oh, that girl/guy is such a ......

felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
It seems like everyone is irritating me lately...from the cashier at the grocery store, to coworkers, to the kids on the playground...so as the pic says, every great story starts with "so this B****"....who is that person in your life? Please vent so I know I am not alone!


  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    My supervisor. I want to walk up to her and punch her right in her face.
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 755 Member
    Just about everyone I work with...
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    all of my boyfriends friends girlfriends. yep. all of them.
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 755 Member
    love your profile picture DaniD
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 483 Member
    My supervisor. I want to walk up to her and punch her right in her face.

    ^ this and that BIOTCH at the gym....
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    It seems like everyone is irritating me lately
    Please vent so I know I am not alone!

  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    The man that I married has been driving me bat **** for months now. :grumble:
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    My supervisor. I want to walk up to her and punch her right in her face.

    I feel that way about several coworkers today...lazy a** people that could do a great job if they would just open their eyes and not push crap off on others!
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    love your profile picture DaniD

  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    all of my boyfriends friends girlfriends. yep. all of them.

    um... then why do you have them as friends, unless if you are one as well? ;?
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    all of my boyfriends friends girlfriends. yep. all of them.

    um... then why do you have them as friends, unless if you are one as well? ;?

    You misread what I said, or I said it in a confusing way. They are not my friends, they are the girlfriends of my boyfriends friends.

    "Boyfriends friends girlfriends." Not "boyfriends, friends and girlfriends."
  • CarrieMyPhilos
    CarrieMyPhilos Posts: 38 Member
    EVERYONE WHO DRIVES. :) Haha. I get so annoyed with people who slow down right in front of me, or take a year to turn on to another street. Usually I try to give them the benefit of the doubt - that maybe they were in a wreck and are being extra cautious now, or something like that. Sometimes though, I can't take it and just yell at them in my car. Thankfully they can't hear me!

    But you're totally not alone, people make me crazy sometimes, too.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    How much time do I have?

    * Our IT lady who can't fix crap and her only solution is to log off and log back on.
    * My co-worker who just gave her notice (announced yesterday) that she is resigning - during our busiest time of the year
    * The girl who is going to win the biggest loser contest in our office today because she hasn't eaten for 6 weeks.
    * The guy in the blue Toyota that was in front of me and wouldn't get out of the fast lane for 5 miles; he was doing 60

    I can go on...
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    the schedulers :explode: lazy worthless people sucking up a paycheck
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I hate to admit it but it's a 3 year old girl that I watch. Constantly whining about wanting something..never happy with anything..I just want to tell her to STFU. There, I said it.
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 181
    My frenemy,she has been less fr lately.
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 755 Member
    I hate to admit it but it's a 3 year old girl that I watch. Constantly whining about wanting something..never happy with anything..I just want to tell her to STFU. There, I said it.

    I triple dog dare ya to do it ;)
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Last night I was talking with a friend and EVERYTHING was about her, could barely so uh-huh before she was boating about this or that. or going on and on about meaningless drama that wouldnt happen if she wasnt such a wh***. Not one "how have you been" or what is new with you. makes me want to punch her in the vagina!
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    The person who basically danced on the graves of my dad & brother is a first class C U Next Tuesday.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I hate to admit it but it's a 3 year old girl that I watch. Constantly whining about wanting something..never happy with anything..I just want to tell her to STFU. There, I said it.

    I triple dog dare ya to do it ;)
