The Movers & The Shakers - Week 2



  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Had a bad evening last night. It was so hot, and I waited for it to cool down to mow the lawn. 35 mins later, I still could not get the lawn mower to start (grr...:explode: :mad: ) so, I went back inside. I was so frusterated and it was getting late, so I didn't end up going for my walk:noway: However, I got up early this morning and did a 2.3 mile (3.75km) run/walk :smile:

    Hope everyone has a great day! :happy:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I do like the p90x program its a bit different from exercise I have done in the past. I have a martial arts background so that made the kenpo easy and the plyo do-able. I really like the weight lifting as well. I am doing the classic this is my first go around, I might consider the doubles for next time if time permit, if not then classic again.
    Mowing the lawn sounds like a great way to get that walk in I may have to try that tommorrow.

    It is unfortunate that those lawns have to be mowed. GRRR!!! I wish it did not grow so fast. hehehe
    How are you doing so far with round 1? What week are you on? I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I was not able to get in my walk last nite. A friend came over and helped me install a ceiling fan in the Living Room, boy I tell you that helps tremendously with the workouts. I may not get it in tonite either, but I will make sure to get it in for the rest of the week. :bigsmile:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    So I didn't get out for a walk last night. I was sore from my 15 km walk/run on Monday. But today at lunch I walked 2.2 km so only about 1 km more to go to get to 2 miles. I am going to a class at the gym and I think I might walk home which is about 4 km.:flowerforyou:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I do like the p90x program its a bit different from exercise I have done in the past. I have a martial arts background so that made the kenpo easy and the plyo do-able. I really like the weight lifting as well. I am doing the classic this is my first go around, I might consider the doubles for next time if time permit, if not then classic again.
    Mowing the lawn sounds like a great way to get that walk in I may have to try that tommorrow.

    It is unfortunate that those lawns have to be mowed. GRRR!!! I wish it did not grow so fast. hehehe
    How are you doing so far with round 1? What week are you on? I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:

    I think mowing the lawn should count for walking. You may be going in circles (or lines or rectangles) but if you added it up I'm sure it would be more than 2 miles if you have a big yard :laugh:
  • crystalscott0906
    ok so i didnt get out for a walk, but i did make it to spin class at the gym which i have been trying to get to all week....but then i ate two stupid cookies. i am still way under on my calories, but it totally feels like i undid what i did at the gym......i dont know why i have so much of a problem sticking to a healthy diet....maybe once my stress level goes down a little bit i can focus more on the healthy eating. any tips for someone like me who tends to eat totally wrong when they are stressed out.?
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    ok so i didnt get out for a walk, but i did make it to spin class at the gym which i have been trying to get to all week....but then i ate two stupid cookies. i am still way under on my calories, but it totally feels like i undid what i did at the gym......i dont know why i have so much of a problem sticking to a healthy diet....maybe once my stress level goes down a little bit i can focus more on the healthy eating. any tips for someone like me who tends to eat totally wrong when they are stressed out.?

    Walk away from the temptation. Find something else to do with your hands. Stop thinking about the food. Maybe even drink a glass of water. Anything to get your mind off of it for at least 20 mins, more than likely the craving will go away. If not, only have one instead of two and another glass of water. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I have a question about this weeks challenge. If I do a 90 min workout even if it does not involve any walking can that count? Or do I add the walk to this? Not that I am trying to get out of it. Just curious. :bigsmile:
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    My husband and I have been laying laminate floors in our living room. I haven't had time for working out this week but I walk at lunch (we thought the walk was a mile and a half but we GPSed it today and it is 1.7 miles, not too bad for guessing!!) to make up for not working out.

    It has been in the 90s so even just doing the flooring is quite a work out. Sweatin' like crazy, maybe I will just sweat out the punds!!!!

    I think the challenge could be done whichever way works best for you!! Just gettin gout a moving is what really matters!!!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    I have a question about this weeks challenge. If I do a 90 min workout even if it does not involve any walking can that count? Or do I add the walk to this? Not that I am trying to get out of it. Just curious. :bigsmile:

    I think that it should count! :happy: One thing with the fitness challenges is that it may not be do-able for everyone, so I think that exercise that could be the equivilant to, or exceed the challenge definetly counts!
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    I've been WAY behind on posting this week! BUt I have been doing the challenges and have walked/ran at least a mile every single day this week! I started c25k this week, so that helped, but my legs are sooo terrible sore now! Glad its Friday so I can go a little easier on my workouts and just do my walking/running and be done!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    I've been WAY behind on posting this week! BUt I have been doing the challenges and have walked/ran at least a mile every single day this week! I started c25k this week, so that helped, but my legs are sooo terrible sore now! Glad its Friday so I can go a little easier on my workouts and just do my walking/running and be done!

    How are you doing with the c25k? I just started week 3 yesterday. I found it such a struggle when I first started, and now I love it. It's still quite a workout, but I enjoy it more and more everyday! :smile:
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    I've been WAY behind on posting this week! BUt I have been doing the challenges and have walked/ran at least a mile every single day this week! I started c25k this week, so that helped, but my legs are sooo terrible sore now! Glad its Friday so I can go a little easier on my workouts and just do my walking/running and be done!

    How are you doing with the c25k? I just started week 3 yesterday. I found it such a struggle when I first started, and now I love it. It's still quite a workout, but I enjoy it more and more everyday! :smile:

    Its getting alot better! I have never ever been a runner, I have no endurance so starting out even running the 60 seconds has been tough! Last night I never thought I would make it through the 3rd run interval, but I walked 2 minutes after that, and the last 3 or 4 runs were alot easier! the last time, I ran until I absolutely could not run anymore, just to see how long I could last and i ended up running 2 minutes! my calves are soo sore this morning though! The boot camp I am doing at the Y incorporates alot of running, sprints, butt kicks, knee highs, so my legs have DEFINITELY gotten some definition in the past 3 weeks! But I love it!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Hello Everyone!!!

    So, first I want to apologize that I did not get the chart made for last week's challenge. Which brings me to the favor I would like to ask of all of you... If you do not get a chance to log in the thread how you are doing with each challenge, on Sunday or Monday (or before) could you please let us know how you did for the week? Each week, in the new thread I would like to have a chart with everyone's great results from the challenge the week before. This way we can keep good track of how we're doing!

    If you are logging in the thread each day, or every few days how you are doing, I will keep track of this. At the end of the week you do not have to post it all over again (unless of course you want to!) Also, if you would just like to take part in the challenge, and not the results, that is no problem either. Just let me know.

    Oh - and if you'd like, you can also pm me with your results!

    Thanks so much everyone!

    And, thank you for being a great part of this group :bigsmile: Have a great day! :flowerforyou: :smile: :drinker:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Noticed a post above about whether or not exercise class can count towards the daily 2 miles. If that's the case I wish I had known that yesterday. I did 3 hrs :noway: of exercise classes yesterday and my 2 miles on top of that!

    Anyways, so far this week's challenge is going well. I took Tues off but otherwise I am on track. I'll go for a walk at lunch and maybe after work.

    This weekend will be a challenge though. They are calling for rain!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Noticed a post above about whether or not exercise class can count towards the daily 2 miles. If that's the case I wish I had known that yesterday. I did 3 hrs :noway: of exercise classes yesterday and my 2 miles on top of that!

    Anyways, so far this week's challenge is going well. I took Tues off but otherwise I am on track. I'll go for a walk at lunch and maybe after work.

    This weekend will be a challenge though. They are calling for rain!

    Sorry to hear that you had to do both! I guess that you just got in much more exercise! :smile: I think that the fitness challenges may be more difficult as everyone is different and we all have our own routines. I will definitely be taking this into consideration the next time that we do one of these challenges.

    It's great to hear that this week's challenge is going good for you tho!:bigsmile: Good luck with the weekend - I hope that it is sunny for you :flowerforyou:

    PS - the challenge is just 1 mile, 5 times this week.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I have a question about this weeks challenge. If I do a 90 min workout even if it does not involve any walking can that count? Or do I add the walk to this? Not that I am trying to get out of it. Just curious. :bigsmile:

    I think that it should count! :happy: One thing with the fitness challenges is that it may not be do-able for everyone, so I think that exercise that could be the equivilant to, or exceed the challenge definetly counts!

    Okie dokie, I thought that was the case, but I just wanted to make sure. Thanx :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I've been WAY behind on posting this week! BUt I have been doing the challenges and have walked/ran at least a mile every single day this week! I started c25k this week, so that helped, but my legs are sooo terrible sore now! Glad its Friday so I can go a little easier on my workouts and just do my walking/running and be done!

    It will get easier at you go along. Hang in there. Have a fantastic weekend. :bigsmile:
    WINEYINVA Posts: 75 Member
    I have been slacking this week big time. I was going to mow the lawn for my mile yesterday but it rained, my yard is a huge rectangle and I always make sure to go up the sloped side and across the flatter side. Today though my husband and I took an hour walk through downtown colonial Williamsburg and across the William and Mary college campus, beautiful. It had to be atleast a mile probably closer to two.
    I am doing okay on water, considering I do not drink much else but when we stopped for lunch after our walk I splurged and had a Nantucket Necter half ice tea half lemonade yumm!!
    Cant wait for next weeks challenge keep them coming.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA... Have actually been trying to be unplugged a bit more lately. I've done c25k three times so far this week, so only have 2 more days to get that walk in. Gee... and only 2 more days to the week, that works out perfect :laugh: :laugh: