


  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 232 Member
    1. The size of an actual portion is way smaller than I thought it was.
    2. The amount of calories in the amount of food I was eatting before.
    3. I might actually like excersize (for the most part)
    4. I actually can eat alot less and not be hungry
  • jdier
    jdier Posts: 110 Member
    1. How fun it is to do push-ups!
    2. That I can actually have favorite exercise moves and not just favorite foods!
    3. How important a support system is for healthy living!
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    I love exercise (yeah that's right)....My anti-depressants have been cut in half
  • fatcitizen
    fatcitizen Posts: 103 Member
    At what the actual serving size for a lot of foods is..way less than I was having before...

    me that I have a scale I'm shocked at what I "thought" was one serving..:bigsmile:
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    1 - I should have appreciated my old body before getting pregnant and piling on the pounds.
    2 - I can actually eat, and eat a lot, of stuff I actually like, whilst still losing weight.
    3 - I've found out about weight training, women can do a lot too!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    That I can do anything once I put my mind to it - like running a half marathon!
    How much yummy food really exists - I cant begin to tell you all the new things Ive tried this last 12 months!
    What a portion really is - about half of what I was eating!
    You can be full and satisfied with good, quality healthy food!
    Good shoes are really, really important!
    My boyfriend is the most amazing, supportive man in the world.
    I am actually cute, and hot!! And I love it!
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    How overused the word "journey" is.
    How I love the new foods I'm finding.
    A good workout is priceless.
    Just what a good life I have now!!!
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    1. How ignorant my thinking was that I can eat anything as long as I work out,

    ^^ This!
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    That my boobs get smaller. (small to start with!)
    I didnt know how big I was until everyone started saying " Oh my gosh you lost ssssoooo much weight"

    Mine disappeared! I went from an E cup to an A!

    *pause for a moment of silence*
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I was shocked by how many people notice my weight loss.

    Shocked at the crass way some people will "compliment" your weight loss (boy.. .you sure had thunder thighs back then!)

    That my nagging desire to become a runner was in fact a true voice that is happy to finally be heard!
  • tuppance
    tuppance Posts: 132 Member
    1) to be hungry once in a while is ok and won't kill you
    2) that with the help of MFP ! CAN do this
    3) how careful people were before to NOT say how ffffffaaaatttt I had become (still a swear word as far as I am concerned)
    4) how much better I feel about myself
    5) and that I am starting to like myself - I can stop hiding behind 'fat' me
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    wow in the last 2 seconds of reading your post....mmmm pickle icecream could be my no cal winner no??

    Yup, No..


    Ok. for the real stuff..... Support here is great because it comes in waves from different people. Just like how I handle my weight loss and food control goals. I have up days and down days and so does everybody else right!

    Moving makes better weight loss results than changing food alone.

    Diets alone dont work so I have banned that word and have chosen to only use... Lifestyle Change. This my dear allows for a permanent focus on lifestyle changes that will benefit my health all round and not the old style of 'stop start' diets. I have learnt if I gotta start something and it has an end date for stopping, the weight loss also stops with it and comes back.


    I hope you learn lots from this site and from your post too. Best of luck with your fitness journey as well as your Lifestyle Change being an absolute positive one for you matey.

    cheers and thanks for your thought provoking post.

    Lou :)
  • ravenribbs
    ravenribbs Posts: 289 Member
    That I've dieted, I've exercised, then EUREKA!! When I COMBINE the two, I actually lose weight!:tongue:

    Ditto to all the portion size comments.

    That I've learned that MFP has been a critical component for me--it keeps me personally accountable for my success (or not).

    That finally making lifestyle changes has had such a greater positive impact than I would have thought:smile:
  • ravenribbs
    ravenribbs Posts: 289 Member
    *pause for a moment of silence*

  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    I was shocked that
    * Eating food is not my enemy in weight loss and that I can eat over 2000 calories a day and still lose 1lb per week! (even tho mfp said 1400 cals!)
    * Exercise is really only a small part in the weight loss journey, compared to the food part!
    * How easy it is to lose the weight once I set my mind to committing to it - thank you mfp for being free and easy!
    * After actually weighing food, I realised how off I was at guessing portions/weights of foods!
    * I'm still shocked at how much bigger I am in my head than in my clothes. I always thought my head would realise I am losing weight but it appears to be slow compared to my body!
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    1) That you could actually eat more food and still lose weight!:noway: :drinker:
    2) That I had actually put on as much weight as I had. You look in the mirror and you see what you want to see most times not the real deal.
    3) That portion sizes are way smaller than what I thought.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    I unfortunately realized that not everyone who says they are supportive really are
    That sometimes you are better to not have a workout buddy
    That for me it's all about what I eat, I've always exercised.
  • kikilieb
    kikilieb Posts: 118 Member
    How quickly calories add up - i even measure the half & half for my coffee in the mornings now because I know those "little things" really start to add up when the day is complete.

    SODIUM! My goodness, when I started logging in March of 2012 my sodium intake was in the 5000-8000 mg range, now it is usually under 2500 mg.

    That logging food into a diary is PRICELESS. It really helps to actually see portion sizes and how they affect your overall numbers. That has become the key in learning how to do this on my own - without a "diet book"

    BREAD! I just didn't believe bread was packing on so many calories and sodium into my daily intake. I still enjoy bread on occasion, but it's too much for me to indulge everyday (and I was eating the healthy multi-grain, whole wheat stuff). Eventually I'd like to add it back regularly, but probably not until maintenance.

    Edit: Oh, i forgot EXERCISE... I was shocked at how sedentary I had become. How a little (or a lot) of exercise goes a long way in not only my "diet" but also how much better i feel physically. Way less aches & pains - and that has almost been more rewarding in this journey than looking good again ^_^
  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    That I was basically starving myself without even realizing it. I thought a Special K bar for breakfast, a Lean Cuisine for lunch, and a healthy dinner made for a great day. Once I started on MFP I realized I was eating about 800 calories a day and had been doing so for about a year and a half!

    Now I happily take in about 1800 a day and weigh less than I did then :drinker:
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    1.That I was consistently under-eating and that being cold, cranky and shedding my hair at an alarming rate was proof of this.

    2. At the same time, I have realized that I can eat A TON of healthy foods on a daily basis and maintain my weight - more than I thought was possible.

    3. That having friends on MFP to share the journey with is priceless - I would have long ago driven my friends and family nuts without the support of my MFP ladies!!