Are you from know the Hawkeye state?



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I just wanted to pop in and say I used to live in Newton, Iowa but that was 30 years ago. :smile:
  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey guys!
    Little tired today as I didn't sleep well last night...need to get to bed early tonight! Early am's both tomorrow and Sun! :yawn:
    I did ChaLEAN Extreme Burn It Off this well as some treadmill intervals/sprints. Lunch will be core/yoga..tonight some stretching or sleeping!:bigsmile:

    Kristin: I think I want to be surprised..but I know I'll be like tell me! Good for you!:happy: I love those names...keep us updated! I am sure you'll be ready for the little one to come out!:noway:

    Tracy: Well first and foremost..get that husband of yours on board! Sometimes they need explained to why we want to be healthier and how they can help...but not make them feel like they have to give things up. I put Jason's stuff on the top shelf! We work together...
    As far as the schedule goes..if you keep working out you'll notice you'll have more energy. Morning sounds tough..but maybe on free periods go for walks..and then at night do a dvd..what not. How are weekends? Any quieter days of the week?

    Kelly; I too think the treadmill is harder..but some people like it more! most people have a preference..ME..I like to be outside! :bigsmile:
    As far as your need to talk to'd be suprised. And you may have set the bad habits..but that doesn't mean it has to continue! It's your job to be the them your stuff girl! If they see you happy and enjoying it..along with not allowing all that bad food around all the'll come..slowly.
    Maybe you can work on a weekly schedule so you get it done even in quieter times..are you a list person?

    Have a great day CORNFED TEAM!:bigsmile:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Hi Iowans,

    I live in Illinois, but work in Davenport (Hi Tracy).

    What a great idea!

  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey there newbie!
    What's your story? Welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I just wanted to pop in and say I used to live in Newton, Iowa but that was 30 years ago. :smile:

    NO Way!:noway: I lived in Newton, well, just outside town limits, about 26 years ago. I was only 8, and we lived there for a year, but it's the one place I've longed to go back to! Small world.

    We lived in a huge old white farmhouse with tons of fruit trees in the yard. And the Valentines lived across the road, and helped my mom grow her first garden. My dad was pastor of Zoar church.

    Wow, how on earth did I remember all that useless info!

    Sorry, to crash y'all's thread... leaving now...:indifferent:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Hey there newbie!
    What's your story? Welcome!:flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the warm welcome! I joined MFP last October. I'd finally decided that I needed to lose the weight from having our 3rd child. And, I figured out that I needed to do it for me, no one else.

    I'm very close to my 2nd goal weight. Lots of up and down right now. I'm very fortunate to have a gym that I can utilize for free where I work. I usually do 20-30 mins of cardio and a little lifting while I'm on my lunch break.

    I also have the 30 Day Shred workout that I've done off and on since November. I am at level 3 and can do about half at the advanced level.

    I suffered from anorexia when I was in younger. So, I went from one extreme to the other. My husband has lost some weight. He tells me I inspire him. We usually walk and walk/jog as a family too.

    Our kids are 6 (soon to be 7), 4 and 3.

    Have a good weekend. We're heading to the lake to camp this weekend!

  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Hello, fellow Iowans! I am in Norwalk on the SE side of DSM. I joined MFP in January, was living in Mason City at the time. Fell off the wagon HARD and just came back tonight. I gottat get my rear in gear, litterally!!! Good luck to you all on your path to health success!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Follow me to the new weekly thread..let me know if you like the name! :happy: How is everyone!?