Short/petite people with under 20 to lose-question!

Do you guys ever get others that scoff at you for trying to lose weight when "technically" we are already smaller than most? I had 10 pounds I wanted to lose-I'm 5'2'' and had gained some weight recently. My sister is somewhat extremely overweight and I find whenever she along with others notice me eating healthy or saying no to cake, etc- I get completely dismissed because I'm "already small." I really hate this. For those of you who aren't petite-once I hit 7 pounds lost I had gone down 2-almost 3-pant sizes. This is a significant change when you are this small. Does anyone else have any trouble with this? I just don't know why they can't realize we are all different and our goals and where we feel comfortable at are going to be different. Just because I'm little doesn't mean I'm in shape.


  • RainOnTheTrain
    I get the same exact responce from my friends and family especially when I bring up that I don't eat red meat.
  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    I totally get this! Strangers even subconsciously offer me junk food ( twix, chips, almond roca- all within a week of each other recently)
  • GitaPitaaa
    GitaPitaaa Posts: 8 Member
    Do you guys ever get others that scoff at you for trying to lose weight when "technically" we are already smaller than most? I had 10 pounds I wanted to lose-I'm 5'2'' and had gained some weight recently. My sister is somewhat extremely overweight and I find whenever she along with others notice me eating healthy or saying no to cake, etc- I get completely dismissed because I'm "already small." I really hate this. For those of you who aren't petite-once I hit 7 pounds lost I had gone down 2-almost 3-pant sizes. This is a significant change when you are this small. Does anyone else have any trouble with this? I just don't know why they can't realize we are all different and our goals and where we feel comfortable at are going to be different. Just because I'm little doesn't mean I'm in shape.

    I've never had someone tell me I'm too small, but I'm definitely struggling with the same types of issues. As a (and small framed) woman, my current weight is what most women would set as their UGW, but it's just not where I want to be. I'm hovering around 107/108, but I've still got a bit of stomach pudge and general thigh jiggle that I'd like to get rid of.

    I think you should be proud of your accomplished goals so far. Unless they have taken the time to understand your personal health and fitness goals and are fully supporting you taking steps towards those goals, just let it in one ear and out the other. Haters gon' hate.
  • tinytemple
    tinytemple Posts: 87 Member
    OP - I ALWAYS get this from my friends, especially my flat mate who just happens to be average height, skinny, big boobs and eats whatever she wants with no concern for health at all.
    It drives me absolutely insane. Just because i'm short doesn't mean i'm "little"... in fact she even told me that i wasn't skinny but if i lost anymore weight then i would look like a child...
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    I always have this too. I'm 5'3" and am the smallest both ways in my family, my boyfriend even stepped in when the whole extended family were together last week because the comments were getting personal. I have a similar amount as you I'd like to lose but I'm constantly told I'm fine as I am although I don't feel it.
  • Miss_Suzylee
    I always have this too. I'm 5'3" and am the smallest both ways in my family, my boyfriend even stepped in when the whole extended family were together last week because the comments were getting personal. I have a similar amount as you I'd like to lose but I'm constantly told I'm fine as I am although I don't feel it.

    I'm glad you have a supportive boyfriend that is willing to stand up for you. Comments from others quickly get too personal because apparently just because we're smaller means its easy for us to lose weight.....according to my familylol.
  • seekingstrengthX2
    Only from my mother :explode:

    Real friends would never make comments like that to me.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    It's a weird thing, isn't it? We shorties really do have to eat less than taller folks, and every pound shows up big time. We look even shorter when we're heavy, but then become somewhat childlike when we lose more. My DH is 6'3" and I am 5'1" and it took a long time to get used to the fact that there is no way I can eat like he does! (I guess I was a bit dumb for a long time...) Now I just track and eat for myself, enjoy watching my boys eat lots and stay slim, and love fitting into small clothes again. I still have more to lose, and it is getting harder now, but there is no way I will let anyone bug me about being small already. My sister is quite heavy and it makes her feel bad sometimes that I have chosen to get in shape and she has not -- but her comments are more about her than about me.

    Just stick to your plans and don't worry what "they" think. There is nothing wrong with being small!
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    I'm 5'3 at 123 lbs. I want to be at least 2 more sizes smaller.

    Yeah I'm told I have nothing left to lose etc etc. I just shrug my shoulders and move on. Ignoring them is the best response, really. Who needs their support anyway? They can stay as fat as they want. Me? I'm not going to let myself get stuck at this size.

    In the end, it's YOUR body, so forget about them.
  • Dragonfly1996
    Dragonfly1996 Posts: 196 Member
    I am 5ft 3" & weigh 140lb currently. I was 154. My aim is 126. I found the 14lb relatively easy to lose. This second 14lb is proving so much harder!!! Also I ran a marathon in April so had to put the weightloss on hold. I know I am not overweight now but I would feel better with the other stone off!! I don't talk about my weightloss with many people in real Life as I think it would get boring for them unless in same boat. Plus a few people have said I don't need to lose anymore. At 5ft 3" every extra pound has no where to hide!!! MFP has be great help!!! :flowerforyou:
  • bbchickpea
    bbchickpea Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you so much for this post! I've been on here a while and been losing weight for longer but never plucked up the courage to post anything before but this post is so close to home I had to : )

    I'm 5ft 3 (160cm) I am currently 124lbs down from 145lbs and want to get to around 110lbs (which I have been before)
    As you've all rightly said every single pound makes a big difference.

    I always find the most infuriating yet amusing comment is ''not everyone finds it as easy as you to lose weight''
    Strange, I was under the impression that less calories + more exercise = weight loss no matter what your weight or height!

    It's hard for anyone to lose weight and as you've all said, being short I have to cut down to around 1200 calories a day with exercise just to lose a pound a week.

    Do any of you get comments that suggest you must be very vain or think highly of yourself to want to lose weight when an average weight? I'm not sure if its just a british thing to knock anyone who tries to better themselves : )

    Sorry for the rant, it's been so great to find this thread
  • cleavagefurrow
    cleavagefurrow Posts: 47 Member
    I hate when people notice when I am saying no to high-calorie foods and they say things like, "What? Why do you need to worry about that?"

    I didn't get to this weight while NOT worrying about my calories! It's been such a challenge and struggle since I started on MFP to lose weight, and it's an everyday ongoing battle. I need support, not for people to enable me to gain fat again. Sigh.
  • Miss_Suzylee

    Do any of you get comments that suggest you must be very vain or think highly of yourself to want to lose weight when an average weight? I'm not sure if its just a british thing to knock anyone who tries to better themselves : )

    Sorry for the rant, it's been so great to find this thread

    yes! i also get the whole...."do you have an eating disorder" stare whenever im being healthy. geez, yes we are small but that does not mean we are at our ideal weights!

    and as someone said-we need fewer calories than other people just to MAINTAIN our lose we have to cut it to even fewer calories. i wish i could tell the people who think we have it easy, "YOU try to go work out for an hour when you're running off the energy from half a chicken breast and a carrot!" lol

    what makes it worse is my boyfriend is 6'6''........he can consume nearly FOUR THOUSAND calories a day to maintain.....if he wants to lose he can eat a solid 2500 and still lose over 5 pounds in a week while im nibbling my sad little 1200 calories a day and hoping i will lose 1 pound. argh tall people haha
  • bbchickpea
    bbchickpea Posts: 48 Member
    yes! i also get the whole...."do you have an eating disorder" stare whenever im being healthy. geez, yes we are small but that does not mean we are at our ideal weights!

    and as someone said-we need fewer calories than other people just to MAINTAIN our lose we have to cut it to even fewer calories. i wish i could tell the people who think we have it easy, "YOU try to go work out for an hour when you're running off the energy from half a chicken breast and a carrot!" lol

    what makes it worse is my boyfriend is 6'6''........he can consume nearly FOUR THOUSAND calories a day to maintain.....if he wants to lose he can eat a solid 2500 and still lose over 5 pounds in a week while im nibbling my sad little 1200 calories a day and hoping i will lose 1 pound. argh tall people haha

    I'm soo glad its not just me! I wouldn't mind but I have the type of body shape and small frame that I can look as though i'm carrying a few extra pounds at 110

    I actually laughed out loud at
    "YOU try to go work out for an hour when you're running off the energy from half a chicken breast and a carrot!" lol

    It's soo true it's scary! lol

    My husband is similar to your boyfriend 6ft2 and eats like a horse, luckily he's really supportive and pointed out how hard it is for us shorties to lose weight and how hard I work at it when his mum made a comment that I was already thin enough and tutted that I didn't want a fried breakfast so huge it could have fed a small country! lol
  • kddruckenmiller
    kddruckenmiller Posts: 114 Member
    I'm so happy I found this thread! I am 5'1 and 100 pounds. Although that sounds small, I am what some people call skinny fat. I look small but I have no muscle definition and am ridiculously out of shape. And I have such an odd body that I think I would look better at 95 so that's what I'm working on - that 5 pound loss and toning. Because I wholeheartedly agree that yes, every single pound does make a huge difference!
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    Took the words right outta my mouth! I'm short, not "small" which that means 5 lbs shows up verrrrrry quickly. :sad:

    I just want encouragement to reach "my" goal... not ppl saying, "you look fine". I'm 5'1 @ 127, I would like to be around 115. I am afraid to tell ppl this because so many ppl here judge- like our goal is not as important because we dont have as much to lose. As if its ANY easier for us...
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Just tell that you want sexy arteries when they bug you about eating healthy and refusing cakes, and don't talk about losing weight or explaining to them how weight show up more on short people. It's wasted energy.
  • lovelysummerbabe2012
    I'm only 4'8 ( or even less O_O I think I'm shrinking )
    - __ - I can't eat anything without gaining weight..
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    My dad's side of the family jokes that I'm the starving child from a 3rd world country they adopted because I'm so small and petite. My friends constantly tell me I don't need to lose any weight and if I lost any weight I would look too thin. I'm like you, not trying to lose like 40 pounds or anything crazy like that, just 10-15 and really I just want to tone up. I hate when people think just because I'm petite I shouldn't eat healthy or try to be in shape. When people say things to me I just tell them that I feel better and have more energy when I eat healthy and exercise, and that I want to be fit and in shape, both of which make me feel better and have more energy
  • 10kg6months
    I get this from my friends and family. They're like 'you don't need to lose weight! You're already skinny as is. I wish I had your figure now.' and I'm just like 'sure, I'm not fat. But I do have fat that I can get rid of, so that's exactly what I'm going to do.'