Gained 2 pounds overnight???????????



  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 500 Member
    Don't be discouraged. It's most likely water weight. Hang in there! Don't be so hard on yourself. You can do it! Don't rely on the scale. Let the tape measure be your friend. :D
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Walked in the gym, hit the scale because it was next to the water. I normally ignore scales.
    Spent 2 hours getting hot and sweaty lifting weights, and running 30 minutes.
    Went to fill up my water bottle as I left, and jumped on the scale because why not?
    I had gained 2lbs....might have something to do with me sucking down 64oz of water while I was there, and all my clothes and hair being wet.
  • Fenrissa
    Fenrissa Posts: 116
    It's food and water weight, don't fret. You didn't eat enough to gain 2lbs. You would need to eat 7,000 calories over your maintenance to gain 2lbs. :smile:
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    This happens to me every time I eat "bad" foods. Part is the and normal fluctuation added in the extra sodium and the other I think is some reaction to the heavy/ rich/ unusual foods.

    Two weeks ago I eat out twice once was pizza (only 2 small slices and some fries) and the other was persian food (marinated meat and rice) and then snacked on chips (tortilla and potato), chocolate, and pretzels - all food I RARELY eat and BOOF I gained 3 pounds in 2 days and its taken me over a week to lose it all.

    I'm glad I went back down, just in time for me to pig out again for the anticipated holiday meal/feasts lol :blushing:
  • zaftigirl
    zaftigirl Posts: 8 Member
    Agree with the group -- you gained 2 pounds of water overnight, NOT fat.

    My former WW instructor said that if you have the compulsion to weigh yourself every day, go ahead -- but it is only the WEEKLY trend that is worth writing down. So if you are trending down week by week, you are fine.

    My weight used to jump up like clockwork every 4 weeks due to hormones. I didn't panic. After awhile the patterns become obvious.

    She also told me that some people take up to 2 weeks to see the results of their eating habits, as opposed to 1 week. It is certainly NOT reflected in just one day, unless you still have 2 lbs of cheesecake sitting in your stomach like a bowling ball. So don't look back just one night....look back about three weeks. Again it's the trend that matters.