Living with Lactose Intolerance & Loathing it ! Help!



  • ahecho
    ahecho Posts: 4
    WOW ^__^ thanks all!!! I am so excited to try out all of these tips/ideas/products to see which works best!
    You're all so wonderful!

  • MeredithLee11
    MeredithLee11 Posts: 192 Member
    Some good advice in here. I'm just starting out dairy-free and dreading it too. I had never heard of Daiya "cheese", but I think I'll be picking some up :)
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Most adults are lactose intolerant, across the world. Americans have the highest tolerance due to their heavy use of dairy past childhood. But even in America a large percent of us don't do well with it. It's no big deal. There are so many alternatives. Usually yogurt doesn't bother people, so if you're a die-hard for 'real' dairy, try that.

    Mammals are made to live off mother's milk until they can feed normally. Humans are the only mammal to drink the milk of another. It's kind of gross, when you think about it. Our bodies were never meant to be milk consumers past childhood, and early childhood at that. That's why our stomachs eventually lack the enzyme to digest it. So if you're lactose intolerant, you're normal!
  • abbybean11
    abbybean11 Posts: 122 Member
    i'm a vegan and i make pizza with daiya mozzarella cheese and it's delicious! i also drink almond milk which i think is even more delicious than regular milk.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Hello! Very new to MFP (just created my acct today) and I love pizza but it doesn't like me. The tasty milk in my cereal sours my stomach and my ice cream treats sweetly refuse to stay put.
    Only in the past 2-3 years has my lactose intolerance really been a struggle. It has gotten so bad that every time I eat a tiny little bit of dairy I want to d i e! : ' ( Dairy also has been making my skin break out lately. So, I have stopped eating dairy altogether. But it's so HARD to avoid......!!! I have tried Lactaid and currently drink Silk Soymilk as a substitute...but I am wondering if there is anything *else* I can do? I also am curious if anyone has a favorite non-dairy/dairy substitute that they enjoy? Any recipes/advice/suggestions would be wonderful!

    Thanks so much!


    I've noticed as I've gotten into better shape, my LI has almost completely gone away. I eat a ton of dairy and for the most part it doesnt bother me at all anymore. Which is really strange. Not sure if its the supplements, or better gut health or better overall health. I still do take dairy pills when I consume a large amount of dairy, but small amounts don't bother me at all.

    I can't explain why its gone away. I've been LI since I was about 10 years old.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Hello! Very new to MFP (just created my acct today) and I love pizza but it doesn't like me. The tasty milk in my cereal sours my stomach and my ice cream treats sweetly refuse to stay put.
    Only in the past 2-3 years has my lactose intolerance really been a struggle. It has gotten so bad that every time I eat a tiny little bit of dairy I want to d i e! : ' ( Dairy also has been making my skin break out lately. So, I have stopped eating dairy altogether. But it's so HARD to avoid......!!! I have tried Lactaid and currently drink Silk Soymilk as a substitute...but I am wondering if there is anything *else* I can do? I also am curious if anyone has a favorite non-dairy/dairy substitute that they enjoy? Any recipes/advice/suggestions would be wonderful!

    Thanks so much!


    Coconut milk works great. So delicious coconut milk unsweetened is my go to. Great in cereal

    If i eat pizza or ice cream...i suffer badly. I stay away or have two lactaid pills. Even then its not great. But helps.
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    Try being lactose AND gluten intolerant...kinda cuts down on eating anything yummy. Good for losing weight though I I just stick to fruits/vegs/lean meats. Boring...
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member

    I take this every day. I seldom have issues and it takes a LOT of dairy/cheese/etc in the course of a day for me to have an issue. Totally took my life back. This is available in just about ANY drug store.