Bath-salts drug...



  • Maude_Lewbowski
    Maude_Lewbowski Posts: 395 Member
    Here in NH it's legal to buy. I live in a small town and you can buy it at the convienance store. I don't know anyone who has tried it but it is readily available.

    I'm originally from NH, and if it's for sale and you can get high off of it, unfortunately there' splenty of "live Free or Die'ers" that will take it. So sad!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Ive read a couple articles re: kids using bath salts and drinking hand sanitizer to get high... Cant believe what kids are doing these days... What ever happened to good ol' fashioned beer and grass eh??

    I agree!!!
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    i just really want to know what makes someone look at the stories of people going all human eating and crazy like and say... oh oh oh i totally know what i wanna do this weekend.... bath salts...

    wow.. really that sounds like a good time to anyone???? wtf is wrong with people..

    i am going to the gym so i can beat these crazy mo fos off me when it gets all zombie like around here

    (ps up here in canada the goverment just passed a new law to make it illegal to sell it posess it or buy it use it basicilly i think to think about it... )
  • melisssaarielle
    melisssaarielle Posts: 80 Member
    I've heard of this but I don't get it. Is this real bath salts like the lavender vanilla bath salts I have in my bathroom or the epsom salt I sometimes put in the bath tub or is this something different?

    ETA: I'm in VA and they are banned here so I'm also wondering if I have an illegal substance in my bathroom *paranoid*

    From what I understand the guy who invented them knows exactly what they are and will be used for (just like the synthetic marijuana). However, they market them as something else so that when people use them as a drug he can try to beat any lawsuits by saying they are not being used for their intended purpose.

    It wasn't bath salts that he started, it was other drugs that reflect the effects of cocaine, other people took that idea and ****ed it up and now they're completely UNSAFE. I've never done them but I just watched a documentary on it. It's actually pretty interesting how these people keep changing the chemical make up to make them legal as soon as they are made illegal.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Let Darwin take it's course. Idiots. My mom died via her lifelong crack addiction. I simply do not see the appeal.

    My dad died from heroin

    The weird part about it is that as I watched her in ICU fading away, it wasn't all of the bull**** she put me through that I mourned for. It was for all the things that could have been, but would never be. My dad used to be on Heroin as well, but he stopped in the late 80s. I've only met him a couple times though.

    my son's egg donor also died from a drug overdose...try explaining to your 9 year old that your mother's heart valve blew to *kitten* at the age of 33? We just told him she was sick for a very long time...caused his brain damage and a lifetime if hell because she was an addict. I have no sympathy for junkies...i've spent to many years cleaning up their mess.
  • jgilbey
    jgilbey Posts: 79
    I'm cardiac nurse and unfortunately we get all the druggies and drunks ("cause they're HR needs monitoring) and I've seen a few bathsalt patients... Craaazyyy ****. One lady was eating her arm where her IV was. Uugghh.

    People are coming up with creative ways to get theyre thrills... Enema Partys? Beer in your butt? Highschool girls are soaking tampons in beer and shoving up theyre vags!
  • HeatherLeahxx
    HeatherLeahxx Posts: 156 Member
    I'm cardiac nurse and unfortunately we get all the druggies and drunks ("cause they're HR needs monitoring) and I've seen a few bathsalt patients... Craaazyyy ****. One lady was eating her arm where her IV was. Uugghh.

    People are coming up with creative ways to get theyre thrills... Enema Partys? Beer in your butt? Highschool girls are soaking tampons in beer and shoving up theyre vags!

    I tried hard not to laugh at your post :indifferent:

    As hard as it was, I nearly p*ssed myself laughing :laugh: :laugh:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I'm cardiac nurse and unfortunately we get all the druggies and drunks ("cause they're HR needs monitoring) and I've seen a few bathsalt patients... Craaazyyy ****. One lady was eating her arm where her IV was. Uugghh.

    People are coming up with creative ways to get theyre thrills... Enema Partys? Beer in your butt? Highschool girls are soaking tampons in beer and shoving up theyre vags!

    I tried hard not to laugh at your post :indifferent:

    As hard as it was, I nearly p*ssed myself laughing :laugh: :laugh:

    Me too. You can tell you are a nurse because of your "matter of fact tone". I have several nurse friends and they are the same way :)
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Let Darwin take it's course. Idiots. My mom died via her lifelong crack addiction. I simply do not see the appeal.

    My dad died from heroin

    The weird part about it is that as I watched her in ICU fading away, it wasn't all of the bull**** she put me through that I mourned for. It was for all the things that could have been, but would never be. My dad used to be on Heroin as well, but he stopped in the late 80s. I've only met him a couple times though.

    I'm sorry for the loss of your mother, and also for what might have been. You must be a really strong person.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    OMG! I work as a NP, and when people do bath salts..OMG..Not good at all.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Let Darwin take it's course. Idiots. My mom died via her lifelong crack addiction. I simply do not see the appeal.

    Problem with Darwins course here, is people are being eaten alive by naked men, and babies thrown out of moving cars.

    This ****'s bad.
  • Weaz66
    Weaz66 Posts: 1,846 Member
    It's illegal in PA, but still readily available. They just keep changing the name on the packages. A friend of mine is on his second round of rehab from the stuff. It totally changed his personality. He stopped doing all the things he once enjoyed, became extremely paranoid about everything, accused lots of people he loved for stealing his money and hiding his belongings when it was he himself that did it....he hid a memory card from a cell phone behind a small crack in the paneling because he thought it was out to get him. I'm convinced that it did do some brain damage, by listening to him talk and watch the way he acts. A doctor told me there isn't enough research yet to help treat it or to know what the person may experience afterwards. Such a shame as it truly can mess you up permanently after just one use.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    Same with heroin. I realize it's an addiction, and I'm not making fun of a serious disease, I just can NOT wrap my head around a person thinking "Injecting heroin into my veins sounds like such an awesome idea! What's the worst that could happen??"

    I think in many cases heroin is first smoked or snorted, by people who think they'd never inject something into themselves, then once addicted (which can happen almost instantly) they start injecting to get the same high.