Ladies, how do you like your men groomed?



  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    It doesn't matter to me as long as he is healthy!
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    I like a little chest hair. Not a rug, just a little. Underarms, I would never expect a shave there... But if you want to, fine.

    Arms should be hairy. Leg hair, whatever. I don't really notice, provided you're not a werewolf.

    Anywhere my mouth goes however, I like smooth. :wink: :blushing:
    I completly agree :)
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    I like a goatee and chest hair. Not a shag rug, mind you, but some. Leg and arms...whatever...doesn't others have long as you aren't a werewolf. A little manscaping below the belt is nice too. Hey...if we are expected to keep it's only fair. :)

    Oh....and I knew a guy that shaved his legs for competitve's really not a big deal as long as you use your own razor. lol
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    Au natural :) I really dont like the sandpaper feeling of stubble.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    chest and back hair has got to go. And hair "down there" should go, too. Other than that, I think he should just leave alone.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I can't stand it when they have dark hair, and it's EVERYWHERE. Cave man look? No thank you!! Back hair is a deal breaker...

    But I do like a bit of chest hair, or a little happy trail and whatnot. Shows that he's a man, after all!

    Also I don't mind a lil down there, as long as it's tidy. It's only fair, seeing as I keep a clean shop LOL
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    arm hair or leg hair has never bothered me... but most of the rest has got to go... or atleast be well groomed... dont need a forest ya know LOL

    Agreed....some manscaping is ok too.
  • Melonhead
    Melonhead Posts: 168
    I can't stand it when they have dark hair, and it's EVERYWHERE. Cave man look? No thank you!! Back hair is a deal breaker...

    But I do like a bit of chest hair, or a little happy trail and whatnot. Shows that he's a man, after all!

    Also I don't mind a lil down there, as long as it's tidy. It's only fair, seeing as I keep a clean shop LOL
    ME CAVEMAN, ME HAVE COLLEGE DEGREE AND ME HAVE GOOD JOB. I get what you're sayin' but I have no idea where I'd start. I guess jump into a kiddie pool full of hot wax? Seriously? Wax, I don't know how you ladies do it.:tongue:
  • tempestrising
    Doesn't matter to me? I like shaved and I like hair. As long as the ear and nose hair is trimmed. :smile:

    Oh can I add I love a little trail from navel to ** well ya know

    Totally in agreement...some men are super sexy w/ hair..think Hugh Jackman.
    Some can be hot without it..think Pitbull.
    But the trail definitely leads to happy explorations:happy:
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    I too don't mind the arm or leg hair but the rest is a no no. Although, happy trails are oh so sexy!
  • Krazy_Kat
    Krazy_Kat Posts: 212
    Crack, back and sack.
  • HeidiSmith419
    HeidiSmith419 Posts: 71 Member
    oh this is a fun question!

    a little chest hair is OK for me. tummy hair ok even. no back hair please, if possible LOL (says the girl who married an italian!)

    I think a guy shaving leg/arm/underarm hair is a little too high maintenance for me. MAYBE if you liked just one of those I could over look it, all three? I'd probably playfully tease a guy for that ;)

    everything else (yes even and ESPECIALLY *there*) please shave it off. I always reward my husband when I notice he's freshly clipped. it's just so much more pleasant. ;)
  • HeidiSmith419
    HeidiSmith419 Posts: 71 Member
    I can't stand it when they have dark hair, and it's EVERYWHERE. Cave man look? No thank you!! Back hair is a deal breaker...

    But I do like a bit of chest hair, or a little happy trail and whatnot. Shows that he's a man, after all!

    Also I don't mind a lil down there, as long as it's tidy. It's only fair, seeing as I keep a clean shop LOL
    ME CAVEMAN, ME HAVE COLLEGE DEGREE AND ME HAVE GOOD JOB. I get what you're sayin' but I have no idea where I'd start. I guess jump into a kiddie pool full of hot wax? Seriously? Wax, I don't know how you ladies do it.:tongue:

    HAHA! you know they make clippers for men JUST for this purpose ;) they call them a "personal trimmer".
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    I'm okay with hair because that's more ... manly. But not too bushy... :laugh:
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    Stop shaving!!! Your not a chick!!! Men are hairy beings and i think its crazy that women would even want a guy thats completely hairless. Just reminds me of a young boy, ewww! Maintaining things is fine, but I like a man that has chest hair, arm and leg hair. Back hair is the only one i thing, if too much, is a turn off.
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    Being a man I prefer to look like a man; no shaved arms or legs for me. If some "manscaping" below the belt is required then I'll do so, but otherwise it's all natural for me.

    If you're too superficial/judgmental and can't handle a man looking like a man, then you're just a waste of time anyways :wink:
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    Being a man I prefer to look like a man; no shaved arms or legs for me. If some "manscaping" below the belt is required then I'll do so, but otherwise it's all natural for me.

    If you're too superficial/judgmental and can't handle a man looking like a man, then you're just a waste of time anyways :wink:

    Take note dudes... YUP!
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    My other half is Chewbacca, I am not so down with the back hair but the rest doesn't bother me. I certainly don't think a ban should be bald from nose to toe, thats just wrong