I need your help! ASAP!



  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    good old pushups, 3 sets of 20. and I'll do them too.

    kudos on the awesome Idea. and I hear you. ny wife has Doritos in the cupboard. I'm trying to resist them but they want to be inside me so bad ;p
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    Put on some music that makes you smile and dance to 2 tracks!!

    And... well done for doing something so positive and fun instead of reaching for a snack.
    You are a star!

    DOne! I did T-pain Cyclone!! Ladies move it like a cyclone!! work them side abs! And Pit Bull Back in Time!!! Love the fast beat and the dubstep!! Awesome!!!
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    Ok so here is my story and I will try to keep it short. I am depressed...I have been for a while now and I am just barely maintaining my weight. I have 15 to lose still and it is just not gonna happen like this. This week is going to be tougher for me than before and I fear I am going to gain if I don't break the cycle. I am over my calories today and I just made myself put down the Doritos and get on here to ask for help...I have not exercised in like a month! It's ridiculous an there is no excuse, just laziness and giving in.

    So here is what Im asking for....comment here with little exercises for me to do. Right now...I will put on my HRM, collect a few comments and do them then report in and get some more....I want to do it till I just can't any more...so please keep em coming! They have to be something I can do in my living room with not equipment...cardio or strength....Can you help?

    Can you go out & buy a couple of dvd's? The best ones for just what you are talking about are Leslie Sansone Walk at home. You can burn 100 cal per mile you walk and you walk a mile in 15 mins of her workout. It is honestly the best dvd I have ever bought to just get you moving a little. Start with just 1 mile a day or if you can do more then do more. You can do this, look how far you have come! If you ever need anything please feel free to email, I am always here for anyone who needs the help bc I too know exactly how you feel!

    Julie Ann

    I have a few I love but I just got tired of the same ol for a while....I love this spontaneous posting and working out...not knowing what's next! It's awesome!! Love it thanks so much guys!! I have not give out yet so keep going!!! Repeat some if you like I don't mind!!
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    burpees, they should help take your mind off whatever may be bothering you, I would reccomend doing as many as you can with proper form. :)

    yes these kick my butt!!! I already did some a while back but I think I can manage some more now!! :) Ill get on that!.....done!
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    good old pushups, 3 sets of 20. and I'll do them too.

    kudos on the awesome Idea. and I hear you. ny wife has Doritos in the cupboard. I'm trying to resist them but they want to be inside me so bad ;p

    Oh my god! The most i can do at once is 10 and that is girl push ups!! I suck at upper body strength But I will try as many as I can!!! I feel you on those doritos!!! Trust me....you will feel better if you don't!! I did and it was not worth it!
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    get a couple canned goods out of the cupboard and use them as hand weights! Hang in there! we are cheering for you!
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    get a couple canned goods out of the cupboard and use them as hand weights! Hang in there! we are cheering for you!

    All great ideas! I have some hand weights....but If I didn't this would be a great idea!
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    Get a can of soup or Veggies and use your arms and spell out the Alphabet I saw this from Kelly Rippa and it is a whole body work out. I know it sounds weird but you will fill the burn.

    you aint kidding! That is awesome!! I don't know if I did it right but dang!
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    Ok so here is my story and I will try to keep it short. I am depressed...I have been for a while now and I am just barely maintaining my weight. I have 15 to lose still and it is just not gonna happen like this. This week is going to be tougher for me than before and I fear I am going to gain if I don't break the cycle. I am over my calories today and I just made myself put down the Doritos and get on here to ask for help...I have not exercised in like a month! It's ridiculous an there is no excuse, just laziness and giving in.

    So here is what Im asking for....comment here with little exercises for me to do. Right now...I will put on my HRM, collect a few comments and do them then report in and get some more....I want to do it till I just can't any more...so please keep em coming! They have to be something I can do in my living room with not equipment...cardio or strength....Can you help?

    Can you go out & buy a couple of dvd's? The best ones for just what you are talking about are Leslie Sansone Walk at home. You can burn 100 cal per mile you walk and you walk a mile in 15 mins of her workout. It is honestly the best dvd I have ever bought to just get you moving a little. Start with just 1 mile a day or if you can do more then do more. You can do this, look how far you have come! If you ever need anything please feel free to email, I am always here for anyone who needs the help bc I too know exactly how you feel!

    Julie Ann

    I totally agree. I LOVE Leslie AND she is sooooooo uplifting and inspiring and fun!
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    Steps or walk around the block.
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    You guys ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously! I just did 50 minutes of yalls suggestions and it only felt like about 30!! I would have kept going to but I ran out of comments and got curious to how well I had done. Get this........

    I JUST BURNED 405 CALORIES IN 50 MINUTES!!!! Just by doing what you guys said here...2 post at a time and then a break to report in....You can see the ones I did by my comments. I commented "Done" to each one I did. THANK YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH! That is amazing to me! And I feel so good!!! I think I might do this tomorrow as well if yall are not to busy to help a girl!!! I love you guys! It feels like you are here with me cheering me on and doing it with me (whether you did or not) :)
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    I thinks that is good for tonight!!! But save it for tomorrow night when I post if you want to! Thanks again....going to log my work out now!!
  • bigpenguin570
    bigpenguin570 Posts: 52 Member
    push-ups, squats w/side leg lift. arm weights, jumping jacks, jump rope, planks. enjoy.
  • Misty_Rage
    Misty_Rage Posts: 20 Member
    Get some sun, it helps when you have the blues!
  • monkeybrain2012
    Unbelievable how you were able to completely turn things around. I am so happy for you. Definitely do it again whenever you need to.
  • LindyLouGLU
    LindyLouGLU Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I've been there, I understand. Luckily my boss, my friend works out with me at boot camp. At home do sit ups or walk in place or go for a walk. Leslie Sansone has some great walking videos and that is how my boss and I started out. We have to loose at least 50 pounds each and this MyFitnessPal is the best and has helped us so much. I drop weight quickly when I stick to lots of raw fruits and vegetables and water. I make lemonade with ginger, 2 lemons and sweeten with Stevia. It is healthy and quenches your thirst which helps to make you loose weight. Also, don't eat after dark. I will pray for you. Linda
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    Go for a 30 minute walk. That's one of the best things you could do. It'll clear you head and it's goo for you!

    But here is smething I want to add...

    Exercise can help. But eating -- what you choose to eat -- is the key. Years ago when I did a fitness program, my instructor said, "Don't bring things into your house that you don't want to be eating. " I took that pretty seriously and that helped a lot.

    I keep my kitchen simple now: egg whites, tuna, pasta, skinless chicken breasts, fruit, vegetables and so on. I keep only in my house what I want to be eating -- so that when I'm hungry and reach for food I reach for something that is going to help me lose weight.

    Remember, the key isn't to NOT EAT. The key is to eat well. The key isn't to exercise off lots of bad food. The key is to build NEW HABITS, so that when you reach for food or are at a restaurant, you reach for something that is good for you and works within your calorie count.

    And, finally, don't think of it as "giving things up." The foods we're giving up aren't good for us. The foods we're going to start eating regularly are good for us. So, we're not giving anything up. We're CHOOSING TO EAT BETTER FOODS. This is a blessing, not a punishment; a reward, not a punishment.

    this is a great post and i believe it 100%
  • cowgirlzride
    How about some high intensity house cleaning. Set a timer for 15 minutes and go crazy. Cleaning my house always makes me feel better when I am depressed (although depression can be very serious and you need to get that under control). Coincidentally intense exercise might help your depression symptoms.

    Pretend you are holding a jump rope and jump in place, do some high knee jumps, hold a plank for as long as you can, brush your teeth while doing a wall squat, do 10 triceps dips on your bathroom counter every time you go to the bathroom. Walk around your house on your toes or get down a walk like a bear. Waddle like a duck, jump like a frog, drag yourself along the floor like a seal (if youi have hardwood floors you clean them at the same time). Put some music on and dance. There's so much fun stuff you can do way better than Doritos.
  • cowgirlzride
    Loved the comment for high intensity set the timer cleaning. Productivity AND calorie burn. THAT helps with depression.

    Here is a good face book connection. (Please understand, I am not insinuaitng anything, this one link just has suicide attached to it.) My brother commited suicide. There are SO man good daily posts on depression via this site. LIKE it on facebook."Help reduce suicide, depression and stress related illnesses in young adults"
  • Fairy_Farts
    Fairy_Farts Posts: 166 Member
    This is a fantastic idea! I'm going to do some of these on top of my regular workouts this week.

    It's nice to see everyone pitching in to help =)