it get mushy? yummy for you! how is your day goin? mine is so-so. prepping for this scope 2morrow, and today is only liquids. the real fun starts around 2pm or so. i am kinda, really hungry too. foodies will have to wait til noon or so 2morrow....:frown: well, enjoy the rest of your Sunday! :heart:
  • jacque509
    Hi all,
    I am sorry for not being on, life justt got to hard. Gained all my weight back, started on a free for all eat fest. Had a wierd exprerence Saturday night and it scared me so I am starting over. I went to bed, been fighting a cold for a week now and as I was trying to go to sleep, I kept waking up as soon as I nod off, like i couldn't breath. I am sure it the cold along with stress, but it scared the hell out of me. I started praying and said God please help me sleep and I promise to really try harder. Well I finally fell asleep and lord and behold I heard a pounding on my door, its now 3:30 in the morning and at my door is the cop bringing my dd home from a party. thank God she was not in any real trouble, no drinking or anything but she had snuck out her bedroom window to go to this party and there was alot of older kids there. Anything could of happen,(agh). I then realize there is always gonna be stress, and I just got to deal. So we had a heart to heart talk after I got back from the gym (1st time in a month, I walked slowly for 2 miles but hey at least I moved. So in our heart to heart I was straight up with her and said that I put my life on hold for the last 17 years and I did it gladly because I love her sooo much but then i realize what kind of examples I was setting, so I told her now I got to focus on me and she needs to focus on her life and where is she going? So we decided that we need to get off our #$$ and make changes. So now i am starting really slow, I am not gonna worry about diet per say but focus on moving every day and try to make good food choices.
    :heart: SHGP standing strong
    :heart: listening more to dd
    :heart: myself
    :heart: breathing good today
    :heart: Monday (hahahaha)
    So I will try to get on more.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Jacque~ I am so very proud of you!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: :drinker: morning green pepper team!
    Well I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend!
    I took the kids to an alpaca farm here in town and then a childrens garden and another farm! :bigsmile: Htey loved it and I loved the walking (even though I overdid the walking and hurt my kenn for 2 days) But i am all better now.
    Gonna walk to get the kids from school today which is 1.5 miles round trip. I wanna start doing it in the morning and again in the afternoon... but have too much going on in teh morning the last 2 mornings. Took my little doggie into the vet today! he is finally getting his ding-a-ling cut off!:bigsmile: and I am so happy about that!
    ate some awesome squash and onions in a spicy sauce i made lastnight.
    Gonna go meatless again! starting sometime this week:) gotta go shopping first:laugh: LOL
    Payday is today! YAY!
    having the neighbor kids later at night now...she is working odd hours so it is getting harder for me to do it...... But I am keeping positive!
    Selling avon! Which i really enjoy
    if you are interested go to
    :heart: SHGP
    :heart: Alpacas
    :heart: my family
    :heart: my body
  • jacque509
    Ok had a rough night last night. Did not get to exercise like I wanted, so will try today. For some reason I blew last night to H$%% and back. First made one of my son most fav meal and over ate. Then literally sat on my butt and did nothing but watch TV! OMG how I fallen, then had a snack that could of been a meal at 9pm. Accomplish nothing, no laundry, home work, or even clean the dishes after the snack. Its like I said I was gonna start slow and my mine said oh no u don't!!
    Well Today is going a little better so far, but promise my son dinner at Case Ole tonight so I gotta figure out how to do this without really blowing it
    :heart: SHGP
    :heart: Payday tomorrow
    :heart: Breathing
    :heart: Kids
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    afternoon Miss V!
    ding-a-ling :laugh: :laugh: you are too funny girl! oh my goodness, you have had a really FUN day! we have an alpaca farm near here too, and our kindergartners go each spring for a field trip, and I get to drive for it. it is so much fun. one year they had a new baby! hope your knee continues to get better! it's a real bummer when we get owiees! :frown: i am takin it easy today from having my scope yesterday, and now not sure what to do about my C25K, I was on week 3. oh, what to do?? me too, me too, I am excited to get paid Friday. first check since July. wont be a big one, but need badly. we have a couple of new "peppers" on our "recruit' thread. i have told them that this Friday, the 18th will be our weigh in ready to go at it?!! :happy:

    callin all smokin hot green guys ready to start this Friday?? c'mon gang, lets regroup and bring it! with a few baby steps in the right direction, we can reach our goal of a milion miles!! let's not underestimate the power we each hold within ourselves and bust out of these bodies into one that is much more improved! i know you can do it! love you all! :heart:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey Jacque! :flowerforyou: glad to see you here hun! ya know, i have days like that too, and really too many of them. buy hey, it's ok and today is a new day.:smile: i am gettin excited for all the new shows starting up, so i sit a lot in the eve too, watchin the tube. tonite is Biggest Loser, and I can't wait! i love that show! just try to watch your portions on your meal out tonite. and drink lots and lots of water. enjoy the time w/ds! :heart: have a great day Jacque!
  • jacque509
    I am Very SORRY :cry:
    This here is my formal apolgy to the SHGP for being stupid and thinking I did not benefit from logging in everyday and talking with you all!! So if you will forgive me and yell if you want, I will try harder to be a better Pepper:blushing: I know I will contiune you to mess up once in a while and be stupid at times, but I will try not to make this mistake again.I :heart: :heart: :heart: the SHGP and always will
    Jacque :love:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey EVERYBODY!! :smile: I have started a new " Smokin' Hot Green Pepper ~ Recruiting NOW" thread under Motivation and Support. This Friday we will have weigh in and hopefully some kinda weekly challenge. I am gonna try and do a chart for us, so please join! :flowerforyou:
  • jacque509
    Thanks Kel! I was wondering just last night when Biggest loseer was coming on again. I love that show!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Jacque, no apology needed dear. none of us is perfect. in one way or another all of us have slacked in some form. these are the lessens we can learn from. can you believe it is Sept and we are still here? even if i had lost my wt and gotten to goal, i dont think i could just up and leave you guys. you are my wt loss buds, whether i was venting some stress or just sharing non important info. this team has been thru it all and now stronger b/c of it. you matter and i really care about my Texan Pepper! :heart:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: you are all great!
    Well didn't get much done at all today like I had hoped, just did some typical house stuff and didn not end up getting my walking in to get the kids:( But i am totally gonna go and do it tomorrow ;)
    My little doggie is back from the vet all kinds of tuckered out . It got warm (FOR US) here today
    have all the kids here fighting so i gotta go but wanted to check in and tell kelly that she is silly lady! and I hope her butt gets back to normal:laugh: sorry i had to !
    and tell jaque that we:heart: her nomatter WHAT! we all need a good swift kick to get a mooving sometimes! :bigsmile: