Turbo Jammers 8/10-8/16

Good Morning Jammers!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Today is Burn 2 for me, and probably some cardio. It's smokin' hot here today, so I don't know if I'll run/walk, but maybe some Fat Blaster.

Here's to another great week!


  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394

    I somehow got a double post...I'm going to try to delete the other one, so use this one. :smile:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hi, happy Monday! I didn't get much sleep but I'll get in Burn Circuit 1 in a little while. *rubs eyes*

    Oh yeah, photos too ... I'm awake, hehe.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey there everyone! I am super excited today is Burn 2! I'm just finishing up lunch then around 1 I'm hittin it! I have been doing great so far following the CE Mealguide ideas-I adapt them as needed but I did get a chance to go grocery shopping last night-so lots of new things to try out! YAY:happy: I started out with a ChaLean breakfast (with my small protein shake as extra and a banana to add calories) It was delicious and I just finished her Cajun Fish Tacos! They were reallllly good too! Like I said, I am adding snacks as needed/expanding my meals a little bit to go into my exercise cals. :tongue: Although, I have noticed, I am trying to start by following her meals, but they seem to have more sodium:huh: any thoughts on that? Maybe she accommodates for this, but I still found I have to pick my meals more carefully (after logging everything in to see sodium contents) so when watching sodium it is much harder than just picking a breakfast/lunch/dinner combo like she instructs......
    All is well otherwise, I completed a 20-minute first thing this AM (thought I had to work at noon but got called off since this is my normal day off:happy: ) So my afternoon freed up to do CE and maybe tonight some more cardio or a bikeride-maybe some AbJam if I'm not beat:laugh:
    Megan-It sounds like we are on the exact same schedule! It's Burn Intervals/Abs for me tomorrow, I'm choosing to keep Wednesdays my "days off". I bet it is a great feeling doing it over again to see your improvements! Great job!
    Ghanie-YEA girl! Make sure you take those "befores" I know I am really anxious to see myself afterwards! :laugh:
    Have a great afternoon all! I'll be back and forth all day:tongue:
  • lose100
    lose100 Posts: 54
    Hey there! Just wondering if I could join this thread? I am not a ChaLeaner just yet, but it does say Turbo Jammers right? Just need some accountability. Can't wait to see your results from ChaLean. I plan on getting it for myself as a 30 pound loss reward. Can't wait!

  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hey there! Just wondering if I could join this thread? I am not a ChaLeaner just yet, but it does say Turbo Jammers right? Just need some accountability. Can't wait to see your results from ChaLean. I plan on getting it for myself as a 30 pound loss reward. Can't wait!


    Welcome Mandi! :flowerforyou:
    It's always nice to have a new Turbo Jammer!! We all do TJ, and alot of us are adding CE into our routine...plus running, P90X, yoga...you name it, we do it! We're a well rounded bunch here! :laugh: But we're all big time TJ addicts! :bigsmile:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Oh, here are my results from 4 weeks with strait Turbo Jam (with some ballet and plyometrics on the side).

    My "after" photo will be my new "before" photo for ChaLEAN Extreme.

  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey all..no I did not die!:laugh:
    Weekend and work have been crazy:noway: But I caught up on the thread...so I'll put a few insights below:wink:
    On Sat am I was able to do my CE Push 1 before we left for the day to Jason's family reunion...it was a hot day..especially when the wind went down..95..yowza! I spent most of the day laying around relaxing..something I am not the best at!
    Sun am was my 11 mile run..got out before the heat or rain got too bad!
    Having to change my routine a bit now as I looked at my training schedule for my half marathon. Did 20 min turbo jam and then CE Burn It Off as now on Fridays will do longer speedwork for running!

    Welcome to the newbies! We take all kinds..and it is FINE if you are not doing CE..you rock it out however you want! Gotta do what's best for you and what you enjoy above all else!
    On eating with CE...I haven't done a whole lot of the recipes..but if you can do it I would say to go ahead. I have pretty good nutrition anyway..but have started to take in more protein. It is an addicting and motivating program!

    Ghanie you go girl..way to rock those pics out!

    I am off..yoga time soon..my back (or my stomach!) has not liked me a lot lately...gotta be nicer to them:laugh:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey there! Just wondering if I could join this thread? I am not a ChaLeaner just yet, but it does say Turbo Jammers right? Just need some accountability. Can't wait to see your results from ChaLean. I plan on getting it for myself as a 30 pound loss reward. Can't wait!


    Hehe, Turbo Jam was my reward for finishing P90X .. kinda backward, I know :laugh:.

    Yeah, we explore other programs but love Turbo Jam. I know I'll be going back to it after a round of CE. I just need shorter workouts for the time being.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Burn Circuit 1 done ... and I can see why so many jammers enjoy it.

    I really enjoyed the month on Turbo Jam but I know I can't get my BF% into the ideal range without heavy weights. So the plan is to do these 3-month programs, then spend a month with Turbo Jam before starting another. Once my numbers are where I want them, I'll probably do CE and P90X once a year (not at the same time!) with Turbo Jam in between.

    Hubby is thinking of joining me with CE and since the workouts are so short, he really doesn't have any excuse not to, hehe.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Hi-Just finished cardio party 3 and turbo sculpt. Will type more and catch up on the thread tomorrow. Need to put kiddies to bed. Goodnight all.
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Happy Monday Everyone:smile:

    It was too hot for me this morning to run, I'm going to try to wake up earlier tomorrow and try again. Instead I did my Hot Body Boot Camp video (10 minute cardio, 10 minute weight circuit training) and then TurboAbs. I wanted to come home and run but I got stuck at work until late again.

    Sounds like you all had a great day! Welcome new comer:flowerforyou:
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Good morning everyone-
    Didn't sleep well so waking up for a run was out of the questions since I have to work for at least 10 hours today. I will do 20 TJ or go for a run when I come home though.

    I weighed myself this morning and I gained 3 lbs:sad: I didn't work out or watch my calories on Sunday- do you think this is from that? Is it possible to gain so much weight so fast?

    Hope your scales are nicer to you!
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Well my weekend home by my parents went TERRIBLY!! I lie, it only went terribly health-wise, it was a lot of fun. No one in my family eats healthy or hardly even keeps healthy food in the house so I did what I could to not overdo it too much. My boyfriend and I went for a walk one day but it was like an oven outside plus like 80% humidity. ICK.

    Last night I took an extra walk and played softball with my friends - not the greatest calorie burn but I made sure to run around a bit. I will be hitting either turbo jam or the gym tonight! I'm on my TOM so I love hitting that week hard with exercise. When its over the weight (plus water weight) just falls off!

    My boyfriend's buddy is getting married on Saturday. My boyfriend's ex will be there - she's not the nicest to him. I want to look stunning!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Erica ~ I don't think its possible to permanently gain that fast maybe you're retaining water or a million other reasons. Give it two days and try again.

    Welcome Mandi I'm new too! :drinker:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! I hope you are all having a fantastic day! I am in the middle of a summer cold, so haven't had much energy to workout, but still dragged my butt out of bed for a 30 minute walk on the treadmill. I went at a 12% incline, so I made sure to get my HR up there! Hopefully I'll have more energy this afternoon to get a little TJ or other cardio in!

  • ccleadbyexample
    Morning Jammers...
    I cannot believe it is almost time for school, state fair, August heat!:wink: Where did this summer go?:noway:
    I did my 5 mile run this am..the sun isn't up anymore when I get up..not sure I like that:( I woke up on the WRONG side of the bed...my body is still out of sorts...stomach has calmed down..but I can tell my hormones are off and so is the scale. I know in my heart that I do the right things (working out, eating) so gaining 6 lbs in 2 weeks is just not possible..but it still bothers me. Erica-no you are right unless you eat REALLY bad and don't exercise 3lbs isn't either..more than likely something off with your body (like water weight..ick!:grumble: ). But I have a doctor appt in a few weeks to fight..I won't live like this...I miss my body being consistent like it was a few months ago:cry: But my healthy eating and working out def helps me!

    Ghanie: Glad you like CE! Most jammers tend to like it..I like Chalene's sister Janelle too. You go girl!

    Spiralgirl: Glad to see you continuing to ROCK IT OUT! So proud of you!:flowerforyou:

    Erica: Consistency helps your body a lot..so if you can get on a schedule of some sort (mornings?) that will help your body and your workouts! Way to keep at it..sounds like your work and schedule are way out of sorts!

    Jules: I deal with this with my family too. I use it as an opportunity to lead by example..I take my own food if I have to and workout...sometimes they join me. My family is slowly starting to become healthy like me...you gotta believe in YOU and they will follow! LOL...I am sure you will be one SEXY gal...just ignore the ex..remember..he's with YOU!

    Keep rockin it out sistas!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Plyometrics X today ... I think I'll keep that up 2-3x per month on the "free" tuesdays.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I trust all is going well!
    Casey-I hope you feel better soon girl! Just hang in there--sometimes bodies can be a BIG pain..literally.:laugh:
    Ghanie-Great work! Let's keep it up!
    Jules-Yea, the one side of my family does NOT eat good either-Yuck-o! So we've got to adjust and watch carefully!
    Fitz-Awesome job on the treadmill! I just gave up my treadmill time-:cry: maybe after CE I'll get back to it, but we will see!
    I've got CE Burn Intervals and Ab Burner on my plate for tonight! Also gonna throw in a 20 minute TJ or FB..whichever I feel like!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: After working all day I hope I can still kick it up when I get home!:tongue:
    I also have increased my calorie intake from around 1550 to just above 1600-any thoughts on this? I usually have been able to burn over 300/day week days, and over 500 on weekends/days off..so I don't think this is a problem..I am however still keeping my Wednesday "day off" at my net goal of 1460.
    Have a good one all!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I also have increased my calorie intake from around 1550 to just above 1600-any thoughts on this? I usually have been able to burn over 300/day week days, and over 500 on weekends/days off..so I don't think this is a problem..I am however still keeping my Wednesday "day off" at my net goal of 1460.
    Have a good one all!

    1600 is about what I'll be eating on my CE days also ... I figure a little deficit will help offset all the muscle gains we'll be building over the next few months.
  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey girls,
    Thanks for the kind words...I am still rockin it out like a bad *kitten*...just a little aggrivated. Just gotta keep looking for answers!
    In regards to cals..it's pretty simple: to maintain you do calories in=calories out! To lose..obviously take in less than you work off. I do it so that I am at a deficit during the week and then have one day a week where I can indulge a little more..but everyone is different! You can adjust cals based on your daily activity too..like on my running days I burn at least 100-200 cals more a day.
    Ghanie..you rock on your advice!
  • LEllie
    LEllie Posts: 4
    Hey All,
    I love Chalene and Turbo jam and wondered if I can join your group? Its wonderful how you all are so active and doing it and even some already reaching their goals is amazing and congrats! I have been going in and out of this weight lost game for awhile and finally going to do all the WAY! :smile:
    You guys are an inspiration and have a great day!
    :flowerforyou: Ellie