


  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I got to be a SAHM for 6 months. It was work. Now I do all that same work on top of a full time, ****ty minimum wage job, so that we can keep the lights on and the rent paid. We are poor. We work our *kitten* off at home and our jobs. I'd take being a SAHM ANY day of the week. Some people, unfortunately don't have that luxury but I can assure you that I don't love my child any less than you love yours.
  • Rach_Gem_n_Disguise
    Rach_Gem_n_Disguise Posts: 140 Member
    Terrie, you are a great mother and wife .....who works her toosh off for her family!! Don't worry about what others say. I agree, whoever made that comment must be jealous they can't get that much exercise done in one day. Shoot, I envy you for that. My mom was a SAHM and now babysits my son.....there isn't a harder job out there. ;)
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I did all of the things listed and was working outside the home. Kind of resent the implication that working moms don't care as much about their family. That is just as stupid as saying stay at homes don't work hard.

    This! I do all the things the SAHM moms do PLUS I work a full time job and raised four kids! We ALL work hard - and we do it because we love our families.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    who cares what they think? everyone is entitled to their opinion..

    why do people need to have everyone be 100% behind what they do or don't do? just do you and let the haters hate.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Oh my gosh...people really need to "think" before they speak! I am a stay at home wife and mom. I had to give up some luxuries to do be able to do that but well worth it!!! To hear someome say, "I don't see how people can exercise and burn 1,000 or more calories a day...they must not work or go to school!" That is an insult... I take care of our home, our animals, keep our home spotless, cook, bake, grocery shop, home schooled my now 18 year old son, make sure all bills are paid on time, do I need to keep going??? Sorry job is never ending!!! Maybe I can exercise and burn over 1,000 calories a day because I get up early enough to get my "main" work out in. I choose exercises that I get the most benefit from, I am decidated to what I do! It has nothing to do with the fact that I do not "work" or go to school! I am greatful I was able to be a stay at home wife and mom and would not change it for the world but it came with a lot of sacrifices on our part! I respect all the moms out there who have to work outside the home and for those of us who don't I have just as much respect for as it is a lot harder than people think! Anyone else get this???

    I burned over 1000 tonight and I DO work (full time)..... what are these people talking about???? They just don't know what dedication is!!
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    stay at home mom's work harder than most people who typically work...its called a 'domestic engineer' i'm right there with you girl!!

    Because a working single mom doesn't work as hard as a SAH mom?

  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Sounds to me like you work =)
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I watched my mom as a kid and I still can't fathom doing everything she did as a stay at home mom. I honestly think that maybe if we lived in a society where most households didn't need two incomes to survive things would be better for the children and such. So many kids are almost raising themselves because their parents are always working. Sad.

    Because all us working moms leave toddlers to fend for themselves.

  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    As a single dad of three who had to work, I totally respect the effort you put in. Ignore the silly people who don't get it.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I take what anyone says with a grain of salt. I've never had anyone comment negatively about a high cal burn in correlation to being a SAHM but there have been plenty of other comments in the past two years. I don't think WM or SAHM have it harder or easier than the other. We all have our battles, and we all do what is right for our family. With that said, it was much easier (for me) working 12 hour days in the office than it is being a SAHM 24/7.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    1000 calories in one day.... I can do that in a few hours, it isn't that hard. One just needs to want it. and be willing to go the extra mile to grasp it. Stay at home parents are a special breed of people. :):drinker: Keep up the good work

    Hell, doing P90x's cardio routine is enough to, nearly double that, do that for a beginner, and that is 45 minutes long... or so says their website
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Oh my gosh...people really need to "think" before they speak! I am a stay at home wife and mom. I had to give up some luxuries to do be able to do that but well worth it!!! To hear someome say, "I don't see how people can exercise and burn 1,000 or more calories a day...they must not work or go to school!" That is an insult... I take care of our home, our animals, keep our home spotless, cook, bake, grocery shop, home schooled my now 18 year old son, make sure all bills are paid on time, do I need to keep going??? Sorry job is never ending!!! Maybe I can exercise and burn over 1,000 calories a day because I get up early enough to get my "main" work out in. I choose exercises that I get the most benefit from, I am decidated to what I do! It has nothing to do with the fact that I do not "work" or go to school! I am greatful I was able to be a stay at home wife and mom and would not change it for the world but it came with a lot of sacrifices on our part! I respect all the moms out there who have to work outside the home and for those of us who don't I have just as much respect for as it is a lot harder than people think! Anyone else get this???

    I hear you! I'm a stay at home mom too, and it would be actually nice to stay at home!!!! I'm always busy doing something or other, in the home or out of it. I also have 2 moms that are widows and am taking care of them too. I babysit my little grandson 4 or 5 days a week as well. Somehow, I still manage to get my excercise in at least 3 days a week. When people shoot their mouth off and think I lay on the couch all day, I tell them they should be in my shoes for only 1 day!!! I do more in a day, than some women will do in a week! ( end of rant!)
  • yustick
    yustick Posts: 238 Member
    I did all of the things listed and was working outside the home. Kind of resent the implication that working moms don't care as much about their family. That is just as stupid as saying stay at homes don't work hard.

    Me too.
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I did all of the things listed and was working outside the home. Kind of resent the implication that working moms don't care as much about their family. That is just as stupid as saying stay at homes don't work hard.

    Me too.

    Same for me.

    I was a sahm when my kids were younger. I'm back at work for six years. I did not love my children more when I was a sahm. I don't work outside the home because they are less important to me, and they sure as h*ll aren't raising themselves.

    Both sahm and wohm work hard. Why is there competition?

    OP: There are always going to be people who think sahms don't do much of anything all day. They would 't understand until they stayed home.
  • terrie_exercise_mom
    I did all of the things listed and was working outside the home. Kind of resent the implication that working moms don't care as much about their family. That is just as stupid as saying stay at homes don't work hard.
    I respect very much that you did that! I did it for awhile too. But in our situation we thought it was best I stayed home and homeschooled Justin, I could keep an eye on my 91 year old father~in~law who lives on the same property we do, plus being the taxi, the nurse, I make very healthy meals they like, I bake for them,! The actual commemt said was "I can barly make 300 calories a day so I don't see how people can get up to 1,000 or more unless they stay at home and don't go to school and have nothing to do all day but do whatever they want!" That is exactly what was wrote and that is the furthest from the truth!
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    Oh my gosh...people really need to "think" before they speak! I am a stay at home wife and mom. I had to give up some luxuries to do be able to do that but well worth it!!! To hear someome say, "I don't see how people can exercise and burn 1,000 or more calories a day...they must not work or go to school!" That is an insult... I take care of our home, our animals, keep our home spotless, cook, bake, grocery shop, home schooled my now 18 year old son, make sure all bills are paid on time, do I need to keep going??? Sorry job is never ending!!! Maybe I can exercise and burn over 1,000 calories a day because I get up early enough to get my "main" work out in. I choose exercises that I get the most benefit from, I am decidated to what I do! It has nothing to do with the fact that I do not "work" or go to school! I am greatful I was able to be a stay at home wife and mom and would not change it for the world but it came with a lot of sacrifices on our part! I respect all the moms out there who have to work outside the home and for those of us who don't I have just as much respect for as it is a lot harder than people think! Anyone else get this???
    Does massa know you outta the kitchen?
  • kariberi84
    kariberi84 Posts: 186 Member
    Oh my gosh...people really need to "think" before they speak! I am a stay at home wife and mom. I had to give up some luxuries to do be able to do that but well worth it!!! To hear someome say, "I don't see how people can exercise and burn 1,000 or more calories a day...they must not work or go to school!" That is an insult... I take care of our home, our animals, keep our home spotless, cook, bake, grocery shop, home schooled my now 18 year old son, make sure all bills are paid on time, do I need to keep going??? Sorry job is never ending!!! Maybe I can exercise and burn over 1,000 calories a day because I get up early enough to get my "main" work out in. I choose exercises that I get the most benefit from, I am decidated to what I do! It has nothing to do with the fact that I do not "work" or go to school! I am greatful I was able to be a stay at home wife and mom and would not change it for the world but it came with a lot of sacrifices on our part! I respect all the moms out there who have to work outside the home and for those of us who don't I have just as much respect for as it is a lot harder than people think! Anyone else get this???

    I burned over 1000 tonight and I DO work (full time)..... what are these people talking about???? They just don't know what dedication is!!

    I burned over 1100 by 2pm today, and I am a mom, part time worker, and a full time student!!! WTG on your burn!!
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    I was talking on Facebook one day a few weeks ago about all the exercise classes I had done that week, I had really worked hard and kicked my own butt...well, one of the comments from a fellow friend was "Wow, do you work?" This person has kids also, but not a stay at home mom like me. I was pretty hurt and felt mocked. I have worked like a dog the last 15 months to lose this weight, and I am raising 2 teenage boys. My husband commutes across the country every week so it is mostly just me and the kids. :(
  • terrie_exercise_mom
    I did all of the things listed and was working outside the home. Kind of resent the implication that working moms don't care as much about their family. That is just as stupid as saying stay at homes don't work hard.

    Me too.

    Same for me.

    I was a sahm when my kids were younger. I'm back at work for six years. I did not love my children more when I was a sahm. I don't work outside the home because they are less important to me, and they sure as h*ll aren't raising themselves.

    Both sahm and wohm work hard. Why is there competition?

    OP: There are always going to be people who think sahms don't do much of anything all day. They would 't understand until they stayed home.
    There should be no competition! That is my point!!! I maybe a sahm but I have to get up really early to get most of my exercises in. If I didn't get up early they would not get done. Just as this lady said ,"they must not work or go to school and have the whole day to do whatever they want."....No...not even close! I make time for my exercises. Just as a working mom has to make time for hers.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I am a stay at home wife (we wanna get pregnant soon) and I agree that stay at home moms/wives work a lot more than people give them credit for. People think I am lazy because I don't have a job but they don't know the whole story why.