Sixers Sweating It Off WK 1



  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Ha Ha Ha.... I said almost 3 hours ago that I was tired and was going to be asleep soon. Evidently I got a second wind! I thought I'd change my avatar to a new zombie picture (yup, I am a zombie lover), but then I took a detour and decided on Patsy. But the time it took for me to edit that ticker thing so it fit! I did it by myself, no help from my computer programmer hubby, but it took me quite a while... I think I had to resize it 3 times. Of course, it was really easy after I did it the first time :laugh:

    By the way Cathy, I forgot to mention that I think your new puppy is adorable! Such a perky face.

    Speaking of perky, you seem to be in a great mood Amy. Glad to see it.

    And now, I really must go to bed, because of the early driving time tomorrow! Nighty nite girls.
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Amy-thanks for the big welcome! And root canal, yuck! Feel better!

    Robin-I totally know what you mean, I get like that, about to fall asleep on the couch then suddenly it is three hours later and I am still up and at it.

    Lauryn-810 cals in 90 minutes you friggin' rock!!! You are my hero!

    Cathy-cute puppy.

    Well, I got my exercise in, but that is about all I truly succeeded at today. I didn't get in all my water and I didn't keep up with my calories. I have to go grocery shopping so that I can have the stuff I need to be able to eat well and easily keep up with those calories. I should be able to grocery shop Wednesday night so I will load up on fresh fruit and good for you snacks.

    In other news, I am super excited b/c while the kiddos were at VBS tonight I went to Hobby Lobby b/c I need new lamps for the living room as we are in an apartment now and there is no overhead light. So one lamp wasn't cutting it. Anyway, the lamps were on sale this week 50% off so I was able to get two for the price of one, SWEET!!! It sounds silly, I know, but I love a good bargain!