Isn't annoying how people "judge" you based on your diet?



  • GAsoulstar
    GAsoulstar Posts: 84 Member
    I think the thing that annoys me the most is that people just don't understand that you are doing something for yourself. It is call a "lifestyle change" not a diet. Everything we do in life SHOULD start with respect, but most of the time that doesn't work. I commend you for doing what you feel is right for you and your body. Two thumbs up and keep reaching for your goals.
  • msjersey73
    msjersey73 Posts: 182 Member
    I find it annoying when people keep their diary's closed!!!

    i dont understand why you are annoyed by that. a lot of people don't want or need anyone looking, and possibly being judgmental.

    Find some friends that are like minded as you who keep it open. :smile:
  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I had someone recently spout how "most women watch their calories too much" (or something to that effect) and had the feeling that she was referring to me or including me in that statement.

    I don't see her often and she doesn't know what I do every day but I told her about MFP and she knows that I log my calories every day.

    She watches her weight and uses the Weight Watcher plan but is not the type to log everything into her diary. She keeps track of a lot of stuff "in her head" (yeah, right). Well, it basically works for her and she is good about exercising and watching her weight.

    But she shouldn't judge anyone that chooses to log on a daily basis and no one should.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    i had a friend who wanted me to go eat chinese w her and she usually pays cuz i'm broke. anyway she told me if i was gonna count my calories she wasn't gonna pay because it would be a waste of money. that was shock to me coming from someone who barely eats a thing at all....i was hurt... and as of now she has not spoke to me in about 2 months and took me off her facebook friends list
    that is not a friend.....ugh horrible!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I don`t tell anyone that I`m counting cals and if they ask how I`ve lost my weight I show them my gym card normaly shuts them up. Even my hubby dosen`t really know he knows I`m on MFP but not really sure what I do other than chat and post my workouts lol
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Yeah, that's annoying. I have a cousin who basically told me that I was wasting my time because you can't ever *really* know what you are eating in restaurants. Because clearly approximating is cheating, or something.

    On the other hand, some of my relatives have been surprisingly supportive. I had this conversation with my sister the other day:

    sister: Can I borrow your laptop?
    me: Sure, but I should warn you that you're not going to like what you see on the screen. I've been tracking what I eat, and I know it bugs you when [name redacted] does that.
    sister: It bothers me when [name redacted] does that because she does stupid things like ordering nutrition-less iceberg lettuce salads because she's "on a diet" and then topping it with not one, but TWO packets of full-fat, creamy salad dressing.
    me: Oh.
  • donnarush1983
    people should not be judgeing us... at least we r doing something to help ourself... i have to count every thing i eat...i am one of theses people that can smell a big mac and gain 5 lbs
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    yessss... Lordddd!!! geez, for a supportive fitness site... there r way wayyy tooooo manyyyyy judgements being passed!! DO YOU!!! that means worry about u, not everyone else. if it irks u that bad, go to another site! this isnt the only free calorie counting site ya know....
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    I hate when people judge me for counting calories with comments like 'LOL really?' and 'good luck with that...' but god forbid I take ONE day off in front of anyone, then it's straight to 'I thought you were on a diet!' and 'How are you going to lose weight eating like that?'. Haters gonna hate.
    Yeah. It's funny. From family I get the mocking eyerolls and raised eyebrows when I say, "No thanks, I can't eat that" or that I'm trying to cut out/beef up on a certain nutrient or whatever and that's I'm taking it too far, but if I take a moment once every week or two to eat something "bad" that I like, suddenly it's, "Woooah, I guess the diet's over, huh?" Can't win, just gotta keep doing what you're doing and ignore the rest.

    Ughh, I hate the "so that's allowed in your diet/guess your diet's over/I thought you were being healthy" comments. It's as if they're waiting for you to fail. The thing they don't realize is that being healthy is all about keeping a balance and still being able to have the occasional pizza or ice cream. It's funny that a majority of the time the person making the comments is eating 10x worse than my pizza and they do it 24/7, so who are they to do any policing?

    Like everyone has said, just remember that it's for you. You will even be surprised when a couple of months down the road people see that you weren't just doing a two week crash diet and some will wise up and ask you to help them to also change for the better.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Some people also judge based on what they can do. I know someone who is very smart and healthy but doesn't have to watch what he eats because the exercise he does is enough to keep him at a good weight. He will say, "You don't have to worry about what you eat as long as you exercise" and he means it. That works for him--that would never in a million years would work for me. I don't have an excellent metabolism, and I don't burn as many calories when I exercise as a taller man would.
  • hymescs
    hymescs Posts: 32 Member
    I typically don't tell too many people my eating because there are a lot of critics out there who respond out of ignorance. I always have this replay to my biggest critics.. "I'm not on a diet, I'm learning to eat everything in moderation with heavy lean on regular healthier choices.." If someone challenges me more I follow up with saying that it means that I can still eat foods I enjoy, just not as much or as often, and I would think that since we're friends/family - I'd like to have your support on making positive changes in my life. Any conversation after that, I've found it pretty easy to ignore unless they are actually saying things that are supportive. It is hard road, even harder when you add in the opinions, prejudices, and hurtful comments from the people you encounter; but changing your life for better will always make you stronger for it.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Stark....the change in you is awesome....way to go guy!!!
    Why thank you :)
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    yessss... Lordddd!!! geez, for a supportive fitness site... there r way wayyy tooooo manyyyyy judgements being passed!! DO YOU!!! that means worry about u, not everyone else. if it irks u that bad, go to another site! this isnt the only free calorie counting site ya know....

    I don't understand what you are trying to say.
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    yessss... Lordddd!!! geez, for a supportive fitness site... there r way wayyy tooooo manyyyyy judgements being passed!! DO YOU!!! that means worry about u, not everyone else. if it irks u that bad, go to another site! this isnt the only free calorie counting site ya know....

    I don't understand what you are trying to say.

    Lol, I was wondering the same thing. I don't think she actually read the OP's post...
  • imbanter
    imbanter Posts: 72 Member
    Don't feel bad, I went out to dinner with a friend I haven't seen in about a year. I told her I was counting calories, she rolled her eyes and said "oh Lord, that won't help ya" then she laughed at me.
    Google the professor at K State that went on an 1800 calorie per day diet of doritos, oreos, and nothing but junk food. He lost 20+ pounds and saw positive results in several health markers. Bottom line... Counting calories works!
  • GreatVibe
    GreatVibe Posts: 87
    :explode: yesterday i went out for dinner at a family friends and there were around 10 of us, and each time i refused to eat something they would be like "oh god is this cause of ur diet" like hell ya its cause of my "diet". i aint even on a diet im just trying to eat healthier!! and they also tried for a good 15 mins to force me to eat apple pie!! so annoying!! so yes it is annoying
  • GreatVibe
    GreatVibe Posts: 87
    Don't feel bad, I went out to dinner with a friend I haven't seen in about a year. I told her I was counting calories, she rolled her eyes and said "oh Lord, that won't help ya" then she laughed at me.
    Google the professor at K State that went on an 1800 calorie per day diet of doritos, oreos, and nothing but junk food. He lost 20+ pounds and saw positive results in several health markers. Bottom line... Counting calories works!

    very interesting and so true!
  • sherris1963
    :smile: Don't feel bad about ranting. I think we've all felt like that at some point. Good luck to you.
  • paint_it_black
    paint_it_black Posts: 208 Member
    I've had a few sceptical people try to rain on my MFP parade recently, they were all easily silenced by 1 small comment

    'I've lost a stone (14lb) so far'

    Nothing shuts people up faster than proving what your doing works, good luck on your journey and ignore the critics
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    I hate when people judge me for counting calories with comments like 'LOL really?' and 'good luck with that...' but god forbid I take ONE day off in front of anyone, then it's straight to 'I thought you were on a diet!' and 'How are you going to lose weight eating like that?'. Haters gonna hate.

    I TOTALLY understand this!