Guys that are in the weight room getting your workout in...



  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Also, I def notice some guys looking at me lifting and I think it has to do with being stoked that a girl is doing that. I am the only girl in my gym who lifts heavy (that I've seen at least).
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    It doesn't matter what they think. You are in the clear ;-D

    However, yeah I can almost guarantee you there are guys in there that have a bad attitude and don't like you using certain things if you could be using something else. Girls too. Or just straight up don't even care if you are doing it right or wrong, they are just mad because you are on their **** lol.

    And on the other hand, we have guys like me where a decent portion of their motivation to go to a gym is to check out ladies ;-) Call me a creep if you will, don't care :-D I have plenty of gym at work, at home, anywhere I want. I choose to go to a gym to have somewhere to invite a friend to do something or just go look at girls n workout!

    Like I said, doesn't matter what they think, don't worry about it.

  • Guys... When you see a girl that can't lift very well in the weight room trying to lift, are we a bother to you?



    :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    No bother at all. I prefer to see a woman lifting than on a cardio machine.
    I wish I had someone tell me this every time I go to the elliptical. haha. I have the same issue. I can't bring myself to walk over there. I feel like I might get in the way.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    A question - not meant to be disrespectful - wouldn't 5 or 10 pound dumbell weights and a floor mat accomplish the same thing as lifting the bar without tying up equipment that has more uses?

    The olympic bar weighs 45# with no weight on it - 2 5# weights would only be 10# total, so I can see why she would want to use just the bar. The only other way to get close to that same amount of weight would be using 2 20# free weights, and I know I can't do 20# in each hand alone...sometimes the little "girly" weights just aren't enough. I see your point, though.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    No bother at all. As long as you are in there to get your workout done I'm happy to have you in the weight room. I don't care if you can barely lift the 25 lb curl bar or are racking 500 lbs on the bar for squats, as long as you are doing your work and lifting with good form you have every right to feel comfortable in the weight room.

    If some jack@ss is laughing because someone can't lift much, they don't deserve time in the weight room.
  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
    OP, I'm glad you posted this - I feel the same way. I'm getting better though. I also try to make sure I'm not getting in anyone else's way, male or female. I am typically the only female lifting though. I've discovered that most of the guys lifting around me are quite polite, and helpful if I have a quick question about the equipment. :smile:

    There is the occasional lifter that gives off an attitude vibe, but I've only experienced that a couple of times and I'm pretty sure it's just their personality. :tongue: So, I make it a point to steer clear.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    On the subject of grunting, I make growling noises when I run on the treadmill... maybe it's a mental thing. Turn up your headphones if it bothers you.
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 474 Member
    Only in that there is usually limited equipment and I'm bothered by having to wait for anything.

    A question - not meant to be disrespectful - wouldn't 5 or 10 pound dumbell weights and a floor mat accomplish the same thing as lifting the bar without tying up equipment that has more uses?

    If you're in the weight room and there are a bunch of heavy lifters around, ain't no one going to be waiting for the 5# dumbell set. ;)

    But, heck, if no one is waiting (or someone is but it's your turn) you pay the same fee they do to be there, right? Then you get equal access to the gear. That's what paying for a membership is all about - everyone gets to use all the gear.

    Exactly WE ALL PAY the same fee, therefore we all get the same rights..... If some chick wants to use the bar then it's her right.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Get over the insecurities of what you can and cannot do. You are in the gym to workout. /endthread
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    I prefer using the weight room when I'm doing sets with my husband. I don't lift that heavy but I do need a spotter. I feel uncomfortable when I lift by myself. One reason is that I rest between sets. Maybe 30 seconds to a minute. I feel that when the guys see me resting, they assume that I'm dilly dallying around and taking up the machine space. Some even come up and ask how many more sets I have left and they keep eyeing the machine. It's like telling me to hurry up. When I'm lifting with my husband, we're able to rest between sets while the other lifts. No one comes up to us and ask how many more sets we have.
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    Doesn't bother me at all, men women makes no difference to me. We all pay our membership.
    Get in do what you have to do and get out!
  • jpfost
    jpfost Posts: 192 Member
    No bother at all, I would rather be surrounded by girls lifting then a bunch of dudes.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    If anyone minds that I'm 'just lifting the bar" they can go *kitten* themselves. True story.

    I recommend this attitude.

    I totally agree with this attitude. You should walk in there like you own the place and lift what you can lift. Everyone is in a different place with their fitness and it shouldn't matter what other people think - men or women.
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    Only in that there is usually limited equipment and I'm bothered by having to wait for anything.

    A question - not meant to be disrespectful - wouldn't 5 or 10 pound dumbell weights and a floor mat accomplish the same thing as lifting the bar without tying up equipment that has more uses?

    If you're in the weight room and there are a bunch of heavy lifters around, ain't no one going to be waiting for the 5# dumbell set. ;)

    But, heck, if no one is waiting (or someone is but it's your turn) you pay the same fee they do to be there, right? Then you get equal access to the gear. That's what paying for a membership is all about - everyone gets to use all the gear.

    Doesn't a standard olympic bar weigh 45 pounds? And there are benefits to using different bits of equipment. There are times when you want a solid bar, even if you can do the same weight/movement with a set of dumbbells.

    I think what the OP is really feeling is what many women do - that they are a bother in the weight room. It doesn't matter that she is "only" lifting the bar. I lift heavy, and still get the feeling sometimes that the guys would prefer that i was out of "their" space. It bothered me a lot when i was younger, and was probably a large part of why i stayed out of the gym for 20 years. Now that i'm older and more contrary, i don't care, i go and lift anyway. :D
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    Guys... When you see a girl that can't lift very well in the weight room trying to lift, are we a bother to you?
    I applaud that you are trying to gain some strength and become more fit... just like me. I belong to a couple of gyms and have seen some serious work from some of the women and women spotting for men. If you are serious, then you are welcome, as far as I am concerned.
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    If anyone minds that I'm 'just lifting the bar" they can go *kitten* themselves. True story.

    I recommend this attitude.

    I totally agree with this attitude. You should walk in there like you own the place and lift what you can lift. Everyone is in a different place with their fitness and it shouldn't matter what other people think - men or women.

    Whoa...Wait a minute...I actually do my best to ignore this...but I think anyone who walks in the gym like the own the place is a dbag...Men or Women...Chest popped out as if they can lift the gym...maybe there is a such thing is too cocky...i dunno

    I may have misread you guys post..or misinterpret
  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
    If anyone minds that I'm 'just lifting the bar" they can go *kitten* themselves. True story.

    I recommend this attitude.

    I totally agree with this attitude. You should walk in there like you own the place and lift what you can lift. Everyone is in a different place with their fitness and it shouldn't matter what other people think - men or women.

    Whoa...Wait a minute...I actually do my best to ignore this...but I think anyone who walks in the gym like the own the place is a dbag...Men or Women...Chest popped out as if they can lift the gym...maybe there is a such thing is too cocky...i dunno

    I may have misread you guys post..or misinterpret

    Misread or not, I agree - there can be such a thing as too cocky. But, being confident and getting in there with the attitude that you know exactly what you are doing is EXTREMELY liberating. I think this kicked in for me when I bought lifting gloves. Hee hee. I told my husband they make me look like more of a bada$$. :laugh:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    No bother at all. I prefer to see a woman lifting than on a cardio machine.
    I wish I had someone tell me this every time I go to the elliptical. haha. I have the same issue. I can't bring myself to walk over there. I feel like I might get in the way.

    Go. Don't let your idea of what people might be thinking ever stop you from doing something you want to. Get in there and lift. You pay for the gym the same as all of them, you have every right to use the equipment the same way.

    And odds are you'll mostly find that the guys are very helpful. There are always jerks, but I see a lot women who assume a guy is mean just because he's big. I met the nicest guy at the gym over the weekend and he was a human monster of a man, but so damn friendly it was crazy....
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I always feel like the guys are staring at me when I am in the weight room, like I disturbed some secret male ritual. I think it is the fact that I have boobs. Plus, I tend to smile a lot, and I noticed everyone in the gym looks miserable. I love that "high" you get after working out.

    *edit* typo