Does anyone eat whatever they want just within calories?



  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    You can do whatever works for you. But if "eating whatever you want" includes a large amount of empty calories (fast food, cookies, etc) you are skirting the line between "losing weight" and "becoming healthy"

    I have occasional treats but they aren't a large part of my diet. I feel awesome when I eat healthy food (lots of meat and vegetables). For me the nutrition is an important part, partially because I am very active and I need a body that isn't weighed down by a lot of salt and sugars. But to a certain point, you CAN lose weight eating whatever you want as long as it fits in your calorie goal.

    Can you get a GREAT body on junk food without paying any attention to nutrition? No.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I haven't given up anything; however, to stay within calories I can't eat everything I want, whenever I want, as much as I want. I now make better choices at times in order to be able to fit in what I really want in another meal. I consider " it worth it," or "would I rather" before making my food choices.
  • brownfoxy21
    brownfoxy21 Posts: 10 Member
    Yep thats what I do. If not I'd prob give up way too quickly.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I eat whatever I want, but I always ask myself one question: do I really want this? If it's yummy, the answer is invariably yes. If it's only ok, I'll probably hold off. So, most cookies, yes. Pie, no. Cheese, sometimes.

    Stay within your calories and you'll be fine.
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    I eat whatever I want but i try to meet my macro goals for protein, fat and carbs.

  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I think the goal should be to be healthier all the way around. Your body breaks down different foods in different ways. I think what's important is giving your body the nutrients it really needs so that you can be healthier in general. You may choose to eat whatever you want, but it may not be the healthiest way to go about it. Yeah, you're still losing weight, but someone who weighs 150 lbs who eats junk food is not going to be as healthy as someone who weighs 150 lbs and makes conscious healthy choices. You're also more apt to be hungrier throughout the day if you eat nothing but junk. At least with healthy options you can eat OFTEN all day long and keep your body satisfied and comfortable. If you choose to max out your calories on junk by 2:00 in the afternoon, then you can't eat again until the following day! It's tough, but I've decided to be healthy and make healthy choices!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Yes, but what I want isn't always junk foods. I eat balanced meals and have my junk foods in moderation. I don't know that it is the best for my health, but for my weight, it hasn't been an issue.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    No I eat only healthy....and no fast food & no processed foods. When I did eat them I used my calories up way to fast and didn't stay full. I felt hungry mostly all the time. Now I'm alway fine & losing weight!!
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    Yes, I have several lunch dates throughout the week and I order regular food within reason. I try to check the nutrition website of the company that I will eat prior to arriving. My friend orders a salad from Wendys and it is an Apple Pecan Chicken Salad 570 calories and I have a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger 400 calories
  • Mishadijo
    Mishadijo Posts: 36 Member
    Yes, I eat what i want but stay within calories. Part of what i love about MFP. What i noticed i have been doing is gravitating towards more balance between fibre/carbs/fat/sugar, etc... I still eat what i want but do try to keep those items reasonably within daily goals in addition to calories. Just think that is healthier and a big part of where I want this to lead me is overall health. MFP is a real good tool that is helping me. Along with encouragement and inspiration from others and in particular, my son.
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I do this, but find that I am more satisfied if I choose lower cal foods as it tricks me into thinking I've had more.. if that makes sense!
  • cubanita28
    cubanita28 Posts: 42 Member
    No. Quality of food counts. "x" calories of junk food does not equal "x" calories of quality food. Our bodies need good, nutrient rich food. So .. eating 1700 calories of junk food just isn't acceptable.

    First off I want to say BIG congrats on staying on track and focusing on your calories that is the beginning to a much healthier and happier life :-)

    I completely agree with the comment about good calories versus junk and empty calories. Years ago I lost 45 pounds on the Weight Watchers Program and I loved it - it was great - I could eat whatever I wanted as long as I stayed within my points. Well, you know that old saying "if it's too good to be true then it probably isn't true." I have since then gained my weight back because I simply didn't learn how to eat and once I lost weight I bacame cocky and fell back into my old habits. This time around I am exercising daily and closly watching what I eat and ask myself what I am going to gain from eating it. I have started following the Paleo way of eating and feel amazing. I am not saying that I am perfect, in now way is that the case, I still have my wine and my little cheat meals but for the most part I am eating calories and fat that are good for me and by doing this my body is learing not to crave the bad foods that have put me in the place I am today.

    Good luck :-)
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Yes and no... I try to eat as healthy as possible without depriving myself. If I'm craving something and it fits in my macros, I eat it!
  • OhKelsey1
    OhKelsey1 Posts: 139
    I watch what I eat as much as I watch my calorie intake. I let myself have some of the things I want (the other day I ate a slice of pizza), but I also try to be really, really conscious of the overall healthfulness of the foods I put in my mouth.

    I think it's precarious to just count calories, because once you stop, you may slip back to old ways. Say you reach your goal weight and think, "Great, now I've done it, no need to track what I eat anymore." Since you didn't change your eating habits very much, it will be difficult to maintain your weight loss. If you change your habits and make healthier choices, then I think you'll be more successful in the long run.
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    i always wondered about this.. i try to get the most food that is as clean as possible and is great for me. i love to eat.. so instead of having a slice of pizza.. which would be heavenly i'm sure.. i have a chicken breast and tons of veggies. it feels better i don't feel gross afterwards. usually. :)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I maintain my calorie deficit.

    I hit my macros.

    I take my supplements.

    I exercise often.

    I then eat whatever i want.

    Simple really. Why overcomplicate it? Why force yourself to eat things you dont like, just because you have been told you should?
  • krcorn5592
    krcorn5592 Posts: 14
    I eat what I want as long as I stay within calories. I've learned from years and years of yoyo dieting that starving yourself of things you want only causes your diet to fail. If I want an Oreo, I will set limits because I could eat the whole pack in one setting if I let myself and if I don't allow myself to eat a few then it might would come to that. I'm not gonna say it's easy because I still have days where I want to devour a whole box of something and your gonna slip sometimes..... focus on today and the good/better choices you can make. Keep within your calories and just take one day at a time. You didn't put on all the weight in one day so don't expect it to all jump off at once and get frustrated with yourself if you mess up. You got this and you can succeed!!
  • Madelinew22
    Madelinew22 Posts: 289
    So most of u say it's ok to eat craP as long as ur with in ur cals?? That's crazy. If I wanted a big Mac at 700 calories and a doc pepper for another 200 and then a candy bar as long as I stay under my goal of 1300 that's ok? Wow I totally disagree
  • happythermia
    happythermia Posts: 374
    Basically yes! But now I have a concept of portion size etc. But honestly, I do look at my food choices differently and try to take the healthier option. But if I have to have pizza - I'm having pizza! lol
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I do...