Rushfit vs. TapouT XT - My review/opinion/observation.



  • Debby0904
    Debby0904 Posts: 151 Member
    I couldn't agree more and glad you suggested it. Should be in by Tuesday. I'll let you know what I think and if it kicks my backside (I can only hope!) lol
  • jells21
    jells21 Posts: 2
    Thanks for the great information as I am trying to decide between Rushfit and Tapout XT. Seems to me based on the reviews that the Tapout program has more information on nutrition? This is where I definitely struggle and I do tend to get bored fast if a workout is not somewhat fun. One additional observation based on reviews is that the bands tend to work your muscles a bit more for definition then does the Rushfit program, again your thoughts would be helpful. I have done Insanity and I got great results, however I don't think I can stand Sean T any longer and as stated before I am sort of bored with it. I need to get back on something quickly so any comments would be great!
  • owls1981
    owls1981 Posts: 1
    I do a lot of traveling and it seems that TapouT XT is the better choice since I would just have to pack the resistance bands and not have to worry about weights. Your thoughts? Thanks.......
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I do a lot of traveling and it seems that TapouT XT is the better choice since I would just have to pack the resistance bands and not have to worry about weights. Your thoughts? Thanks.......

    Any program that requires the use of dumbbells is IMO not suitable for traveling. So that one is pretty much a given, yeah.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Thanks for the great information as I am trying to decide between Rushfit and Tapout XT. Seems to me based on the reviews that the Tapout program has more information on nutrition? This is where I definitely struggle and I do tend to get bored fast if a workout is not somewhat fun. One additional observation based on reviews is that the bands tend to work your muscles a bit more for definition then does the Rushfit program, again your thoughts would be helpful. I have done Insanity and I got great results, however I don't think I can stand Sean T any longer and as stated before I am sort of bored with it. I need to get back on something quickly so any comments would be great!

    To be perfectly honest there isn't really a whole lot of info needed for nutrition if you're familiar with Insanity because the truth is Insanity follows the 40/40/20 macro template, which is the generic all purpose template for most of these programs. They throw in different recipes but the overall principle behind it is the same. In fact I'm going to say the Insanity nutrition guide can be applied to any highly active workout program. I wouldn't say bands work you more for definition but rather more core integration. You get an overall more core intensive workout with bands than with dumbbells. But many movements are also awkward and unnatural with the bands and your range of motion may be limited somewhat. I like both but I generally don't like to use heavier duty bands.

    Honestly I think that if you got bored with Insanity you'll get bored with pretty much any program you do. Some will seem more fun in the beginning but it eventually runs out. I think that someone in your position specifically would do better starting to put your own workouts together. But if you really don't want to do that, I'm going to say that either one of these would work for you. With TapouT XT the workouts themselves are more fun but not necessarily as effective and you have the stupid schedule to follow. With Rushfit you get to sort of customize the schedule by doing your own cardio (my preference is jumping rope and cardio agility drills) and the workouts are shorter.
  • jells21
    jells21 Posts: 2
    Thanks a ton for your thoughts I appreciate it.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I reviewed Rip 60. Going to be posting it up as a blog. SPOILER ALERT: IT SUCKS.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I'm a HUGE MMA fan, and always wondered which of the programs (Rushfit or TapouT XT) would suit me best, but from your very detailed reviews, i think i'll go the TapouT route. That seems to be what i'm looking for.

    Thanks again for your input on them!
  • Debby0904
    Debby0904 Posts: 151 Member
    I reviewed Rip 60. Going to be posting it up as a blog. SPOILER ALERT: IT SUCKS.

    Ha good thing I opted for XT. By the way, great review! I'm really liking it but also doing my own thing. This program is really core intensive from what I've experienced which is perfect. The videos are not as 'clean' as P90X but some of the moves (considering there isn't weights used) are like P90X on steriods. lol Loving it!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I reviewed Rip 60. Going to be posting it up as a blog. SPOILER ALERT: IT SUCKS.

    Ha good thing I opted for XT. By the way, great review! I'm really liking it but also doing my own thing. This program is really core intensive from what I've experienced which is perfect. The videos are not as 'clean' as P90X but some of the moves (considering there isn't weights used) are like P90X on steriods. lol Loving it!

    Told you =)
  • shutzhund
    shutzhund Posts: 1
    I would like to continue about 1 hr of lifting 4 times a week. Can I do this using Rushfit or altered Tapout XT as a 6 day cardio program without coming dangerously close to overtraining. I'm already doing 30-40 min of cardio 6 days a week.

    If so, which program would you recommend?
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    I LOVE Tapout XT! The reason I have been able to stick to it (half way done) is because it's fun to do. I don't even feel like the workouts are long, that's how enjoyable the workouts are. Now, I have never tried Rushfit, so I have no comparison, but I have tried 3 other beachbody workouts and I stopped doing them after a few weeks, because I wasn't having fun. It's like if I started a running program, I'd maybe last a week or two, month at the longest, because I do not find running to be fun. You're more likely to stick a exercise program, if you actually enjoy doing it. Thanks for the review though.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I would like to continue about 1 hr of lifting 4 times a week. Can I do this using Rushfit or altered Tapout XT as a 6 day cardio program without coming dangerously close to overtraining. I'm already doing 30-40 min of cardio 6 days a week.

    If so, which program would you recommend?

    The bulk of Rushfit is resistance training done 3 days a week. Adding in weight training on top of that is just . . no. You can add in cardio but you can't add in weight training. You can do this with TapouT XT but you would have to put together your own schedule and you would have to leave out their resistance workouts. To be perfectly honest though if you're planning on doing your own weight training I recommend just doing some jump rope... What you need is a strictly cardio plan because resistance training does not complement more resistance training well. And most plans are resistance based.
  • EDNurse22
    EDNurse22 Posts: 2
    I've been reading the reviews for both Tapout XT, Rushfit and Insanity. It seems like a lot of people really like Tapout XT. I can get it on from their website for under $'s really worth the money and hype? I want to add something that would help with toning.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I've been reading the reviews for both Tapout XT, Rushfit and Insanity. It seems like a lot of people really like Tapout XT. I can get it on from their website for under $'s really worth the money and hype? I want to add something that would help with toning.

    "Toning" is basically a fancy word for building muscle while losing fat. The "toned" look basically means they decided to stop when they got to a certain point before they started showing serious muscle definition. That being said, these are both "functional fitness" oriented programs, which means there is no real isolation training. All workouts involve doing exercises that incorporate multiple muscle groups and place an especially strong emphasis on the core. They will get you to your goal, but unlike something like a Jillian Michaels DVD that is not their main intended purpose. Melting away body fat and getting that toned look takes a back seat to building athletic performance. Remember, they ARE based on MMA workouts. They won't get you there as some other programs because as I said that is not their main purpose. They are about building athletic perfomance first and shaping your body second.
  • EDNurse22
    EDNurse22 Posts: 2
    Thanks for the input! I am always looking for something to help increase my athletic performance as well, so that has me excited to try this even more now.
  • PookDo68
    PookDo68 Posts: 8
    I'm new here .looking to lose a lot of weight.Most exercise routines bore me to tears but seeing both Rushfit and Tapout XT got me excited.Being older (44) I'm more about getting as lean as possible rather than building a lot of muscle.As a newbie to working out can I buy and modify either of the programs I mentioned or is there a program I should get to work up to those? I'm just under 6 feet and about 340 pounds.Im so done being the big guy and my body does not in anyway match my personality
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    No love for RushFit here! I'm on my 2nd week and my arms, legs, tummy and toning and tightening like crazy! The warm up is repetitive, but I'm loving the workouts! They are a great mix between fighting and strength moves and I'm adding training for a 10k in as my cardio :)
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    No love for RushFit here! I'm on my 2nd week and my arms, legs, tummy and toning and tightening like crazy! The warm up is repetitive, but I'm loving the workouts! They are a great mix between fighting and strength moves and I'm adding training for a 10k in as my cardio :)

    lots of love for rushfit here =) i think its a better overall program than TapouT XT.