Can you be too heavy to Jog?



  • spigenerb
    spigenerb Posts: 29
    If your knees and hips can take it I say go for it. I run with my brother occasionally and he is 235 and runs all the time. He has no problems and has been running at that weight for years.

    And as you lose weight the stress on your body will be reduced not to mention the cardiovascular benefits.
  • mikewpg1ca
    mikewpg1ca Posts: 86 Member
    I started at 307 - 6'1". I couldn't steady jog at that time, so I walked two min, ran two min. Did that for 20 min, then 30 a few times, then 40 a few times, 50, up to an hour. Then I gave running a shot for 30 min straight and was successful, now I can run up to an hour straight. But, I still do my 2 min walk, 2 min run (faster pace than my steady runs), for intervals when I'm not doing a steady constant pace run. I run on a treadmill mainly because it offers more cushion than the road, if I do run outside, I make sure it's at the park on the grass, again more cushion, since I'm still heavy at 277. I ran a full marathon in 06 at 230 and I ran a half about a year before that at 265. So yes running certainly is an option, but it depends on the person. It's best to start slow and easy.
  • drgmac
    drgmac Posts: 716 Member
    I will first start by saying I am biased. I have been running since 1984 when I started my freshman year at Penn Stare and could not get into the "non athletic" ball room dancing class. Long story short, running was the only PE class That had any openings, however,much to my surprise, I got addicted and loved what it did for my strength, confidence, and overall tone. At any rate, the best thing to do is first get cleared by your doctor and take it show. Then, invest in good shoes. You don't need a $120.00 pair to get the job done, but do go to a place that can take a look at your feet and see how you run outside of the store for a few steps. The staff will be able to tell you about your arches and how you "pronate" or rotate your feet in the shoes.

    Once you get your shoes, just alternate between jogging and walking. Take it easy so you don't get sore and frustrated. In my mind, attitude is everything. You are never to old or predisposed to a particular body type to start a running program. I ran up through the 7th month with both of my pregnancies. you can do it and chances are you might just love it.
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 408 Member
    I am pretty much in the same boat you are.
    And I am now at W5D3.
    Yesterday I did 10 minutes running without any problems.
    Aside from a knee problem (because of a recent fall) I haven't had any problems.
    If you're really worried, consult your doctor.
    Otherwise I say GO FOR IT!

    PS-Rocky theme song music really helps :0)
    Hi Pals,

    I'm 268.5 lbs and have recently started a a C25K programme.

    I'm not and haven't really been a runner, but have a desire to become one.
    But, at the back of my mind I keep thinking am I putting too much strain on my body in it's current condition.
    Having said that Weeks 1 & 2 have gone OK.

    Run or not to run?

  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    All of this has probably been said, but here is my 2 cents.

    Any cardiovascular, respiratory or orthopedic problems dictate a trip to the doctor before you begin because in those cases, yes certain level of exertion can do more harm than good.

    If you are healthy and have no reason to suspect you have any pre-disease problems that JUST BEGIN!

    I weighed almost 400lbs and am down to 283. I am competing in a super sprint triathlon in 2 weeks. I have a good heart and lungs but multiple ortho issues and I just listen to my body which is what all endurance coaches will tell you. Be sure to take several days off every few weeks or once per month.

    Nutrition is paramount!! Keep your glycogen level high on training days and supplement with protein. After some time training, your body will tell you when you are eating the wrong foods because your training sessions will suck. Conversely, you must give yourself "refeed days" every so often where you eat some of those things you crave. Not only will it satisfy you emotionally, but it actually kicks your weight loss into gear. Remember, you loose weight not when training, but when resting.

    Hope you read this 86th post lol, and I hope it helps.
  • Loozin
    Loozin Posts: 91
    Hope you read this 86th post lol, and I hope it helps.

    Thank you, reading them all.
  • andymf85
    andymf85 Posts: 18 Member
    Everybody is different... I for one have difficulty with certain joints even when I'm at my ideal weight. Granted I could have been more fit, but at the end of the day all people are built differently and the best thing you can do is listen to your body.

    You could also look at other variables, like where you jog (use tracks rather than your neighborhood sidewalks or streets) or what footwear you use (get a good pair of sneakers, replace every few months, maybe get cushioned insoles).