Will Power issues



  • lichensandseeds
    lichensandseeds Posts: 41 Member
    I totally agree with the posts that recommend going for a walk! I load up my ipod with podcasts and when I feel like I want to graze or if I'm sitting at my desk and tempted to reach for snacks, I put on a half-hour podcast and go for a walk.
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    I'm not sure I know any good "tricks," but I will say this - I always look at self-discipline as a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. At first, it's weak from underuse, and it can be easy to give in to the temptation of certain foods, or the desire to stay home and watch TV instead of go to the gym. In the beginning, the best way to stay motivated is just to remind yourself every day why you're trying to lose weight, or achieve whatever goal it is you're aiming to achieve. Maybe you want to be a healthier version of yourself, or have more confidence in yourself, or any number of things - whatever it is, that is the thing that drives you in the beginning of your journey. After some time, maybe a few weeks, or a few months, you strengthen that will power and it becomes easier to make better decisions. Be persistent, and your actions will become habits. Again, not really and great advice, just my two cents :) When it comes to avoiding junk, don't keep it in your house. Stock your fridge and cupboards with healthy meals and snacks, and log EVERYTHING you eat! You are much less likely to binge when you are holding yourself accountable to every single calorie that you consume. Finally, put your gym clothes on to force yourself to workout! Lol I did this in the beginning when I hated going to the gym, I would come home from work or wake up and just put them on right away. I knew as soon as they were on I wasn't going to change my mind. Just little tips that have worked for me :) Hope they help! Good luck, and feel free to add me!!

    great post! I don't believe in "willpower" or "motivation", for me it's just simply what I must do to achieve my goals. am I always successful? No, but the more I work towards that success, the stronger MENTALLY I become.

    I do have a trick at work to avoid the candy jar - or actually two tricks:
    1) If I feel like I want to go to the jar then I challenge myself to first walk up and down the stairs three times to have it. Usually I don't want to walk up and down the stairs (it's only 3 floors) or do i have the time, so I don't go to the jar at all.
    2) if it's truly stress-related and I'm only going there because of work pressure, I will take two valerian capsules instead of chocolates.