Ashamed... called out by a drunk person on my weight.



  • Zisaleh
    Zisaleh Posts: 64 Member
    What a jerk. Don't let the mean drunk jerk get to you. You just keep doing your thing!
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Honestly, I've been feeling really good about myself. However, tonight I was walking around with my friend in Miami Beach (itself a place that is incredibly body conscious) and we passed by a couple, both of whom were really drunk. They were being obnoxious and my friend and I passed by them quietly, but I guess we must have stared. The guy shouted "Hi fat girl!" and then walked off. I knew it had to be for me. My friend was disgusted and I brushed the comment off, but it bugs me now. I know he was drunk, but aren't people in their most honest states then? I thought I was doing pretty well, at 5'5" and 139 pounds. Now I feel like I haven't progressed at all.

    No, people are not at their most honest when drunk. They're called "drunken @ssholes" for a reason.

    You've lost a good bit of weight and you are doing awesome! Please don't doubt that just because some piss drunk jack@ss said something that deserved you putting your foot up his *kitten*.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member

    Firstly, you seem like a lovely person. It has nothing to do with you at all. That guy is a turdmonkey deluxe of the highest order.

    Secondly, work on believing in yourself to the point that negativity like this doesn't get to you so much. It's really important for YOU to believe that you're not fat, ugly, etc. Then nothing anyone ever says otherwise will get to you like this again.
  • ijiiii
    ijiiii Posts: 61
    You just have to shrug off those jerks. I get called out on my skinny frame (I'm a 30 year old guy) pretty much every other day. Sometimes by coworkers, sometimes by customers. It is very frustrating to be reminded of my issues, but I do my best not to let people get me down.
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    He was drunk, seeing double! You are not at all fat?
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    your not fat if thats your height and weight my dear :) your just a little bit bigger then me and people say Im tiny.. though they may be lying.
    but anyways that size doesnt seem to be ''fat'' MAYBE a little chunky? but when I read this I thought maybe you was like a 300 pounds woman.. then I would have understood.

    Drunk people are retarded lol.

    Wow, really? So a 300lb woman deserves to get abused by drunk people then? And chunky? I would love to be 139lbs of "chunky" at 5'5".

    OP - just ignore them. They can't handle their drink which is a much bigger issue than your weight (or lack of it!).

    Well done on your weight loss.

    Where does she say "deserves?" Seriously, if a person calls a fat person fat its a low blow jerk thing to do but not a lie. Its just a ****head thing to say. But its more "understandable" than calling a smaller person fat girl. Although many on here have no problem calling skinny girls "skinny fat" but thats a whole different thread.

    And she wasnt saying the op was chunky. She was saying at worst she could maybe look chunky but thats doubtful and to ignore drunken idiots. Sheesh relax Tampax.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    OP the guy was most likely just being a jerk and you could have been any weight. Dont let it phase you. You are doing great.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Some people have no brains....and aren't worth your time!!
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    Ignore the idiot, your first reaction to brush it off was correct
  • shaneNSW
    shaneNSW Posts: 42 Member
    It is a shame there is always at least one idiot, a drunken one in this case.
    It is however why our self esteem needs to come from within. If we rely on others to build it for us, then others can tear it down.
  • astronatical
    astronatical Posts: 10 Member
    Wow, thank you for all of the incredibly supportive replies! Reading every post made me feel a little brighter. I just let it get to me at the end of the night but I understand now that what matters is what I myself believe, and I shouldn't let those types of insults from anyone get to me. Honestly, thank you for taking time out of your lives to concern yourselves with my dilemma!
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    Oh my gosh 5' 5" and 139pds that is NOT fat! You are probably within your goal weight range!! I'm 5'3" and my top weight range is almost 140pds So if he was addressing you his vision is terribly off!! Plus he was drunk so no more needs to be said about that loser!!
  • LJA8608
    LJA8608 Posts: 48 Member
    He was drunk, seeing double! You are not at all fat?

    ^^^ Love this!!

    You are NOT fat!! I am 5'5" and my ultimate goal weight is 140. For someone that height and weight you are well within a "normal weight" BMI so don't take it to heart! Dealing with scum like him stinks but just stay classy and shrug it off... his drunken opinion has absolutely NO merit whatsoever so don't let his hateful words define how you feel about yourself! :) Keep doing what your doing and have a great week!
  • Zisaleh
    Zisaleh Posts: 64 Member
    Wow, thank you for all of the incredibly supportive replies! Reading every post made me feel a little brighter. I just let it get to me at the end of the night but I understand now that what matters is what I myself believe, and I shouldn't let those types of insults from anyone get to me. Honestly, thank you for taking time out of your lives to concern yourselves with my dilemma!

    My pleasure! That's what were here for!
  • NoSharpei
    NoSharpei Posts: 73
    Eventually you'll achieve your health and physique goals. And that guy will still be a drunk ***hole.
    Exactly what I was thinking too ;)
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    In 5, 10 or 15 years you will be living a healthy life while he will be a drunk on the beach. People will walk by him saying things like bum, drunk and a waste of skin. Dont let him get to you.


    Alcohol is a type of escape. Lashing out at others, while drunk or not, is a sign of insecurity.

    F him.

  • MissYogapants
    MissYogapants Posts: 106 Member
    Sweetie, I know how you feel... But the world does, unfortunately, hold too many idiots. In this case I would like to say two things to you:

    1. Just because someone says something, doesn't mean it's true. (This I learned from Dr. Phil :)

    2. I've seen quite a few posts here on the MFP forums about people themselves thinking, or that they've heard someone say, that this or that celebrity is fat, even when it's a really skinny celibrity (that, really, would need to gain couple of 1000 lbs to even reach a healthy BMI).

    Sometimes people are so desperate for attention/being popular/feeling good themselves that they don't care about what they say or how it affects other people, and they really don't care if what they say is true or not.

    *BIG hug*