My target weight should be? (Men only)



  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    I second this one! (Sort of.)

    At 20% body fat you will start to look good in clothes that fit well,
    at 10% you will start to look good at the pool/beach
    at 5% you will be ripped
    and only when you go below 5% will you start to look like you have gone too far. Most male fitness models will get down to 3% for a big photo shoot, but it's really tough for anyone to stay that low - even models, who make fitness their job.

    In addition, fitness models and BBers probably only stay at the low single digit bf for a day or two max - only what is required for competition and photos - they also dehydrate the hell out of their bodies by not drinking water before a competition for the shredded look - if i am correct, I think the night before, they totally cut water out of their systems---> basically for someone with 3% BF they will probably suffer headaches and light headedness from the dehydration and low bf
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    I second this one! (Sort of.)

    At 20% body fat you will start to look good in clothes that fit well,
    at 10% you will start to look good at the pool/beach
    at 5% you will be ripped
    and only when you go below 5% will you start to look like you have gone too far. Most male fitness models will get down to 3% for a big photo shoot, but it's really tough for anyone to stay that low - even models, who make fitness their job.

    In addition, fitness models and BBers probably only stay at the low single digit bf for a day or two max - only what is required for competition and photos - they also dehydrate the hell out of their bodies by not drinking water before a competition for the shredded look - if i am correct, I think the night before, they totally cut water out of their systems---> basically for someone with 3% BF they will probably suffer headaches and light headedness from the dehydration and low bf

    Exactly . Realistically speaking its impossible to stay at 3% bf
    Even 10% BF is extremely difficult to maintain (for the average guy)

    Trust me now , if you hit 10% BF with a decent LBM you will see abs and look shredded
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    *kitten*. Didn't even see that coming.

  • fjcone
    fjcone Posts: 19
    I am 5'9". My adult weight in my early 20's was 185-190. That was with 6 hours of TKD a week and regular weights. I am pretty sure that if I was not exercising much I would have dropped into the 170s. I am also pretty sure I would have looked pretty skinny and frail!

    Setting a goal of 200 and then reevaluating sounds like a good idea. I let myself creep up to 220 and right now my goal is 190 at which point I will reevaluate.

    There are not enough threads for men so dig up the old ones!
  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member
    I'm a hair over 6 feet and at 188,5 my family is trying to talk me out of loosing more. I'm like.. WTH? :) 183 seems like enough for me before switching to maintain/tone up mode.