Absolutely Gutted :'(

I was browsing my old Laptop and came across my old photographs and found these... (not appropriate for here)

I actually hate myself right now because I let myself go completely. I am actually sat here in complete awe at my own old photographs.. and I used to think I was fat in these!! I want the real me back. Its so hard :(

Not sure how long this image will last but ill try:

Now I look lie this :|


Really need a proper kick up the bum to get me going again :(


  • monkeybrain2012
    You are beautiful in your old pictures and you are still beautiful now. I can tell you are not happy with the way you look now and there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to improve the way you look and feel. Exercise and a good wholesome diet are the true miracle workers.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    I started to accept myself as I am, and then the past week I have gained weight and found these pics... Such a bummer!! :/
  • KingDutchess1

    I'm in agreement with you. I did the same thing, I once weighed 180 lbs. through hard work a divorce and determination I lost 47 lbs. I recently after years of maintaining the weight, have gradually put almost all of that weight back on. I married a very wonderful man in Dec. which also contributed to my weight gain, because now I cook meals and I'm surrounded by chips and Debbie cakes which he loves and can eat everyday and not gain an ounce... the snack is very tempting for me, and I find my self enjoying the sofa beside him indulging in the snacks...

    It has been quite difficult getting motivated to get moving again. I know I can do it, I just haven't. My husband has never seen this weight on me... when we began dating I was wearing a size 6. I feel horrible although he DOESN'T complain... (YOU KNOW IF I FEEL AWFUL AND FAT AND UGLY... I'M WONDERING WHAT HE'S THINKING AS WELL ) And for some reason, I can not get motivated enough to do it again.

    I weighed 165 lbs this morning... so I'm not feeling so hot about myself.. I'm hoping that you accomplish your goal weight and get me in mind as well.. if you think of any suggestions that may help me. please feel free to message me...

    ps... I love your tattoo
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Thanks for the reply- its similar with me. I gained when I settled with my current boyfriend. I was a size 10-12 (UK) when meeting him and now I am a 14 and feel really unhappy..

    Thans for the support and ill add u x
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    Hi. I'm not trying to be insensitive, but I wanted to share this funny quote my mom has: "I wish I were as skinny as when I thought I was fat!!" ---- I think that becomes true for a lot of us. I know I've been there. *hug* Well, you're in the right place to make any changes you want. You CAN do this.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    Awww frig girl! Dont beat urself up. Happened to many of us. Youre doing very well and youre gonna get there. this IS totally attainable...get ur exercise in too and you're gonna be even better that you were before. Trust in urself and you can do anything.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    I even got as bad as this:


    Its really getting to me, readin every comment here is nearly getting me in tears :( I wanna try hard, but i always fail to! Ive done well so far, and bet im gonna stop now :( not because Im giving up, just because my body is like that.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Hi. I'm not trying to be insensitive, but I wanted to share this funny quote my mom has: "I wish I were as skinny as when I thought I was fat!!" ---- I think that becomes true for a lot of us. I know I've been there. *hug* Well, you're in the right place to make any changes you want. You CAN do this.

    Yes! Everyone thinks theyre fat, and when they become bigger than they were, they realise they werent. Why does it take that to realise |: !!
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Awww frig girl! Dont beat urself up. Happened to many of us. Youre doing very well and youre gonna get there. this IS totally attainable...get ur exercise in too and you're gonna be even better that you were before. Trust in urself and you can do anything.

  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    The only real failure is when you quit trying. This journey is two steps forward and one steps back sometimes. I never thought I could lose weight either. My lowest weight for years was 165. Then it went to 185. Finally, it jumped to 201 after my boyfriend (now husband) and I were together for a while. I finally had enough. I started working my *kitten* off in November of last year, and now im 145. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • AJWilks2012
    You were beautiful then, and your beautiful now... don't let how you look get in your way. If you think you can aim to look how you used to look, you can! Always remember that if you think you can do it... you can!!!
  • Ketomaniac9
    Ketomaniac9 Posts: 108 Member
    I always found it tough to look at my old high school pictures and see what I am today.. but it really really motivates me to go back to what I used to look like!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You know what the biggest difference is? Confidence. You're sexy and you know it in the first set of photos. Your posture says something completely different in the 2nd set. Ham it up for the camera. Pose like you're gonna be on the cover of Maxim's Hot 100. You deserve to feel as beautiful as you are.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I think you are gorgeous in both photos.
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    Don't let it get you down, let it MOTIVATE you! I know the feeling, though. Last year, before I got pregnant, I had lost 38 pounds, still thought I was fat. I was looking at pics, recently, on my computer and I actually looked thin. I weighed 135 pounds, can't wait to get back there! Be MOTIVATED! :flowerforyou:
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    You are a beautiful girl.....

    My opinion.....Get some of that pizza out of your diet...and the cheese.....Eat lots more veggies, lettuce is not nutrition dense...Get some more water down you....And I wish you the best....
  • paint_it_black
    paint_it_black Posts: 208 Member
    Sweetie, you're being silly. You are absolutely gorgeous before and after, infact i'd be thrilled to have a body like yours now.
  • TheBigBoots
    TheBigBoots Posts: 74 Member
    You know what the biggest difference is? Confidence. You're sexy and you know it in the first set of photos. Your posture says something completely different in the 2nd set. Ham it up for the camera. Pose like you're gonna be on the cover of Maxim's Hot 100. You deserve to feel as beautiful as you are.

    ^^^^ This!^^^^

    Plus, you do look great in both. You'll get there!
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    I think you are gorgeous in both photos.

    ^^^ what she said

    But I know all its all about how you feel about "yourself" I understand that completely. I am on this quest to get under 200lbs just because it was a goal that I set several years ago before "life" got in the way. I bing this up becuase at 225 all my friends and family started telling me that I looked great or too thin (really a 5;10" man at 225 too thin....) but the man I saw in the mirror was still the 340lb man. Just remember to make sure that who you see in the mirror is who you are currently and not who you use to be as you approach your goals.
  • AbbeyRysMom
    AbbeyRysMom Posts: 101 Member
    Hi. I'm not trying to be insensitive, but I wanted to share this funny quote my mom has: "I wish I were as skinny as when I thought I was fat!!" ---- I think that becomes true for a lot of us. I know I've been there. *hug* Well, you're in the right place to make any changes you want. You CAN do this.

    That is so true, I always look back and wonder how in the world I thought I was fat when I was literally underweight (high school).. i looked SOOOOOOOO "fat" in my size 8 senior prom dress. And even my size 12 wedding dress. Idiot me.

    OP - I see more muscle tone in the current pics, and I think your butt looks even better! You will get back there, don't beat yourself up, just do what you can to fix it!