Whats your SAHM life and exercise schedule?



  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I workout when they go to bed and sometimes try to get up before everyone and go for a jog.
  • jollycathy
    jollycathy Posts: 15
    Hi I am a sahm of a 4 year old and I would love some friends to share motivation and encouragement with. so feel free to add me.
  • YourGirl_Tina
    YourGirl_Tina Posts: 962 Member
    WOW!!! Thank you so much everyone! Everyone had great things to say and I really appreciate it! I need to just write it down DO IT and then tweak as time goes by! My DD is 5 and will be starting kindergarten this year so I really need to get a morning routine together so we are ready to go when school starts! Also I want to do "summer school" with her just to help get her ready. I think the main issue is getting a good solid morning routine. Also my hubby has a rotating shift that is different each week... and that can be confusing to work around lol. Thank you guys again! :)
  • YourGirl_Tina
    YourGirl_Tina Posts: 962 Member
    Monday to friday I get one run per day. Either at 6am before the children get up or at 8pm when my husband gets home from work. 3-4 days a week I also do 25 minutes of Cardio Max with the Bob Harper DvD. Usually when I do this I have the children in front of a movie. It is the only TV they get during the week so its no problem getting them to sit down.
    Otherwise my days look like this.
    In the mornings the kids and I do our chores. This is general cleaning and tidying and takes the 5 of us about 1h 30. For me it is important that the children know that they have responsibilities in the house. After that we all have a late breakfast. We all eat oatmeal with fruit for breakfast but non of us enjoy eating first thing so we do our chores first.
    After breakfast we wash and get dressed.
    Usuall in the morning is when the children are most active so I like to get them out of the house. If it is raining we will go 'puddle jumping' and down to see the ducks. We sometimes go swimming or hiking when it is wet (in the winter we ski most mornings)
    If it is sunny we pack a light lunch and head up the mountain. I'm enjoying teaching them about the local plants and trees so we do this often. Sometimes we go with the bikes or scooters. Sometimes we drive to the lake to walk and swim.
    In the afternoons we will sit in the garden doing art or reading. Sometimes we go horseriding or to the park. We have started our own vegetable patch and the children enjoy that.
    At around 5pm, if needed, we go to the supermarket for supplies etc.
    We eat supper together at 6pm (ish)
    After supper the children are bathed, this is a big deal because they fight about who goes first. Whilst the baths are being taken the other kids play in the playroom.
    Once baths are done they play quietly. I usually put up the ironing board in the playroom and do my ironing.
    At bedtime they have 30mins reading time by themselves whilst they wait for their Dad. I cook his dinner during this time.
    He reads one book to the triplets and then one for Sophs.
    He eat dinner. If I haven't done my run then I do it at this time.
    He watches TV and I spend around 1-2hrs finishing chores and cleaning. We go to bed together at around 9:30pm and read and chatter until we fall asleep.

    At weekends we have Childrens church on the Saturday morning which works because my husband usually sleeps in until 11am on both weekend days.
    We eat all of our meals as a family at the weekends and we always do something together on Sunday afternoons.

    Thats it really. Oh and my kids are 3yrs and 4yrs old. (3 of them are 3 years old)
    Your life sounds pretty perfect.

    ^^^^ I agree :)
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    No routine here!

    I work out on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at the gym thanks to my husband looking after the kids for me. That's about the only set schedule I have. My 6 month old ruins any kind of routine I try to set for myself, and rather than stress about it, I kind of just go with the flow. My life (like my body) will never be perfect, but I'm okay with that!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I get up at 7, take my dogs out, have some coffee and a small bite to eat. By then its about 8, 8:30. I workout which takes me to about 1030. Shower, make the kids lunch, take the dogs out again. Then I eat lunch, then do any cleaning our errands that need it. Then hubby gets home around 6. I make dinner, we relax, end up in bed usually around 10 or 11.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I'm a SAHM to an 8 year old and 3 year old boys.

    On the days that I run, I get up between 4:45 and 5:15 and go out running before everyone wakes up (my DH is at home sleeping too). Then, I get home and make everyone's breakfasts and my DH's lunch to take to work. If I want to get a Wii workout in, that gets done after breakfast.

    The mornings that I take a break from running (to rest my knee or due to weather) or I just don't want to get up so early, I wait until after breakfast and workout with the Wii.

    When my oldest is in school, I push my 3 year old in the stroller and we walk my oldest to school (1/4 a mile) and then walk around the subdivision. Now that summer is here, my 8 year old will either have to walk along with me (which is at a jogging pace for him) or ride his bike.
  • danse
    danse Posts: 2
    I have twin 2.5 year olds and a 16 month old. I HAVE to workout before they get up or else it doesn't get done. I get up at 7, work out, prep their b-fasts, get the twins and put them on their potties (we're PTing) while I shower, then begin our day. If I don't get my workout in before they're up and running, it just won't happen for me. I lose energy, something comes up, etc. etc. I started off small - with just a 20 minute workout. Now I do 40-60 mins. depending on if I get up earlier, etc.
  • mummylovesjam
    I'm a SAHM with a nearly 3 year old boy. I find it easiest to meal plan and exercise plan. For example I know that on Monday evenings I have zumba toning followed by zumba fitness so I make sure dinner is something that I can make during the day and be ready to be put in the oven whilst I'm out like cottage pie. My OH puts our son to bed any evening I want to exercise.

    I'm member of a dance school and do zumba, zumba toning, their abs and thighs class (like old school bums and tums) and pole fitness. They've just started running daytime classes with a kids club attached so I sometimes go during the day and take my boy with me, he enjoys it and I get a work out.

    Other than knowing what exercise I want to do I don't have a routine or schedule, some days we stop in, others we go to the park or to town.
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    I stay up way too late and then get too little of sleep by the time my little one needs to go to school.

    I spend my days;

    working out
    running errands
    grocery shopping
    cooking (we have tons of food allergies in our house, so it is from scratch usually)
    picking up and dropping off my kids (daughter in basketball, son in soccer, appointments, etc.)
    playdates some days/parks/bike rides and outdoor things to entertain my son who is 6
    My son keeps me very busy eating/preparing him food constantly/shopping for him for food, entertaining him, helping with homework, reading to them, bathing him, etc.
    computer time
    work online, I write reviews, I design shirts (although that's been on hold for awhile)
    I also make soap and do craft fairs but definitely need to do MORE with this, but lack the time/space=
    normal stuff like sending people cards, shopping for bday gifts/stocking up for xmas
    spring cleaning
    think outside of the box to bring in income like sell on Craigslist
    help my daughter with stuff like scholarship/filling out stuff, homework, teen talks and u name it.
    scheduling fun time with the family to go fun places, have visitors, etc.
    taking dog out for walk, and bathroom trips
    showering/getting ready/grooming of course lol
    reading if I can squeeze it in
  • enyo123
    enyo123 Posts: 172 Member
    Baby wakes up around 5:30 am for a feed. While she feeds, I drink a glass or two of water and read MFP success stories for motivation. Get her down, and then start working out until 7:15-7:45 am. Wake the husband up at 7:20 unless a kid starts complaining while I'm working out. Then he gets to do it.

    Post workout, I go make protein shakes for breakfast for me and the hubs while he gets our two year old up and changed. Our two year old is usually up, awake, and playing in his room by this time. Toddler boy eats breakfast while husband and I drink shakes. I get a shower, hubs gets dressed. Baby wakes up, feed again.

    When he's gone, I get the housework done, read to the toddler boy, play with the baby girl, and usually take the kids to the park and a dog on a walk/mini hike through the trails near my house. (I have an all-terrain stroller that has a doubles attachment. Two kids in the stroller and a dog on a leash.) After that, drop the dog back off at the house and take the kids to the playground. I run around with the two year old for 5-30 minutes. He lets me know when he's done by walking out the gate of the park and climbing into his stroller.

    In that time, I also bake a loaf of bread once or twice a week. When the husband gets home, we do dinner. If I didn't take the kids to the park during the day, I'll take the kids and dog out so that the husband can have some alone time to get his own workout done. After I'm back from that, I'll leave the kids with the husband for their baths and take our other dog out for a walk. (I have a chihuahua and a border collie/husky cross. I can walk the chihuahua when I push the stroller, but not the border collie.) The only cleaning that happens after the husband is home is finishing loading the dishwasher and running it before bed.

    I have this worked where I usually burn 600-1000 calories a day. The husband manages to do about the same. :-)
  • laynunugawa
    laynunugawa Posts: 108 Member
    I am a SAHM of a 6yr and 2 1/2yr old, both girls.
    I get up at 545am and help my kindergartner get ready for the school bus. The 2yr old is up by 7 so I have breakfast with her.
    I spend some time with her and do most of my house stuff.
    Hubby works down the street so he comes home for lunch around noon.
    After he leaves I take my kid to the park or some kind of activity then head home by 3pm to get the other kid from the bus. I play with them for an hour and help the 6yr old with homework.
    I start getting dinner ready by 5-6pm. When hubby gets home I go to the gym and do an hour of cardio or weight training and then get home for a late dinner.
    By this time its story time and night night for the girls, usually by 830pm. I clean up or just watch TV and go to bed by 10pm-12am.

    Yes my life is boring but it is all about routine and getting your body use to exercising that you will eventually miss it and go back to it.
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    I have a 1, 4, and 6 year old and I homeschool, so they are all with me all the time. My 4 year old is up by six EVERY morning!!! It is rough sometimes. I get up and start prepping breakfast for us all. I spend much time cooking cause I like things, especially for my kids, that is real food, plus two of them have food allergies. I do school with the oldest all morning and if she gets done early enough we all go for a walk. After lunch, everyone goes down for nap/quiet time. My oldest reads books or rests, and the younger ones nap. I sit down for a few minutes, then workout, shower and have a snack. I have to try and be quick to fit it all in. I usually make the older ones only lay down for 30min to an hour, then let them watch a movie while I finish my shower and such. Then it is time to start prepping for dinner. I don't do workouts in the morning cause my husband leaves for work about 6am. And in all of this, throw in the ususal, laundry, kitchen cleaning multiple times a day, breaking up a dozen arguments, getting the toddler off the table, changing diapers, talking to my mom or a friend on the phone, and a million other things!!!:D
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I stay home with 3 boys...ages 2,3,5....This is our typical day (in the fall it will change when my 5 yr old goes to kindergarten)

    6:00 everyone wakes up..(yes, I have none who like to sleep in yet)

    7:00 breakfast and throw in a load of laundry

    8:00 playroom for the kids, I clean up breakfast, and prob run the dishwasher

    9:00-10:00 we go for a walk, (this is my exercise daily)...I have 2 in the stroller and my 5 yr old wallks/runs with me.

    10:00-11:00 coloring drawing, or the park

    11:00-12:00 Lunch (and another load of laundry..never ending)

    12:00-12:30 they get to watch a cartoon while I clean up lunch dishes and turn over laundry

    12:30-2:30 Rest/nap time (my fav time of day)! While they are napping I clean, dust, vacuum,tidy and whatever else needs to be done.

    2:30-4:00 errands, and dinner prep

    4:30ish dinner

    5:30-baths, clean up, (oh yea more laundry)

    6:00-7:00 quiet play, puzzles, games etc and clean up of playroom

    7:30 bed time for the kids...(although they dont usually go to sleep right away. (each child has toys in their room, if they aren't yet tired)

    After they are in bed, I do whatever clean up is needed, and get ready for the next day.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Monday to friday I get one run per day. Either at 6am before the children get up or at 8pm when my husband gets home from work. 3-4 days a week I also do 25 minutes of Cardio Max with the Bob Harper DvD. Usually when I do this I have the children in front of a movie. It is the only TV they get during the week so its no problem getting them to sit down.
    Otherwise my days look like this.
    In the mornings the kids and I do our chores. This is general cleaning and tidying and takes the 5 of us about 1h 30. For me it is important that the children know that they have responsibilities in the house. After that we all have a late breakfast. We all eat oatmeal with fruit for breakfast but non of us enjoy eating first thing so we do our chores first.
    After breakfast we wash and get dressed.
    Usuall in the morning is when the children are most active so I like to get them out of the house. If it is raining we will go 'puddle jumping' and down to see the ducks. We sometimes go swimming or hiking when it is wet (in the winter we ski most mornings)
    If it is sunny we pack a light lunch and head up the mountain. I'm enjoying teaching them about the local plants and trees so we do this often. Sometimes we go with the bikes or scooters. Sometimes we drive to the lake to walk and swim.
    In the afternoons we will sit in the garden doing art or reading. Sometimes we go horseriding or to the park. We have started our own vegetable patch and the children enjoy that.
    At around 5pm, if needed, we go to the supermarket for supplies etc.
    We eat supper together at 6pm (ish)
    After supper the children are bathed, this is a big deal because they fight about who goes first. Whilst the baths are being taken the other kids play in the playroom.
    Once baths are done they play quietly. I usually put up the ironing board in the playroom and do my ironing.
    At bedtime they have 30mins reading time by themselves whilst they wait for their Dad. I cook his dinner during this time.
    He reads one book to the triplets and then one for Sophs.
    He eat dinner. If I haven't done my run then I do it at this time.
    He watches TV and I spend around 1-2hrs finishing chores and cleaning. We go to bed together at around 9:30pm and read and chatter until we fall asleep.

    At weekends we have Childrens church on the Saturday morning which works because my husband usually sleeps in until 11am on both weekend days.
    We eat all of our meals as a family at the weekends and we always do something together on Sunday afternoons.

    Thats it really. Oh and my kids are 3yrs and 4yrs old. (3 of them are 3 years old)
    Your life sounds pretty perfect.

    For me it is. I'm a very happy person and I'm grateful for what I have. It has taken a long time to get to this place but I hope I can stay here a while! Lol