after loosing weight anyone scared to become pregnant?



  • tkaawa
    tkaawa Posts: 302
    I'm definitely scared about getting pregnant after losing all the weight. Even having the IUD Mirena, it terrifies me. I have 2 children(girl-6, boy-3) so I feel as though I'm set. I don't want to have anymore children and I don't want to tie I'm scared too:(
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    <---- pregnant and it's so worth it... You can always know do it all again :)
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    I've actually lost all my weight since having my daughter, beginning when she was five months old. Since you've had children before and have lost the weight, you know it's possible too! Just have as healthy a pregnany as possible - don't use it as a license to eat whatever you want, make healthy choices to keep yourself satisfied and healthy. Stay active with light activity such as walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga, and remind yourself you're staying fit for yourself and your family.

    Pregnancy is a life experience, not a medical condition, medical emergencies and postpartum difficulties barred there's no reason you can't keep up a moderate activity level and return to your current fitness level in a reasonable amount of time.
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    i have 3 children aged 4,2,12months and i really want to have my final child but after having my daughter i have lost over 60lbs and im now at a size im happy with, im so scared to become pregnant again and gain weight back! anyone else feel like this? or lost lots of weight and had a baby. did u lose the weight easy again?


    yes I am. My youngest is 10 and the oldest is 17 but hubby doesnt have any children of his own and wants one. I admit that secretly one of the reasons that I dont want one is I am afraid of what it will do to my body.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I Would be happy i think. While i'll def gain weight, I know what i need to do to take it off. If possible, I would like to have an active pregnancy. Walking, working out, staying fit. It will make it easier to transition.
  • VWilson_Momoftwinsplus1
    This is seriously one of my worries, but I think there's a way to be healthy during a pregnancy that won't cause so much mayhem once you've given birth. I have no children but I hope when the time comes, I will be able to continue to eat and exercise.
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    Well, yes and no. I'm scared of getting pregnant because it seems a bit scary to have a foreign being controlling my every moment for 9 months (Anybody remember Sigourney Weaver from Alien?), but aside from that I hope to be making a maintainable lifestyle change here. If I decided to start down the path of having kids, I would hope to continue my reasonable diet and exercise regime with modifications for the little bundles well-being of course. After would probably be the toughest because of the exhaustion, lack of time for self, and desire to stay in and snuggle with the little one.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I am currently losing to get pregnant again....I gained 70 with my first and 47 with my second (I am lighter now than when I got pregnant with my second). I look at it this way, weight is temporary. That baby is 50 years will it matter if I was overweight for a few months? I would much rather have a child in my life forever than worry about being chubby for a bit. Since I started this journey, I have changed my way of eating and moving so I know that will continue through my next pregnancy anyways...I bet I have no trouble gaining too much this time (most of my weight gain was water anyways). Having a baby changes your body forever....I have already had two so I know. This next baby will be my last (I think) and will be worth every pound or stretch mark I may gain. Either way, I know I have the power to get my body back afterwards.....we all do.
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    I always joke with my husband ...that NOW that I am finally at a healthy weight. Thats when I would get pregnant! We have 2 already and are pretty content with 2, but if it happens it happens... They are totally a blessing anyways. But I can see where you are coming from, after you work SO hard to lose tons of weight it seems tough to voluntarily gain it back... but gosh it is SOOOO worth it!

    In my case I always wonder if I got pregnant again would it be a much smoother pregnancy. BOTH of mine were HIGH RISK... blood pressure, early labor, etc. And I think part of that was that I was SO overweight to begin with. So I think "if" I ever had another one or two in the future I think it would go MUCH smoother...PLUS, I already told myself I would exercise and eat healthy - THROUGH it, I think THAT would be the best approach.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    There are several women at my gym who are between 6 and 9 months pregnant that are doing classes right along side of me. I am utterly amazed. And I'm talking Les Mills Body Combat not easy stuff. There are some moves they have to modify of course but they are there doing most of it for the whole hour. Just because you get pregnant doesn't mean you have to stop working out completely or "eat for two" for that matter.
  • SGRhapsodos
    I gained 17 lbs with my first pregnancy and had no problems returning to my old weight. I breastfed a lot and I ate very little during my pregnancy (wasn't hungry). The key is not to go crazy with food while you're pregnant. The whole you have to eat for 2 is a lie.
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    No, because I'm losing weight in order to try to get pregnant to begin with.

    ^^^This....been TTC for 4 years and I'm hoping losing weight will do the job instead of taking medication.
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    I am two and done. I don't want any more. My hubby and I don't want to be outnumbered lol. I had that fear when I had my second, and it took three years until I got to my pre-preggo weight, but only because I didn't do anything serious about it. I think if you have the tools, and you know what works for you. Then it's completely doable. Plus, women can exercise and eat healthy during their pregnancies with minimal weight gain that can really help.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    you're not alone!!!!!! My husband and I just got married last October, so probably within the next year we'll be trying for children. This is the most motivation to lose weight that I have EVER had in my entire life. I am very scared to drop 100 lbs then get pregnant next year and gain 60 of it back. I plan on eating very healthy and exercising when I am pregnant, but gaining weight USUALLY comes with pregnancy no matter how healthy you're being. I know people who don't gain a lb or even lose weight, and hopefully that can be me! LOL
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    No, I'm actually losing weight with plans to get pregnant at the end of the year.

    I figure that if I reach the mid-healthy bmi and develop a healthy lifestyle, I will have a healthy pregnancy .

    The first time around, I was inactive and ate a lot of junk food and take out, which resulted in me gaining 65 lbs.

    I also had a lot of medical problems, luckily my son was born healthy and with no complications.

    I think the second time around if I eat healthy and stay active, I will gain a healthy amount of weight and will lose it at q healthy pace.

    If your worried about losing weight, I think its about making healthy eatting/exercise your lifestyle.
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    i have 3 children aged 4,2,12months and i really want to have my final child but after having my daughter i have lost over 60lbs and im now at a size im happy with, im so scared to become pregnant again and gain weight back! anyone else feel like this? or lost lots of weight and had a baby. did u lose the weight easy again?


    My best friend just had a baby. She didn't change any of her eating habits during the pregnancy (she was a pretty healthy eater before), and still did the light excersize she had always done. Her kid is 3 weeks old now, and she is wearing the same jeans she did before she got pregnant.

    It can be done. You just can't let pregnancy be an excuse to binge.
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    I've more or less decided to forgo having children for this reason. I've been obese since I was 23 and over 200 lbs for 5 years. I'm 31 now, and won't be done losing the weight until I'm 32. I'm not sure it's safe to become pregnant and regain immediately after losing the weight, and waiting a while just gets me into trouble with my age. I think it's healthier for me in my situation to forget about pregnancy and focus on the other amazing things life has in store for me.

    BTW, if you want kids, adopt. That's what I'll be doing. There are lots of little duffers out there that need good homes. You don't have to HAVE a kid to have a kid. ;)
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    I was but I figured I started this journey to get preggo so I will just continue eating healthy and exercising minus the weights lol Friends that have kids suggested I have plenty of planned ahead frozen dinners to easily pop in the crock pot to cook since the bb will consume my every sec :)
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Not sure if this will make sense.

    It does scare me a little but in other ways. We tried for 2 years to get pregnant and was told by a IF specialist I have about a 5% chance of actually being able to conceive. After taking a year off and before looking into adoption we have considered trying again with a second opinion. However; with the progress I've made the last 6 mths by losing the weight I've gained partially from dealing with the infertility, loving myself more and finding goals I want to conquer like a 1/2 marathon; I will say I am scared and a little selfish to want to go down that path again right now. It's not really the weight for me, but a lifestyle I've built now that I want to enjoy and do more things with in the time being.
  • jsimler1
    jsimler1 Posts: 168 Member
    i know what you mean, ive not got kids yet and i'm 31.........i dont want to get to my ideal weight and then get fat again having a kid!

    I would think though now you know how to eat healthy, you can keep it up even during pregnancy so you don't have excessive gains, a small gain is to be expected but you will soon shift that :-)

    yeah i was thinking same by my OH got concerned when i told him i would still use my bike and got to zumba when pregnant until i get too big he reckons i should just sit around all day and cook the baby lol

    haha, there is no reason not to exercise when you are pregnant, Ive seen heavily pregnant women on the london marathon before!!!!

    The only way that would ever be an issue is if, after never exercising your entire life, you decided to start running, 8months pregnant. Doctors say that as long as your body is use to the stress/motion of exercising it will not harm you when you are pregnant.