Birth Control Pills and Fitness



  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I've been on oral contraceptives for 20 years. A few years ago I suggested to my doctor that perhaps the BC is the reason I was putting on so much weight. She looked at me matter-of-fact-like and flat out told me I was using that as an excuse. And she was right. As soon as I started eating less and exercising, I stopped gaining weight and started losing. I'm still on BC and I've lost 52 pounds.
  • ProjFit
    ProjFit Posts: 143
    I'm not finding it particularly difficult to lose weight while on the pill, I think perhaps it's certain ones? I would talk to your doctor about that!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    can you change birth control pills? I take loestrin 24 and I have no issues with it at all...
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I've been on the pill for 9 years, and never had a problem with weight loss. ...that is until I started on anti-depressants, but that's another thread lol
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 298 Member
    can you change birth control pills? I take loestrin 24 and I have no issues with it at all...

    I am on the generic brand of Loestrin called Junel.
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    I take the generic for Loestrin, Microgestin 1.5 (and have for many years) but at my next apt I am debating a discussion about doing the implant for convenience sake.

    I would understand perhaps a minor impediment immediately while the body is adjusting to the hormonal change but long term weight issues probably have other contributing factors.

    On a slightly off tangent I knew a girl who said she refused to take bc because it would make her fat. And then complained a year and a half later that she couldn't lose the baby weight...