


  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    lettuce--i just read your profile. going from such intense intellectual work to sahm--that's a lot to absorb. you're obviously very goal oriented, too. :)
    i never had a career before kids, so the switch tohome wasn't such a big deal. i had worked w/dr's who did research (pulmonary--asthma) and then i taught writing at a univ but that was just for one year. i've been home ever since.

    and i hate potty training! my youngest also wants to start but he dsn't really get it and so he just takes off his diaper 100x a day. such a pain. :grumble:

    will check back later. must get ready for the day. i'm a stinky sweaty girl rt now. :laugh:

    Stacey--yes, it is going to be a big adjustment from working but very happy I can do it. My little guy (Caden) is 3 1/2 and starts pre-school in the fall so I need to get him potty trained. It is just one of the things I hate doing but he isn't doing too bad right now. :happy:

    I stayed home with my oldest 2 for 5 years at one point and then went back to work....that was tough.:grumble:

    I was able to do 23 min on the elliptical this morning so feeling some better. It is icky and rainy here this morning which never helps with motivation.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    lettuce--i kwym--it is great to be able to stay home. it's just that it has its own ups/downs. that's why i like this thread. we get it when exercise or "clean" eating has to take a back seat to conferences, dr appts, throwing up, sib fights etc.
    yes, we know that we gotta take care of the mama, but we also know our reality and that priorities are constantly shifting in a way that's diff for the non-parents on this board. :smile:

    i also find seeing how many #s lost rather than how many to go is more motivating for me. same as seeing how many miles accomplished. it's a silly psych game, but it works for me.

    i honestly never thought i'd even have the success i've achieved with wt loss and muscles. i had just accepted that i would be the fat mommy, that i had 3 kids and this is the way my body would now be.
    wow--have i surprised myself! i haven't been at this wt/shape in YEARS. and my goal is so near!! i was thinking about that all this am when i was walking the dog. just how my legs alone have re-shaped and how my endurance has increased. i'm actually looking forward to this winter, hoping that we will get to ski (at last) and that i'll be able to (b/c i won't be the puffalump mommy anymore).
    does this make sense??

    well, i better stop chatting. my oldest has awards assembly this am and then we need to bring the van in for some minor work.
    so....better pack up the water and snacks and toys. :happy:

    hang in there with the rainy weather---maybe bake some low fat oatmeal raisin cookies or play candyland or picnic on the carpet or do a round of hokey pokey or get tin foil out and give each kid a bunch and see what they make (balls, boats, envelopes....) has TONS of great ideas (printables, recipes, games etc)

    hth. and hope you keep posting. amy,tazzy and i needed new company. :tongue:

  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member

    Stacey, I wasn't able to get all my h20 in yesterday, but I came closer. I had 6-7 glasses.

    I had a GREAT day with exercise yesterday, but a HORRIBLE day for food. Even with all the exercise, I was still 600 over where I should have been! :grumble:
    I'm doing better today. I haven't gotten all my exercise in yet, but I've already logged my dinner in and am "only" over by 200. And I have half my h20 for the day.

    Well, I need to go break up a sib fight & then start dinner!
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Hey Ladies,.

    I ended up having to take the 12yo to the dr today, he has an ear infection. I have been to the pediatrician's office 2x this week and I haven't even finished my first week home with my kids yet! Thankfully, my sister had her 2 granddaughters at her house so she took my 2 little guys so I could go alone.
    I really wanted to lift weights tonight but I am beat. I have been having a hard time drinking all of my water but that is nothing new. I flavor it with lemon flavor crystals and I am now carrying a water bottle around with me everywhere so that is helping some.

    I really wish I could make it to a gym but I really don't want to put out all the money for a membership when I have the weights at home and an elliptical but I might ask for that for my bday from hubby. Will see....hmmmm.

    Amy, I am happy if I get in 6-7 glasses of water!
    Thanks again for the support here!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    Well, I need to go break up a sib fight & then start dinner!

    :laugh: :laugh:

    good work on h2o and exercise. you're gettin there--some days it all clicks and some days just parts.

    case in point--my throat hurts from tonight's yelling. #2 is constantly a crybaby---arrgghh!
    bark collar is having some success. worked well during the day, but not so much this night. and we just did mini training to give her + work and distraction.

    if i could just get her to hush for 20min i could get the girls settled and then take her to walk. this dog training is harder than i thought it would be. :frown:

    gotta go
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    How was everyone's day? Mine was really good. My toe felt so good today that I was able to walk a mile. I did it during 3 separate walks, but I did it! :happy: I also rode the exercise bike 6 miles and drank all my h20! Whoohoo!! To top it off, all my h20 was plain h20! That's a first for me. I drink a lot of Crystal Light. Feel like I'm starving today, but I was only 250 cals over, so I'm happy!

    Stacey - I feel your pain on the sore throat from yelling. It's mostly my daughter. My son is normally easy-going and easy to handle, but my daughter is a drama queen who feels she has to have things her way. I'm glad to hear you're having some luck with the bark collar. How is the search for a new home for the puppy going?

    Lettuce - I hope your son's ear infection clears up quickly. I know those can be painful! Carrying a water bottle around with you is a great idea!

    Well, I'm signing off for the night. Talk to you all in the morning!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    yay amy!! :drinker: you did super!

    finding another home for the puppy is probably not happening. i sent an em to 18 ppl at the beg of the week and NO takers. no calls of interest even.
    and that's ok. i think we're all coming to accept that she's here to stay. BUT we have to train her out of that nuisance/needy barking. we all agree on that too!

    next week i'm taking her in to be spayed at a low cost special. ($125 vs 300+). and then the next week the kids and i are off to park city (super yay!!). dh will take care of her for am, and i will have a neighbor come in the afternoon to feed and play with her. that should work out nicely, i hope.
    thanks for asking!

    lettuce--if you're looking for variety in exercise, try dvd's from the library (or netflix i suppose). that way you can still be at home and cost is minimal. however, i do get the need to get out of the house to focus on yourself completely w/o distractions. is there a low cost Y nearby? or a no-frills gym like Fitness 19? that can make it more economically feasible.
    one plus of las vegas is that there are tons of those kinds of amenities--restaurants, ice cream places, targets, gyms, vets, etc.

    well, i should get to bed. sweet dreams ladies. :heart:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    I hope everyone has had a great Friday. I had a good day today too. I did a lot of walking today. I took advantage of the tax-free weekend and got new shoes and a couple new outfits for the kids for school. I parked in the middle of the shopping center parking lot since we had to go to Rack Room Shoes at one end and Kohl's at the other end. We ended up walking back close to Rack Room to go to Target also. I was only 200 above my cals again today and drank all my h20. I would have done better on the cals if I hadn't gotten a small box of Crunch n Munch in the dollar section of Target (3.5 servings) and ended up eating the whole box by myself tonight! :noway: Could have been worse. There was the time a couple months ago that I had a ton of Hershey bars in the house!

    Stacey - $125?! That IS a great price! It should get easier with the puppy. Training is important, so you're doing the right thing. I wish we had done that with my little dog a long time ago. Kind of hard to train him now. He'll be 11 in Oct. He's a good dog, but he's got his quirks.

    Weekends can be very tough to stay on track. Does anyone have any plans to help stay on track this weekend? It's going to be beautiful, sunny and extremely hot here, so we're going to the pool tomorrow. I'm not sure what we're doing Sunday, but knowing my daughter, we'll end up back at the pool! :laugh:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    can't really talk now. oldest is having her bd party today and we need to leave in 25min. (and me going in my panties and bra is SO NOT OK! even if it is vegas! :laugh: )

    will check back later.

    amy--my whole week has been a challenge. i've gained and up till today just think and think and think about food. and not apples and carrots, mind you.

  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Happy Birthday to your oldest! :flowerforyou: I hope the party went well.

    I hope everyone had a good day. I've been hungry all day and gave in to the temptation of eating whatever I felt like. I ended up not logging everything today either.

    Oh well. Tomorrow's another day.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks amy! she will be 9 on wed--i can hardly believe how the time is moving! thank goodness she still likes lots of hugs and kisses and snuggles. i'd be so sad if that part of my time as a mom was over.

    the party was fun! it was at shark reef aquarium at mandalay bay. we had a tour with 2 ppl from the eductation dept and it was so thorough. i learned so much this time (i've been there many times but this was def. different).
    the kids really enjoyed themselves and i think got a lot out of it. (btw, chocolate in goody bags in vegas in the summer=bad idea--melty--oops!).

    i wound up eating the cake tonight. why do i do that??? i don't even care for cake. :grumble:

    the dog has been super awesome today! BUT do i really have the energy to keep up this schedule? and do i really have any business giving time and effort to her when i still have 3 kids incl the 2.5y.o.

    i wish i knew the RIGHT thing to do. all my choices seem crummy. i know i did an impulsive thing---now what???

    sorry your day wasn't so great. i'd recommend that you drink as much water as you can tomorrow. and throw in an extra fruit and/or vege. that's what i'm gonna do.
    to help flush out all the sugar junk and fill up on the good stuff.

    off to bed---:flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i know it's a day early, but i'm working on my goals for this coming week.

    #1 drink my water
    #2 keep cals to 1400 (even w/exercise)
    #3 no loose choc chips or candy bars
    #4 get 4/day of fruit/vege

    there's more i'd like to add, but i don't want to fail myself. so these will be my main focus this week.
    And HOPEFULLY i will be down 2# by the end of the week. Not so unrealistic as i have FAR exceeded my cals each day lately, way over even maintenance cal level. :frown:

    so here's to a good start of the day--walked the dog, will eat bf and have 2 glasses of water.

    what are your plans today?? eating wise or otherwise :flowerforyou:
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Finally have all of our wireless issues fixed at home so now I will be able to get on and use my laptop. Hubby is in IT so I was getting really miffed that I couldn't connect while in the kitchen, family room, etc with the kids.

    Has been a rough weekend with eating and drinking, need to get back on track.

    Stacey, I live in an area where there are lots of gyms...just have to decide which one....what am I willing to pay for...I would go to the gym where my FIL is a trainer but they don't have babysitting. I love working out with him, he knows how to get a great workout done in such a short pd of time and he pushes me.

    We also have a puppy, well, she is 1 now and we have used a lot of the techniques that you see on the show Dog Whisperer and they really work. Our dog is part chesapeake retriever part something else. She still has some work to do but has become a good pet. Hang in there Stacey and happy bday to your oldest.

    I have to run to get my hair colored (something I get to do alone) and then to a bday party for my niece's little girl.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks lettuceb!

    alright girls, i was doing just fine till--the BROWNIES! now why do i buy the mix (so i can make sweet memories with/for my kids). why do i eat them?? b/c i like to sabotage myself. :grumble:
    they tasted great but so not helping with my eating plan.

    it's late and i'm off to bed. night all
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    here's the link over to this week's thread.

    come join us there! tell us what you want to achieve this week! introduce yourself!
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