Isn't annoying how people "judge" you based on your diet?

Apparently, my dad thinks I'm being too much. He laughs of on how much I measure my food and says that's its useless. He makes me look like a stupid person by believing or counting my calories and exercising cause he said that he never does these things and he's still so healthy! O cmon anyone who would see him would know he isn't. I'm just really pissed on how unmotivating people can be and how people can laugh at the effort you are doing to try to be healthy. I MEAN SERIOUSLY! They like making me feel wrong and stupid. Well HA-HA. it's not working. The madness i feel right now is going to be poured in one good exercise. But still. It isn't right how other people react. I'm sorry guys, MFP people are only the ones who can understand me. :(

Sorry for the long rant, have a nice day everyone :)


  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Don't feel bad, I went out to dinner with a friend I haven't seen in about a year. I told her I was counting calories, she rolled her eyes and said "oh Lord, that won't help ya" then she laughed at me.
  • goddamnelectric
    It's annoying when people are like that. I would sometimes get the "you must have an ED for paying that close attention to what you eat" sort of thing with friends, ex's etc... Tune them out, its all about doing this for YOURSELF anyway. Good luck
  • suzanne_oh
    suzanne_oh Posts: 95 Member
    Don't feel bad, I went out to dinner with a friend I haven't seen in about a year. I told her I was counting calories, she rolled her eyes and said "oh Lord, that won't help ya" then she laughed at me.

    I've heard that same type of reaction, but calorie counting is the only way I've ever had success.
  • impossibianca
    Don't feel bad, I went out to dinner with a friend I haven't seen in about a year. I told her I was counting calories, she rolled her eyes and said "oh Lord, that won't help ya" then she laughed at me.

    Thanks :-) Yeah and after that goes the line "I don't count mine and I look perfectly fine!" ugh they dont understand -_-
  • Hasu
    Hasu Posts: 67
    It's awful when family puts you down like that. I've been lucky that I haven't had to contend with that but I have found that a lot of people in general that don't closely look after their diet will laugh at you, make fun, etc. Which is why if I'm not around like minded people I won't even mention I'm counting calories or watching my portions. I've been doing it for so many months now, that so much of it is now second nature and so for that one meal I'm sharing with said friend its easy to keep what I'm doing from them.

    I know some people wouldn't agree with this but sometimes you just don't want to hear the negative nonsense from someone else, when all you're doing is something positive for yourself.

    Don't lose heart and ignore your Dad. You'll be healthier and happier for what you're doing for yourself.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    For this reason, I only discuss my diet with people who ask and are genuinely interested. I politely rebuff those negative questions and comments.

    I do have to say though, that some people feel guilty about their own choices when they see you making healthy choices/changes- and they respond negatively to assuage their own guilt. I try to always remember this when I hear the negativity, so I don't feed back in to it.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Don't let them get to you :)

  • impossibianca
    I know some people wouldn't agree with this but sometimes you just don't want to hear the negative nonsense from someone else, when all you're doing is something positive for yourself.

    Don't lose heart and ignore your Dad. You'll be healthier and happier for what you're doing for yourself.

    Thank you, really :) This made me feel so much better!
  • Way2Blue4You
    I'm having the same problem. My boyfriend & roommate both tell me I'm obsessing - that I spend way too much time consumed on keeping track of what I eat & how much I exercise. It's really difficult some days to get through these things when the people closest to me are sucking the wind out of my sails. I've never been healthier or in better shape than I am today, and I'm proud of that. It's just hard work, & counting calories (both burned & consumed) is the most successful thing I've ever done to manage my eating.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    For this reason, I only discuss my diet with people who ask and are genuinely interested. I politely rebuff those negative questions and comments.

    I do have to say though, that some people feel guilty about their own choices when they see you making healthy choices/changes- and they respond negatively to assuage their own guilt. I try to always remember this when I hear the negativity, so I don't feed back in to it.

  • impossibianca
    For this reason, I only discuss my diet with people who ask and are genuinely interested. I politely rebuff those negative questions and comments.

    I do have to say though, that some people feel guilty about their own choices when they see you making healthy choices/changes- and they respond negatively to assuage their own guilt. I try to always remember this when I hear the negativity, so I don't feed back in to it.


    Thank you :) It's just really hard when it's your family and when you live together, they can't "not" notice me. Thanks guys for the motivation!
  • Way2Blue4You
    That is actually quite insightful. I hadn't considered that angle, and I'll keep it in mind in the future. Thank you.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    That is actually quite insightful. I hadn't considered that angle, and I'll keep it in mind in the future. Thank you.

    I always try and figure out why people say the things they say- I don't think our friends and families are consciously trying to hurt us, so there is almost always some subconscious motive behind hurtful comments, and it almost always reflects some insecurity.
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    i had a friend who wanted me to go eat chinese w her and she usually pays cuz i'm broke. anyway she told me if i was gonna count my calories she wasn't gonna pay because it would be a waste of money. that was shock to me coming from someone who barely eats a thing at all....i was hurt... and as of now she has not spoke to me in about 2 months and took me off her facebook friends list
  • impossibianca
    That is actually quite insightful. I hadn't considered that angle, and I'll keep it in mind in the future. Thank you.

    I always try and figure out why people say the things they say- I don't think our friends and families are consciously trying to hurt us, so there is almost always some subconscious motive behind hurtful comments, and it almost always reflects some insecurity.

  • blanquitats
    It is VERY annoying! My boyfriend does that to me. He's lucky and doesn't have any issues with weight but when he sees me counting calories or skipping on second's he says "come on, stop that!" I think its because they don't understand how hard it is for us to go through these changes while still tryin to maintain some normality. Don't let these occassional comments deter you from your goals!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    i had a friend who wanted me to go eat chinese w her and she usually pays cuz i'm broke. anyway she told me if i was gonna count my calories she wasn't gonna pay because it would be a waste of money. that was shock to me coming from someone who barely eats a thing at all....i was hurt... and as of now she has not spoke to me in about 2 months and took me off her facebook friends list

    Now that is a bizarre over-reaction!
  • impossibianca
    i had a friend who wanted me to go eat chinese w her and she usually pays cuz i'm broke. anyway she told me if i was gonna count my calories she wasn't gonna pay because it would be a waste of money. that was shock to me coming from someone who barely eats a thing at all....i was hurt... and as of now she has not spoke to me in about 2 months and took me off her facebook friends list

    She took you off? If anyone had the right it had to be you. You don't deserve friends like that!
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    i had a friend who wanted me to go eat chinese w her and she usually pays cuz i'm broke. anyway she told me if i was gonna count my calories she wasn't gonna pay because it would be a waste of money. that was shock to me coming from someone who barely eats a thing at all....i was hurt... and as of now she has not spoke to me in about 2 months and took me off her facebook friends list

    Now that is a bizarre over-reaction!
    yeah that what i thought to. but now i'm like if she gonna act like that than she was never really a true whatever loll
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    I hate when people judge me for counting calories with comments like 'LOL really?' and 'good luck with that...' but god forbid I take ONE day off in front of anyone, then it's straight to 'I thought you were on a diet!' and 'How are you going to lose weight eating like that?'. Haters gonna hate.