Cottage cheese... Taste? Ideas?

May sound like an extremely stupid question, but the last time I tried cottage cheese was when I was a little girl and I just remember hating it. I can't even remember the taste now, so does anyone have a good description?
Also I saw in my local supermarket you can get flavoured cottage cheese, like onion and chive or pineapple, are these any good?

I want to try and get more protein, and with cottage cheese having low fat I thought it might be a good start.

One more question, how do you like to eat it? Do you prefer it with sweet stuff (fruits) or savoury? If I don't like the taste, are there options to disguise it?


  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I imagine that most people object more to the texture than the taste. (I don't know how to describe the taste, sorry.) I like to put fruit in mine, or use it as a dip for veggie sticks.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I like to add loads of black pepper and have it on a jacket potato. Sometimes I'll use it as a bechemel replacement when making lasagne/cannelloni.
  • lippy1727
    lippy1727 Posts: 53
    I put it on Ryvita for lunch
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I used to hate cottage cheese too as a kid, but I tried it again about 2 years ago and I love it now. To me it's got a salty flavor, but not too strong, like a really light and mild cheese...which, well, it is! The texture is a little off putting at first, but I got over that quick. It became a treat for me, best breakfast ever, and sometimes I have to really watch myself or I'll eat way too much of it.
  • LaneyRZ
    LaneyRZ Posts: 22 Member
    It's really impossible to say what it tastes like as everyone is different. A person who really likes it will say it tastes amazing and one who doesn't will say it tastes like dirt. The only way to find out for sure will be to get some and try it. Most grocery stores carry individual serving sizes now, so give it a try! Especially since tastes change from childhood to adulthood, you may find you really like it now.

    Except liver. That never tastes good. :bigsmile:
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    I like cottage cheese, generally. I'm not a fan of the cottage cheese and pineapple/chives/prawns/apple mixes though and I find the full fat cottage cheese is a lot tastier than the low fat/fat free stuff - plus it seems to have a better texture, more 'together' if that makes sense?!

    Not sure where you are but here in the UK you can get some made by Longley Farm - that stuff is awesome and way better than supermarket brands!!
  • jangriffiths
    I really love it, I like the natural kind topped with a few prawns or smoked salmon pieces and cherry tomatoes, drizzle of olive oil and loads of black pepper.
  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    I add a tablespoon of low sugar strawberry jam to cottage cheese, great for breakfast or afternoon snack.
  • Tryin2findme
    I make an awesome veggie dip with cottage cheese!
    1 container of small curd cottage cheese (low fat)
    1 container of softened cream cheese (fat free)
    1 container of sour cream (fat free)
    1 packet of Hidden Valley Ranch Dip Mix

    This is amazing, and very filling :) Hope you like it!
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    I do not like cottage cheese by itself. However, I add some protein powder and a 1/4 cup of some crunchy type cereal, and then I do not even realize I am eating cottage cheese. It is not exactly like ice cream but similar. It makes a good breakfast food and is quick to make.
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    I use it in a protein drink called Cake Batter Protein Shake:

    1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder
    3-5 drops almond extract
    1 tbls vanilla sugar free instant pudding mix or 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (I prefer extract)
    3-5 Stevia packets
    1/2 - 1 cup water
    5-10 ice cubes
    Optional: 1/2 tsp xanthan gum

    Put all in blender and blend until creamy. May top with sprinkles.
  • sondra216379
    sondra216379 Posts: 174 Member
    I put 1 teaspoon of sugar and mix it in 1/2 cup cottage cheese. YUMMY
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    I have been having about 30g of cottage cheese every morning with breakfast for the last 34 years, eating it with half a slice of toast and marmite, which makes a good contrast. I started because the programme I was following in 1978 when we were living in USA insisted on protein at every meal, but limited you to 3 eggs a week. Having it means I often don't feel the need to eat anything until a late lunch.
    I also used it in recipes as a low fat alternative to cream cheese... eg in making a strawberry cheesecake.
    I agree that the normal cottage cheese is nicer than the lowfat ones, but the taste is pretty bland whatever!
  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    Thanks so muh for all the replies... I'm going shopping today and will pick some up. I adore marmite so I may try it with that! And I will def try it with lots of black pepper on crackers maybe or jacket potato.

    There's a lot of foods I couldn't stand as a child but now love, I really hope cottage cheese is one of them.

    I am in the UK, where do you buy longley farm brand? I had a look on Tesco (where I'm going shopping and they don't seem to stock it)
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    I Finaly tried cottage cheese at an All you can eat buffet. I liked it. I liked it even more when I mixed roasted red peppers and cheddar cheese with it.
    These days cottage cheese is a fridge staple.

  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I like grape tomatoes in it. My 7 year old likes hers with a spinkle of bacon bits!
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    I make a dish with cottage cheese, noodles, and diced onions, its delicious! And low calorie of you use the right pasta of course. You dont even taste the cottage cheese and it can be a main dish or a side dish to a chicken breast if you wanted more protein with it. :) I havent tried the in store flavor cottage cheese, but it took a while to get used to it outside of lasagna for me....I like it with grapes as well as pineapple and mandarin oranges :).
  • Lynn_SD
    Lynn_SD Posts: 83 Member
    I don't like cottage cheese by itself for with fruit. BUT I love it on toasted whole wheat English muffins! I buy the lowfat 2% which tastes better and must have SMALL CURD, texture is much nicer, very creamy.
  • tony2009
    tony2009 Posts: 201 Member
    Sounds weird, but if you like hot stuff, add about a half cup of cottage cheese and a can of tuna into a food processor with some hot sauce.
    Buffalo Tuna Dip! Gets me past the cravings for buffalo chicken that I always have.
  • kat5556
    kat5556 Posts: 164 Member
    If you have "Friendship" brand in your area, give it a try. It's not runny like some brands and if you're watching your sodium they have a 1%, no salt added that is really good. It's all natural too. Read the ingredients in whatever brand you try, some brands put all kinds of nasty stuff (fillers) in theirs.