Biggest Loser vs Extreme Makeover Weightloss edition



  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition and Chris Powell are the ENTIRE reason why my husband and I made the change in our lives FOREVER! Chris Powell is a real down to earth person and he really cares about truly helping people. My husband and I were blessed and lucky enough to meet him!

    That is AWESOME!!! I LOVE Chris!! Watching it last week got me moving again and while I havent had the chance to meet him, I imagine him with me talking me thru my walks or telling me I dont want to eat that or whatever. After tonight's show, it makes me REALLY want to keep moving. I am no where near needing to lose that much but totally about 55 lbs...I will do it and that show and Chris are my inspiration!!! :)
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    Biggest Loser-- was not a fan of this past season but I do like the challenge aspect of it and LOVED Jillian and I do like Bob also but I would so pay for Jillian to kick my booty

    Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition- I really enjoyed this show last night up until she had the surgery to remove skin :( I don`t think that should have been done on the show but maybe after if she chose to do it. Even the dr said he could remove over 2miles of skin from her body and you can`t tell me that didn`t impack the scale. I just don`t think a medical procedure is ever needed on a weight loss show people see it and her success and then automaticly think thats what they need as well which isn`t always the case.
    I did enjoy the trainer however I`m more of the get in my face kinda person I would want someone yelling at me to knock my wineing off and get moving its how I work best

    I agree about MOST surgeries for losing weight but, seeing my mom lose weight and have the extra skin...sometimes it is a necessity, if for nothing else but the mental part of it. Not saying it should or shouldnt be done on the show but, I think that EMWE is about not just the weight lose but, an EXTREME MAKEOVER completely, inside and out and I think the skin removal surgery is probably something they talk with the people about before doing it. OH, and yes, of course the extra skin impacts the scale but, figure the last 3 months of the year, half of that they are tied up with surgery recovery so that itself impacts how much they can do in those 3 months.
    BELIEVETOPSTOKOPS Posts: 47 Member
    Oppsss...I didn't realize the Extreme Makeover Weightloss edition was on again. I will have to try to see it next week. Does anyone know when the next season of the Biggest Loser will be starting. I actually like both shows...however, I did not really care for the contestants on the Biggest Loser last season....I could have done without Conda and Kim....I didn't care for either one of them. Hopefully, they will have a good selection of contestants for the new season.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I would have no problem being alone in a room with Chris. I mean, I would love to have him as my trainer. :wink:

    I hear ya there. He's a cutie for sure.
  • someone331309
    someone331309 Posts: 76 Member
    Really great point! I love both shows! I love seeing the competitions against each other, but this past season had way to much drama in it and that kind of tainted it a lot for me!!! I don't think I even watched every single episode! I love Bob, but I also love Chris! So I honestly can't pick just one! I find the transformations even more amazing on EMWLE because they don't have Chris with them except for the first 3 months! The BL has them forever if they aren't voted out! Thats what is so cool about EMWLE!
  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition and Chris Powell are the ENTIRE reason why my husband and I made the change in our lives FOREVER! Chris Powell is a real down to earth person and he really cares about truly helping people. My husband and I were blessed and lucky enough to meet him!

    That is AWESOME!!! I LOVE Chris!! Watching it last week got me moving again and while I havent had the chance to meet him, I imagine him with me talking me thru my walks or telling me I dont want to eat that or whatever. After tonight's show, it makes me REALLY want to keep moving. I am no where near needing to lose that much but totally about 55 lbs...I will do it and that show and Chris are my inspiration!!! :)

    Don't stop and don't give up! You can do anything you put your mind to with hard work and dedication! I believe in you!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Agree. EMWLE is inspiring. Biggest Loser is too much of a contest. If feel so bad for them when they get on the freight scale at the beginning though. Chris Powell is such a cutie!
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I like watching both for different reasons. I love Chris Powell though!
  • ASAY139
    ASAY139 Posts: 3 Member
    They don't wear Spanx on EMWE because they have surgeries to have skin removed!

    I like both shows. I think I like BL more though.
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 276
    Agree with the consensus here, hate I missed an episode of EMWE last night. Such uplifting stories and real life scenarios, temptations, and struggles that we all have to deal with and go through in our lives. No 'ranch' and removal from everyday cares and concerns.

    Biggest Loser was so about drama this past season I was turned off and turned it off, lol. Might not even watch next season if a drama queen like Conda is on there again, so negative and downgrading to others and herself. I wonder what she thought of herself when the show aired and how she talked to people and acted.
  • MrsSamB
    MrsSamB Posts: 144 Member
    It's funny that you guys say that Chris is cute. Every time I see him, I wonder what he's holding in his mouth. Is it just oddly shaped or is there tobacco in there? I haven't the slightest clue.

    That being said, I really like both shows. I like that the EM show, shows the people through the whole transition in one episode. I don't like that it takes 2 hours for one episode. But, when I was watching it last night, he gave a tip about a "couch potato" plan while watching tv. During every commercial break complete: 15 push ups, 15 sit ups and 15 squats. I took him up on that and ended up burning a little over 100 calories! That was impressive.

    I like BL because it's nice to see the competitive side come out in people who are often left to sit on the sidelines. I like the trainers, especially Jillian (even though I don't think I'd want her as my trainer).

    Basically, I just really enjoy watching these kind of inspirational weight loss shows. The only thing that has changed is that now, instead of eating ice cream and cookies while watching the show, I'm exercising.

  • MrsSamB
    MrsSamB Posts: 144 Member
    Agree with the consensus here, hate I missed an episode of EMWE last night.
    You can watch it online:
    It's not there yet, but it will be in a few days.

  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    Agree with the consensus here, hate I missed an episode of EMWE last night.
    You can watch it online:
    It's not there yet, but it will be in a few days.


    It's on free RIGHT NOW! =)
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    Options that's all i have to say :)


    i definitely prefer EMWE for many of the reasons cited above: it's about the physical and MENTAL transformation of one person throughout a year in their lives. they way it's produced feels a lot more real than BL. also, i much prefer chris powell's style of training to trainers on BL. he pushes his clients but he's caring and gentle (and cute!).

    i recently found out today through an unnamed source that a lot of unhealthy habits are endorsed in both of these shows: dehydration prior to weigh ins, cutting out of sodium, carbs, electrolytes, etc. before weigh ins so that the producers can "get the numbers." i honestly don't know what goes on behind the scenes and would be very disappointed if the very shows that are supposed to encourage us to lose weight healthfully are backing horrible and unhealthy practices.

    all that said and done, as a viewer, i much prefer EMWE. i don't like the cattiness and competition in BL. at all.
  • erhaak
    erhaak Posts: 1
    What was the tip from EMWE about a web-site you can go to and it will ask you a whole bunch of questions and you can figure out how many calories to eat to loss the weight???