Looking for motivational buddies!

Why hello! :smile:

Thought I'd post my first community post and start with looking for some new motivational friends where we can share tips, tricks, and motivation for each other along our weight loss journey! Below is a little bit about me!

I'm Lisa, 27 years old and live in Michigan. I have been member of Myfitnesspal for over a year now ..however, let's just say that I haven't technically been a "active" member until YESTERDAY. My reality of truly wanting to shake the pounds hit me like a tun of bricks and I am promising myself to move, stay strong, and shake the lbs!

Weight loss/gain has always been a constant factor in my life - I have been all sizes ranging from size 2-23. I recently got accepted to nursing school and within 6 months i went from a size 11 to 18. I am hoping to lose at least 15-20lbs so I could return to my walk-in size closet filled with 9/11 clothes!

I have three major downfalls in particular when it comes to dieting: (I am hoping desperately to overcome these obstacles!)
1) I am a MAJOR stress/comfort eater: It seems that anytime I have a hard day or want to "escape" from reality - I dive into food and enjoy the moment then regret it later.

2) The boyfriend! --> Some Men and their metabolisms make me sick!! hahaa- he always wants to eat out or get take out, and avoiding the temptation is a daily obstacle!

3) I've always been an indoor/lazy nature kinda of girl. Love TV, love video games, love my bed -lol

So that is my story! Feel free to tell me yours below! I look forward to becoming new motivational buddies! Until then, I must force myself off to the gym....bye!


  • samasche1
    samasche1 Posts: 64 Member
    I am in need of more motivated friends!!

    Name: Samantha

    Age: 23

    Goal: To weigh 140 by my Birthday, July 14.

    Motivation: SWIM SUIT SEASON!! Also am running my first 5k the day after my birthday!

    My Story: I am 5' 8". My heaviest weight was 169 and I was NOT about to let that scale show me even one pound heavier. I started MFP back in October and lost two lbs with it before giving up (I had no motivated friends and got frustrated doing it alone). In January, one of my friends told me she started using MFP, so I started up again. Starting at 167, my goal weight for my April 14 wedding was 150. And I DID IT! But now, I feel like I am at a stand-still at 149 and NEED to push myself to get rid of these 9 extra lbs.

    Together, we can do this!!
  • shannonmch
    shannonmch Posts: 194 Member
    I love motivational forums! I can do nothing if I don't make myself accountable. I have used MFP for over a yr, but have been using it pretty faithfully for about 3 months. I have been doing the Body For Life program since mid Feb. I am down 12#'s, but I have learned so much in those few months.
    I started another BFL challenge 6-4-12. I really hope to achieve my goals over these next 12 wks. I am 37 and will be 38 in Nov. I want to be so happy with my body by then. I'm 5'4", small frame. I weigh 164#'s now In Feb, I was up to 175#. That is a few #'s more than I weighed when I had my 3rd baby 9 1/2 yrs ago. I am DISGUSTED w/ myself. I have like a 39% body fat percentage. I am considered obese and that alone makes me sick. I weighed 105#'s when I graduated high school. I do not want to be that small again, but that really makes me think about what I looked like then as opposed to now. I am very active, but I have lied to myself over the years and told myself that I am not eating "that bad". It had to be my thyroid! (I really do have a sluggish thyroid and take meds for it). But guess what! When I really started to eat clean and exercise, I began to lose weight. I cannot keep telling myself that it's ok, to eat like I want to 2-3 daysa wk and still look like I want to.
    I love to excercise and want to run a 5K. I have ran off and on for a couple of yrs. But I don't tend to push myself. I have started pushing myself over the last couple of months and I really enjoy doing things that, before, I thought was impossible. I do weight training also with the BFL program.

    I will be your buddy in this forum! LOL
    Prayers for us both for clean eating, working hard and acheiving what we can through HARD work!
  • imara125
    imara125 Posts: 13
    I have been a member for some time now too and i keep tracking what i eat and then stopping and gaining back the weight. My goal is to lose 25 poundsby the end of summer. I need motivation if i want to keep active and reach my goal. So far i think i can but ineed some help.
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Hey Lisa, it's great to see you here on MFP. This site and the app have really helped me to stay on track and lose the weight. I know you won't have a hard time doing the same. There is a lot of help and support on here. I am in about the same situation. The pounds kinda snuck up on me, and I have some bad habits that are hard to break. I too enjoy being indoors watching movies and playing video games, but I am also an outdoors type of person. I love working out, its just hard to get back into it sometimes. My girlfriend is also trying to lose weight, but on weekends we are always going out and its hard to be good haha! Anyway, feel free to add me on here as a friend. I hope to hear from you soon and good luck to you!

    - Bry -