So I changed my fitness and pounds to lose per week goals - and now i'm only allowed 1200 CALORIES A DAY!!! I was having trouble staying under 1300 before!!! But I need to jump start my body again b/c I've been stuck between 151-149 lbs for a few months now! One of MFP "peeps" suggested lots of fruits and veggies b/c there are so many that are low calorie. Just looking for ideas - What are some of your favorite veggies? I need "free" food ideas.... that's the only way to go with this new plan!


  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    The more you exercise, the more you get to eat... Thats how I cope. I stay active and work out to burn at least 500 calories a day and then you get to eat 1700! Celery and cucumber can be eaten in copious amounts and add up to next to nothing on your diary...
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    Light soups, cucumbers and popcorn :)
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    The only veggies I dont eat (because I dont like them) are brussels sprouts, beets, cucumbers, radishes and maybe a couple uncommon ones. I am not eating corn or peas because of the starch. Everything else is pretty much fair game. But I love steamed fresh spinach!
  • AmyParker979
    AmyParker979 Posts: 84 Member
    The nutritionist that I saw on Saturday mentioned changing up your diet. If you are a routine eater (mostly chicken, mostly broccoli, etc) change it up - also, make sure and eat most of your calories and not drink them (smoothies and protein shakes). Changing up your workout routine helps too. Those might help your plateau.
  • mmills4
    mmills4 Posts: 12 Member
    Not really sure about the "free" foods but I enjoy 1/2 cups cottage cheese 2% with sea salt (90 calories) and a large tomato (33 calories) as either a snack or meal. It is very filling and really is a lot of food and only 123 calories you can also add oyster crackers (about 40) for only 60 calories. Good luck I will check your post occasionally to see what others say.

    I am not really big on many fresh veggies (carrots, peppers, etc...) but I totally love fruit (strawberries, pineapple, etc...). Good luck!
  • kimmvpt
    kimmvpt Posts: 9 Member
    have you tried eating 1500 calories a day for a week. You might be eatting to less calories for your body. veggies will be your best friend other wise.
  • amybrauch
    amybrauch Posts: 250 Member
    I love zucchini, mushrooms and asparagus. I eat them a lot.
  • i make monstrous humongous salads and shove all my veggies in there.. cucumbers, carrots, peppers, onions, spinach, radishes, mushrooms.. thats a typical salad for me. chuck in some protein, otherwise it doesnt fill me up.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    With the amount you have to lose your weekly weight loss goal should only be 0.5lbs/week. this will give you more cals, plus you get to eat back the cals you burn from exercise.
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    I eat a TON and easily stay within the 1200.. You are more than welcome to take a look or add me.. Just don't judge me today.. I didn't get a chance to eat breakfast...lol

    * Last week is what a normal week looks like for me.. This weekend was crazy busy so there is a lot of crap food...lol
  • laceylou0702
    laceylou0702 Posts: 226 Member
    Sometimes eating more calories will help jump start your body as well & I'm not talking like fast food calories (although they can be yummy...) Try to up your protien & eat 1500 calories for a week or two you are still in a deficiate to lose weight and you won't be starving it's a win / win!
  • Stompp
    Stompp Posts: 216
    If the problem is being full, check out shirataki noodles :smile: I just ordered some, so I can't vouch totally for them, but I'm hearing good things so far.
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    I'm in the 1200-1399 calorie range and have learned to get full on all of those free foods. Red peppers, purple onion, carrots and chopped celery are a fav. For cooked veggies I love asparagus ( just heat the pan, put a tsp. of olive oil in it, drop some aspargus and stir fry it for like 5 min or less, the toss sesame seeds on top before taking it out of the pan. Eat immediately!).

    In order not to starve my body, I was told by my nutritionist NOT to go under 1200 cals a day. She told me I can go to the low side two days (near to 1200) and then the third day eat closer to 1399. She said that way my body doesn't get set in what to expect each day.

  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    Make sure 1200 calories is correct for you. Calculate your BMR and TDEE and in between the two. You should not be eating under your BMR. Good luck!
  • I love zucchini, mushrooms and asparagus. I eat them a lot.

    Add onion to this and we are best friends ....:flowerforyou:
  • Andrea681
    Andrea681 Posts: 178 Member
    I personally don't have a problem staying under 1200 calories but I eat a ton of lean protein, fruits and vegetables. I stay away from processed foods and I exercise everyday burning an average of 600 calories per day. I typically eat back about 200 of those calories. When I first started MFP I had a hard time staying within my calories but as I've lost weight and changed my lifestyle I've found that I prefer to eat healthy foods and I don't have an issue. Try eating lots of vegetables and fruits as snacks. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I keep my diary open for ideas.

    Hang in there, it will get easier! :)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    The more you exercise, the more you get to eat... Thats how I cope. I stay active and work out to burn at least 500 calories a day and then you get to eat 1700! Celery and cucumber can be eaten in copious amounts and add up to next to nothing on your diary...

    I agree with this. If you are having trouble sticking with the calories on your plan, you can always add more by exercising.

    As for veggie ideas, I love steamed veggies (fresh or frozen), with a dribble of olive oil, lemon juice and some chopped fresh basil.

    Also cucumber and carrot sticks with hummus. Sauteed spinach and garlic. Or make fajitas and load them with mostly veggies (onions, mushrooms, peppers and zucchini). Also veggie omelets. I could go on forever, but I am lucky enough to be a veggie lover...

    ETA: On salads, try yogurt based dressings instead of mayonnaise ones for fewer calories
  • htolen
    htolen Posts: 28
    Honestly, if you've gotten stuck on a plateau and you've only been eating 1300 calories, you are probably plateauing because you are eating too few calories. I don't know your height/weight stats (well, you said where your weight has been stuck...), but your body may be holding on ferociously to those precious pounds because you aren't giving it enough calories to feel comfortable letting them go. Run your numbers past the BMR calculator on fat2fitradio.com and see what it tells you about your Base Metabolic Rate and what your calorie goals should be. I was stuck for about a month on a plateau when I was eating just 1200 calories a day, and after changing my calorie goals to about 1600 a day (plus exercise calories) I have started losing again. It did take a week or two at the higher calorie level to see the pounds come off again (probably took my body that long to figure out how to process nutrients properly again), but I feel much better, have a lot more energy, and am seeing much better success. Good luck!
  • mccollumse
    mccollumse Posts: 84 Member
    I eat a lot of Progresso Light soups. ~140 calories per can and taste good.
  • beachloe
    beachloe Posts: 51 Member
    For me, exercise is the key. I normally burn between 400 - 600 calories per day so that I can eat more.