Fifty Shades of Grey



  • gemsipops
    gemsipops Posts: 13 Member
    I read all 3 .. <AHEM> guys, we love this ****. Blnd fold me, spank me, shackle me.. just do it already!!

    AGREED! x
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Read some because of the hype, threw the book away mid way.

    With all of the incredibly good erotica out there, I'm ashamed that this is what is getting the most attention.
    Same here...I'm shocked how many people think these books are actually well written. I'm certainly not a book-snob, but this was the worst writing I've ever seen. Someone get that woman a thesaurus please...
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    Read some because of the hype, threw the book away mid way.

    With all of the incredibly good erotica out there, I'm ashamed that this is what is getting the most attention.
    Same here...I'm shocked how many people think these books are actually well written. I'm certainly not a book-snob, but this was the worst writing I've ever seen. Someone get that woman a thesaurus please...

    I think the main problem with the writting itself is that she's a British author, trying to write American. And it seems all she knows of America is what she read in "Twilight." She mixes up alot of the mannerisms and slang.

    And the BDSM has to be some of the most vanilla-ly BDSM I've ever read. Christian is a cliche and Ana has no personality. I'm disapointed I wasted my money on this book.
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    I find the 'love' between them more interesting than the sex. I'm in the middle of the third book now. Very poorly written, but an easy read and yeah, I want to know what happens at the end.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Very poorly written, I am not sure that it was even edited. I also assume that the author was drunk or high, or both. I read all three because I try not to be judgmental about something I have not read or watched. I still enjoyed them for some unknown reason to me, but they were a quick read and I skipped over a lot of the repeated crap.

    For those of you that are saying it was hot etc you go have a look at some other erotica, that **** will blow your mind if you think this is hot :P
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    I read Gerald's Game by Stephen King. Eff that.

    I guess I should point out that this was in response to those that said that we women love this crap. I repeat... Eff that.
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    It's awful.

    I've read fanfiction written by 16 year old's that reads better.

    All it does is give me hope that if that trash can get published, then anybody can.