Cottage cheese... Taste? Ideas?



  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,621 Member
    Try several brands is my advice. I am not a fan but actually really like Rieter Dairy 1% small curd. My husband and I have tried lots of others and most were either too salty or just yucky. I actually go to one store just to buy this and local honey. Good luck! Buy small, different brands and keep an open mind.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    It almost reminds me of plain greek yogurt, only a little sweeter. I don't mind the texture, but I like large curd better than small curd because small curd's texture is a little off, like it used to be cottage cheese and then it went flat... lmao.
  • nessat18
    nessat18 Posts: 30 Member
    You can make a good dessert with cottage cheese too if you want to one normal size container cottage cheese 1 pkt sugar free orange jello ( it normally calls for reg jello but sugar free should work) one or two cans of mandarin oranges depending on how fruity you want it and then sugar free whip topping one reg size container absolutely my favorite dessert with cottage cheese and you can change the fruit and flavor depending on what your in the mood for and you can substitute fresh fruit if you want!!!
  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    I'm loving all these ideas!! Making a small list as I read. Does honey go with cottage cheese? I'm thinking if its similar to Greek yogurt (which I love with honey) then I could mix some in with maybe sliced banana or apple.

    I'm also thinking maybe mix in some cheddar cheese, black pepper and have on crackers? Would that go;?
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    I like the "lasagna" style curds which are much smaller than the regular. I drizzle honey on mine and eat as is.Oritts really good on mashed potatoes with pepper :)
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    It also works well on pizza. Use it in place of regular shredded cheese. That's if you make homemade pizza. I top mine with lots of spinach too. I warm my pizza in the microwave.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Thanks so muh for all the replies... I'm going shopping today and will pick some up. I adore marmite so I may try it with that! And I will def try it with lots of black pepper on crackers maybe or jacket potato.

    There's a lot of foods I couldn't stand as a child but now love, I really hope cottage cheese is one of them.

    I am in the UK, where do you buy longley farm brand? I had a look on Tesco (where I'm going shopping and they don't seem to stock it)

    I second the vote for Longley Farm. I can't stand cottage cheese as it's so thin and watery - but Longley Farm is amazing! It's in a really plain tall white pot and most of the main UK supermarkets stock it (certainly in the North, anyhow).

    I eat it straight from the pot with a spoon or scoop it out with Multigrain Ryvita. Yum! I've even had it mixed up with strawberries when I fancy a creamy dessert. They do it in various flavours but I just love the plain stuff.

    If you can get it I recommend the full fat stuff. I'd much rather log the calories and have slightly less than the watery low fat versions. And it's lower in fat than most cheese anyhow!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Just been thinking... one of my university friends used to cook dumplings of potato, cottage cheese and black pepper wrapped in filo pasty, boiled then crisped up in the oven. She was Polish - wonder if anyone has a recipe for this? She was veggie and it was her standard dish (served with a big salad) when we all piled round to hers before going clubbing. Mouth is watering just thinking about it (and I would think it would be fairly low calorie too).
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Cottage cheese, unless you can find a low sodium version, has so much salt in it I can't justify it. 0% greek yogurt has comparable protein, no added salt, and can be fruited, honeyed, or vegetabled up in the same way.
  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    I think (as far as I could see by checking the net) I can only get longley farm from asda or sainsburys... I went to Tesco >.< nevermind. I bought some, if I don't like it, I will still pop into Asda at some point and try the longley farm one.
  • light_shimmer
    light_shimmer Posts: 118 Member
    I like to dice up a couple slices of tomato, and a few black olives and mix it in with a half cup of cottage cheese. Yumm!
  • Jaxper
    Jaxper Posts: 23 Member
    I used to not like cottage cheese either, but for me, it was mainly the texture as opposed to the taste that turned me off to it. A friend of mine told me to try it with peanut butter (natural, if possible) and granola (Nature Valley is really good!). Delicious, very filling, but not bad for you - exactly what you want from a meal! Makes me want to start eating it for breakfast again.... yum...
    I use it in a protein drink called Cake Batter Protein Shake:

    1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder
    3-5 drops almond extract
    1 tbls vanilla sugar free instant pudding mix or 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (I prefer extract)
    3-5 Stevia packets
    1/2 - 1 cup water
    5-10 ice cubes
    Optional: 1/2 tsp xanthan gum

    Put all in blender and blend until creamy. May top with sprinkles.

    That sounds delicious, I'm going to have to try it sometime soon! Off hand do you happen to have the nutrition stats for it (or do you have an entry for it in the database)?
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    I like to add loads of black pepper and have it on a jacket potato. Sometimes I'll use it as a bechemel replacement when making lasagne/cannelloni.

    Yes! Black Pepper! I used lemon pepper on some today.. yummy!
  • kfitzpa
    kfitzpa Posts: 326
    I just ate it with a lot of black pepper today and it was pretty good. Not the BEST thing I've ever eaten lol, but not bad.
  • rachelfaith92
    rachelfaith92 Posts: 202 Member
    Never liked cottage cheese as a kid. Now? Well, take a whole banana, some honey, and mix them with half a cup of cottage cheese and you will be one very happy and satisfied camper. I eat it for breakfast often or dessert. Its amazing!
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hi, new here...

    I like cottage cheese with honey or, even better, with maple syrup. I know it sounds gross but I've been eating it that way since I was a kid and it really is delicious.
  • arianamari3
    arianamari3 Posts: 26 Member
    Stick to large curd (I prefer the texture way better- the same that thick cut oats are better than processed oats). I just sprinkle a little pepper on my cottage cheese for a quick snack.
  • sgstarling
    sgstarling Posts: 10 Member
    I too prefer the 'full fat' version. Organic too. I like it with a dried dill, just mix in to taste. If I have a tomato I'll slice and add that as well.

    Love the idea of Black Pepper, can't wait to try that!
  • jnuttall
    jnuttall Posts: 4
    The best dips I have ever made used cottage cheese as a base. All you have to do is take a container (8 or 16 oz depending on the strength desired) of cottage cheese and dump the whole thing into a blender and add a dry soup mix (e.g. onion), a ranch flavoring packet (the ones used to make your own ranch dressing), or whatever herbs and spices you want. Tons of recipes can be found on the Internet, but instead of using sour cream as the base, use cottage cheese instead. It is a good way to get raw veggies down and add more lean protein to your diet.
  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    Never liked cottage cheese as a kid. Now? Well, take a whole banana, some honey, and mix them with half a cup of cottage cheese and you will be one very happy and satisfied camper. I eat it for breakfast often or dessert. Its amazing!

    The honey & banana option definitely sounds yummy to me! May try it tomoz for breakfast :-) will that also go nice on toast?