Stopping the overeating at night tips?



  • JensQi
    JensQi Posts: 169 Member
    If I get the Muchies in the middle of the night I have Water and 3 Tablespoon of Cottage Cheese Usually it curbs appitite...Good Luck:smile:
  • JensQi
    JensQi Posts: 169 Member
    I like this Remark I have done this also..:smile:
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    i am bad at this but i do better if i have something planned to do in the evenings. If i just sit in-front of the TV or watch a movie I eat

    sewing, reading, exercise class, skype with and old friend . phone home, go for a walk, tape hula hoops bake for people at work ( in a different office to me)
    tidy my room/ kitchen/ flat

    these are the days i don't over eat

    also tips i have heard from others
    put inspirational photos on the fridge/ food cupboards
    add a toll list to the door - one cookie = 5 burpees etc
    watch something on TV that makes you think (e.g supersize super skinny - i can't over eat when i watch that and then i think)
    always have a healthy option
    or pre-portion your snacks when you get crisps /cookies don't store them within easy reach ( i am terrible about hiding stuff in my bedroom and scoffing it 'secretly' so no one else sees me) and portion them out and freeze / seal with duct tape / put on a really high shelf most of them this means you can only have one
    buy quality over quantity and appreciate it as you eat ( i eat snacks without thinking) so make yourself chew each mouth full and appreciate it - i think it is called mindful eating!
    hope this helps and thanks everyone for the tips
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    also put a child lock on the cabinets with munchies in them - you have to think to open the door and can't just grab stuff . - only works until you get used to opening the door but that may be long enough to break the habit!
  • BlondeQtTexas
    BlondeQtTexas Posts: 97 Member
    I had this problem too. I also noticed if I take Ambein it makes me ravenous so I have to go straight to bed.

    Some nights I will have a protein drink around 9:00 and found it helps with the night time munchies. You will want something low in sugar like Spiru-tein.
  • xyeyo
    xyeyo Posts: 1
    Ugh same problem! I do so good all day and then at night when I'm waiting for my man to get home from work, or just bored and can't sleep I eat.
  • azcout
    azcout Posts: 13
    It is totally trivial but I have found "closing" my day on MFP seems to psychologically convince myself that I am done eating for the day.
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    i'm pretty much the same too..... it's like i'm another person at night! well i have been going to bed early so my "binging" is during my dinner now.. i eat my dinner then i grab one thing after another.. just like last night.. some nights are better.. need tips too plsss!!!
    OMG! I do the EXACT same thing.
    But the important thing is: NEVER STOP! NEVER GIVE UP! KEEP ON GOIN! EVEN IF YOU FEEL COMPLETELY HORRIBLE KEEP ON MOTIVATING YOURSELF TO WORKOUT, WITH OR WITHOUT THE RESULTS.. Thats what I do. Even tho, I havent lost alot of weight in 5 months I just keep motivating myself to workout DAILY always.. and try try try again.. its all you really can do. Especially if your like me and dont want to give up the junk foods you love. Yea, I changed my diet ALOT but I still have my sweet treats in the house, Some days I do good and others I do horrible!
    Like yesterday I did really good!
    Then today :/ I ate junk
    14 choc. kisses= 380cal, 4 oatmeal cookies=400cal, and 11 mini cookies that are only 135cal (for that many)HOWEVER, It is alot! I didnt eat it all at once. I ate it thru out my day.. JUST GOTTA KEEP GOIN THATS IT!
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Every night around 8pm I have one or two (depending on calories left) light ice cream bars. After a year of doing this, my brain just knows that that is the last thing I eat and I rarely get hungry after.
  • Evoletlove24
    Thanks everyone!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Plan for it. I like to eat at night so I plan ~50% of my calories for right before bed. Currently I eat 1500 calories between 8:30 & 9:30 pm, not desire to snack after that.
  • sunnyinaz78
    I make myself a nice cup of hot tea...adding flavored stevia drops or lemon or mint makes it really good, kills any sweet craving.
    MY FAVE for the moment..... Chai tea with vanilla stevia drops and cinnamon (tastes like xmas!)
    also cut out eating mentally by 7pm, turn off kitchen lights and say out loud, "Kithchen is closed until bfast"